KDT. Kordred Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Diamond Lil [ba-55]
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Visit to HIP 15310

So I found QO4 and QO8-Type Anomalies. Please take this to heart, DO NOT try to cargo scoop these guys. Just admire them from a distance. I'd say at least 201m.

Hooligans hanging out

I spent the day engineering my clipper for mining. At several engineer bases, there are undesirables hanging out trying to kill people. Lucky this ship is so fast.


I'm back out here, jumping, jumping, jumping . . . My ship's bridge is so big now that I bought the Anaconda, but for some reason I just can't get myself out of the pilot's seat. Such a waste.

More jumping

Yeah, you guessed it, more jumping today. Except now I'm in the abyss, so its extra boring.

Lots of jumping today

Did lots of jumping today, landed on an ice moon. Nice view.

I finished reading the book I brought with me, I should've brought two.

It's lonely out here

I'm way out here It's so lonely I don't think my ship likes me anymore The coffee just isn't hot anymore Yesterday I felt like someone was in the seat on the deck below me, then he was gone after a few minutes, what is wrong with me?! Help!