KDT. Alice Woodstock Profil > Logbuch

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Sammy [18B-DW]
(Krait Mk II)
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Another site

I transferred my logs to another site, here I really don't know if someone like then and at Inara I can know that because of shiny button. Still updating my data to both sites, but my logbook will be only at Inara

Link to my new logbook

A lot of interesting things

Skaude RO-X d2-451 a system with 2 water wolrds and 2 earth-like wolrds, a shame it was not my discovery, but still worth a lot.

Flyiedge PZ-R b24-18 this one with 3 water wolrds, a very good luck, I think I'm gona stop at Rohini to deliver my data. A great discovery that could have my name atacched to it ^_^

Nyeajaae OO-P c22-24 a lonely water wolrd in a two star system :D

Rohini Arrived at Rohini but simply didn't stop at the station, sounds odd come from me that is not atacched to any strong political view but "Patrons of the Conflux" simply don't seem to be a good faction to deliver my data, I was hoping "Colonia Citzens Network" was in control of this system, but I was wrong. Tunrned away and plot my route to my passenger destination at the bubble (Tpen Slata). Better be with the federation for now. I'm already alied with Felicia Winters because is the only woman that is strong enough in the galaxy without been an Imperial. But maybe would be better to stay neutral. I hope the rest of the trip goes well.

Pyraleau+HZ-J a118-8 This part of the galaxy have a lot of red stars ploted in my route, I got almost no fuel when I arrived at this system. I'm a bit crazy but this time I think I'm risking a bit too much. Maybe is just add some tesion to this long trip, or my excessive confidence that I will be able to find a scoopable star with very little fuel every time, I'm usually driven by emotions that I don't understand

Low Fuel Display

After Rohini I basicall rush 150 jumps, I decided to mark my destination to Ebor to give my data to "Cobra Wing", it's a faction from a wing I sopport. They asked nicely to be part of their wing, I was already with the Silverbacks so I refused, The Silverbacks dont have a faction so, this data would be a nice gift to Cobra Wing. I can pay a high price for this decision if something goes wrong, I hope everything goes according to plan. Figers Crossed

Published from Drojeae KD-F a107-6

Nostalgic Dreams

After 2 days of exploring I was tired, I fainted at my ship's cockpit and realized that I needed to sleep. I was keep saying to myself "just one more jump". I found a lot of interesting planets to scan. Some water worlds,  ammonia worlds and even an earth-like world, but the time I finally stopped I turned off the systems and fell asleep at the ship's cockpit, without bothering to go to bed.

I usually fly listening musics that was created before year 2000, I don't know why I like this kind of music. I rarely listen to recent music. Maybe that's why I had such strange dream. With my ship controls in hand I was driving an old truck. Looked like a much heavier thing than my ship, the control was difficult, maybe because I was trying to control it with my ship's control instead of a proper wheel. But was a dream after all, with some practice I could drive this thing as much as good as I drive my SRV. I'm not a good driver anyway, and definitively I need to get better sleep before fly again.

PS: My first try to write this log simply vanish before I could publish, I hope at least I could got this registry right this time.

Published from Skaude MZ-M d8-240

Crazy Ideas

I decided to stop early, Gandharvi was a good destination, only 30 jumps detour and then I could repair my ship and recharge my Heat Sink Launcher. I used silent running despite there wasn't any security around. I was very anxious to put my ship in shape so that's why I decided to stop early. Sell all my data to the station. Instead of worrying about the control faction my biggest worry is to loose my ship with this data along the way. With that much exploration data better to put it safe sooner then trying to choose who will get it. I leave the station fast, better not risking be scanned. Landed safe at a planet with 1g gravity, this time I learned to take care and even if not seems to be necessary I used the same technique as it was a high g world, better not take any chances this time. From there I plot my destination directly to the bubble, don't need any more stops on the way.

I'm thinking of some crazy ideas, I'm planning of get an Orca ship to carry passengers. It seems to have better jump range the other ships except for Asp and Anaconda and I can use most of the primary modules that I already have on my Asp and jump range seems to be very close (at least with the information I research). With the Orca I don't need to get rid of my cargo hold to place a passenger cabin on it and I can use a better shield without sacrificing too much. I have to improve my ship after deliver the passenger, I know it can do much better with the right modules, but I didn't have such knowledge before I left. A lot of things to plan, new ships, new modules and deal with engineers , but first try to not make many mistakes until I get there.

"Alic3 5h" will continue to be my exploration ship, but with a dedicated ship for passengers I can prepare this ship with better modules and jump range, with a little more money I can get an Anaconda, but so many Anaconda's on almost all expeditions I think my little Asp would make a better impression. Usually there is a lot of fuel and repair rats, I can keep my Asp for exploring and take photos along the way. Since I keep almost all my ship's I can try to get an Anaconda later for solo exploration or even combat.

Another crazy idea is to carry some Hutton mugs all the way to Jaques Station at colonia sell it there and bring back some Jaques Quinentian Still, only for fun since after some distance prices doesn't increase. Nothing as crazy as throw Hutton mugs at Beagle Point but still looks like a funny thing to do . I really wish I could reserve some space for souvenirs outside my ship only to say I've been there, maybe in the future.

Published from Stuelou TO-O d7-3867

Careless Landing

I decided that in my travels I would land my ship at a planet before resting. Leave the ship floating in the universe doesn't seem the best way to stay safe. I face it as a challenge too. Landing is not an easy task, not very difficult either but sometimes I become careless. With a low g planet I was thinking nothing could go wrong, but I went down to fast and my ship got damaged. Only today I discovered that the AFMU can't repair my ship's hull. Now with 78% hull and I still have a long trip before arrive my destination at colonia.

I'm transporting a passenger, annoying thing is that he doesn't like to be scanned. Stop at a station is always a risk. I'm without any heat sinks I have to be fast. Deactivating shields to use silent running is tense. But I hope I can do it to repair my ship and recharge my heatsink launcher. My next stop is Rohini, around 300 jumps to get there. I have to be careful, another mistake can be fatal for me and my passenger.

Published from Blua Eaec PY-D a88-3

Distant Worlds 2

I registered for the DW 2 expedition. I don't know if I will have time to make it, but I think I can go. I need to upgrade my ship first, maybe even buy an Anaconda, but I will take care of my might Asp Explorer. Try to increase the jump range, before the expedition starts, gain enough money to do all things I want to. If I buy another ship I want to be sure that I can pay all fees and little accidents that may occur. Besides that I want to train more at combat. I wish I could teleport between my ships, at least from my combat ship to my explorer ship, continue doing things at the bubble while travelling so distant in the galaxy. Nothing is perfect.

Published from Eoch Flyuae DQ-Z c28-516

The End (Enigma Expedition day 14)

I arrived at Dove Enigma Megaship, very different from everything that I have encountered in the game. A very large ship with landing pads at the external side. Unfortunately it doesn't have many modules I could outfit my ship, I only recover what I already have so I get my passenger cabin again reducing my jump range to 30ly and my shields to 3B one. The end was a beautiful tribute to dove enigma, everyone thanks other commanders from this great expedition. I was very tired, but I'm glad I could make it, I made some friends that I hope to stay in touch even after this expedition. I need to rest a little so I decided to go back to the bubble. I got a passenger mission and I'm coming back with this passenger. Even if I fail I want to complete at least one of these missions. Drop at any station is a risk because my passenger wants to stay hidden. Maybe I try to make at least one or two stops to save my data and my ship.

Published from Eoch Flyuae DQ-Z c28-516

Everyone Tired (Enigma Expedition day 13)

Arrived at waypoint 15, was a not very long trip but I was so tired that I was fighting with my ship's control. Last jump of the trip I was trying to do a newtron star jump, but the computer systems of my ship miscalculated the fuel and I could't do the jump. Not that I was out of fuel but the maximum fuel per jump was exceeded. I had to recalculate the route without the neutron jump, but not after degrade my FSD trying to jump without knowing the exactly reason. I threw away a lot of heatsinks because of my confusion with the controls. But still manage to arrive at the station without destroying my ship. Landed at a planet for testing the turning flight assist on and off techinique and it worked very well. I had to see a video but basically consists in point the nose of your ship up after you finish gliding and flight assist off wait a second or two (verifying your speed) and turn on again various times until you hit the ground. It helps landing on high g planets, but even at normal planets I avoid to loose points of shield. I delivered my exploration data at the station and request to deliver my passenger cabin since another command was point out that Colonia doesn't have a lot of modules at disposal and I want to do at least one long passenger mission after finish this expedition.

Published from Kashyapa

Confusing Controls (Enigma Expedition day 12)

Spent this day exploring, trying to adapt to an upgrade of my ship's control. The controls feel much better but still getting used to it. After a feel damages to the hull I could fly as intended, now I only have to finish configuring my external camera controls. I come back to the waypoint 14 to meet with the other commanders, I heard a lot of explosions from commanders piloting her fighter ships. I still don't know what was happening but I become to think was some kind of recreative thing. After that we discussed about our favorite ships, I like some of then but none are really meaningful to me. But still I love my exploring asp, and I think after I buy an anaconda I gonna miss it. Contrary from other commanders I like the design that somewhat remembers a manta ray. I left the waypoint and jumped a few systems but was very tired continue my journey.

Published from Boewnst NT-Q c21-71

Another Careless Flight (Enigma Expedition day 11)

Together with a friend I explored all the way from waypoint 13 to waypoint 14, got more than 4 million of data, not bad. I docked at Polo Harbour, after I landed I left the station a bit distracted and landed too near the station. The security starts shooting and my ship was blown up while I was driving my SRV. The insurance of my ship was cheap compared to the data that was already sold so was not that bad.

After a while me and another commanders start to experimenting a lot with our SRVs landing at an orca ship. I wasn't able to "land" my SRV above the orca granted me a lot of funny failed landings getting stuck every time. I coudn't stop laughing. After that I manage to "land" above my own ship, an asp explorer with another commander. But with an error of how I control my SRV I confused the photo button with dismiss ship. We both lost our SRV the moment my ship starts gaining altitude. My SRV exploded above my ship and I was immediately teleported to my ship's cockpit. I apologize to the other commander he didn't mind, he have a lot of SRVs at disposal and I could recover mine inside the station. It was a very funny day at this expedition.

Like all Tuesdays I won't be able to fly today, but still looking forward to fly again with my friend and meet these commanders at the next waypoint.

Published from Boewnst KS-S c20-959