KDT. jggiant12188 Profil > Logbuch

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(Imperial Cutter)
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Where we are most vulnerable

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

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Once, back in the 19th century, a doctor of some renown and a famous Detective were camping out in the wilderness. They pitched their tents beneath starry skies and retired for the evening. At some point in the night, the detective woke. Peering out into the void he came upon a startling revelation. In his excitement he shook the good doctor until he broke from Morpheus' grip.

"Watson!" He said, "Look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

Through tired eyes the doctor gazed across time and space, "I see... I see millions upon millions of stars."

"Yes, and what might we deduce from that?"

The doctor lay pensively upon the turf. After a moment he said, "Well, if there are millions of stars, it may be that some of those stars have planets. In which case, it's quite likely that some of those planets harbor life. This raises the question, are we truly alone in the universe?"

The detective marveled at his friend's intellect before ultimately saying, "Wrong, it means someone stole our tent."

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I like to kid and joke, but I mean it when I say trips like these are worth it. Only when we are surrounded by darkness do we truly appreciate the light. Or perhaps it's more accurate to say that in moments like these, we discover that light is inescapable.

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When you step out towards the far flung reaches of the Galaxy. It's natural to peer off into the thick rich blanket of darkness. You might see the light of a million galaxies lurking beyond the veil. Zoom all the way in and see with eyes unclouded our neighborhood. The Magellanic clouds, Andromeda, Triangulum.

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The road is long, the trip is tedious, and many ask why do we do it. For all of us the answer varies. Be it for the achievement, the solitude, or the thrill, one fact remains: We explorers are the odd bunch. Most go their whole lives without ever getting the itch to cross oceans or climb mountains. They don't know the perils of a journey. The doldrums between spiral arms, the shoals of Tenebrae, or the ceaseless desolation of Xibalba. Myself, I traverse the black because in the dark I feel the most vulnerable.

“I realized up there that our planet is not infinite. It’s fragile. That may not be obvious to a lot of folks, and it’s tough that people are fighting each other here on earth instead of trying to get together and live on this planet. We look pretty vulnerable in the darkness of space.”– Alan Shepard

So next time you venture out towards the fringe systems. Turn to our neighbors and wave, because in all probability someone just like you is waving back. The adventurer, the dreamer, the rebel, wanderer, romantic, or perhaps simply the curious. I'm not alone, and neither are you. They're waving from the black, and it's only good manners to wave back.

Or... you know we could be in a simulation. It's all fake! Corporations, profit, lizard men.

The Adventures continue - at https://inara.cz/cmdr/184483/

I'm Commander Grant, and this is my favorite site on the Internet. Not including *Cough* Hub.

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

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Lux in Tenebris

So vast the dark Ocean, her shimmering lights like frayed emotion, stifling despair with the new day's promise, "Our finest Hour" is now upon us. A day for us and posterity, a hope, a ray, I glean from thee. Behind this wall of uncertainty and doubt, there exists a fire that won't dare go out. What lies beyond the fractured veil, those who know not what course they sail, gather together and with one breath, in tandem cry, "embrace us, Death." But a silence, swift like a solar wind, answers back, "Do not give in!" As tides of time are always churning, the current swells, the table's turning! The well spring of my soul's rising, hope a torrent, and tears geysing. Death, you shall not Reap today, the seeds we've sewn are here to stay. Millennia from now, our garden growing, yielding a harvest, the fruits of knowing. Then on that day, we who here now stand, remembered as: The Guiding Hand. Shall be hailed as Saints, and Legends who, stood against the Darkness two by two. Come join me now, my Gallant Heroiness, join me at the precipice. Together, you and I will be, the leaders around whom the multitudes rally. You on the front, and I at your back, let the trumpets sound and odds against us stack! Then when the light shines, through the smoke and the haze, we who remain will shrug off our daze. We will rebuild, recapture, renew, and bid the darkness one last Adieu. And then, hands clasped with forged affinity, will forever more - embrace eternity.

~Liara x Fem-shep. sniff I also wrote a poem about Fem Shep and Thane titled, 'Siha wouldn't wanna be ya.'

To soon?

Recap: After parting ways with Bertuccio and Fortuna, Fred and I continued on to Magellan's Star. Along the way we came across plenty of interesting systems. Including the most photogenic system ever.

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Seriously who ever heard of a ringed Water world orbiting a gas giant???

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Okay so, mea culpa: There comes a point mid exploration where you stop caring about scanning and you just jump, jump, jump. For me that was realizing that I wasn't going to cross into Tenebrae at Dryman's Point. Instead I had to take a couple thousand light years detour to the shallows at Hawkins Gap. Then once I made it to Lyra's Song I resumed our regularly scheduled scanning. Now we're on the last leg of the haul up to the summit. The struggle is calculating my jumps as close as possible before I can no longer fly by wire-

Alarms sounded as the ship dropped out of supercruise. "Whoa fuck." Verity chastised him with a Hull Breach warning.

"What the hell is going on up there Grant?" Fred said over the intercom.

"That was my bad Fred. There was a targeting glitch: the computer thought I wanted to drop out of supercruise rather than engage the jumpdrive."

"Grant... your piloting is bad and you should feel bad. While we're stopped though I'm running diagnostics and field maintenance."

Grant heaved a dull sigh, "I suppose that means I should pull out my helmet."

"You don't have to, I can fly us back and tell everyone you died on the journey."

He gets like that. Fred Hepburn was originally the famous one in our group. He was known throughout the Federation as one of the best engineers out there. He could turn a shitty fighter into a frigate and a shitty frigate into a dreadnought. So one day I tried to approach him with an idea about turning a frigate into a large fighter. I called it project Normandy. The jerk wouldn't see me. I'd show up at his office day after day, make appointments. Nothing, never got in. Then undeterred I followed him to a bar where I got him drunk. We gambled, drank, gambled, recovered in an alley, then gambled some more. The next morning we awoke in a hole in the wall with four girls who smelled of cigarettes and poor life choices. Afterwards I never let him live that day down. Today he still grumbles when I walk in the room.

He secured his helmet, "How much longer?" Suddenly all the monitors went down and life support began its countdown. "You're a dick Fred."

Isabella and I have known each other since high school. She was the popular one then, wouldn't give me the time of day. Then one day a couple of guys were harassing her. So I puffed up my chest and started over to them. Before I could get to her she had already maced them and put them on their asses. So there I am just gawking at her when she turns to me and says, "You want some to?" My reward was a face full of mace. Afterwards I did everything I could to get her attention. Wrote her letters, sent her flowers, left a teddy bear in her locker, then she sicced security on me for breaking into her locker. I was in love. Finally one day she gives in and we're to meet up after school. There I am waiting when the goons from before show up bucking for a fight. I kicked their asses and told them to stay away from her. Then from the shadows she emerges and confesses that she blackmailed them into coming after me so that I'd leave her alone. But the fact that I stood up for her impressed her so much we ended up dating for real.

A month later we broke up. It wasn't a nice break up either, we were next level hateful towards each other. So we dropped out of touch for about six years. Then one day I'm reporting to Admiral Grom when I notice her out the corner of my eye. She's one of his secretaries how 'bout that shit? We ended up meeting for drinks and reconciling. Afterwards I gave her my number and told her to call me. After Yuri retired a year later she did. We've been in business together ever since.

"Getting hard to breath Fred." A minute left of life support. "Fred? Fred!" He watched the countdown get to thirty seconds. "Fred.... this isn't funny! Fred!!"

Fred finally reactivated life support, "There you pussy. I'd say we lost about 10% of our structural integrity with that boneheaded move you made. Kindly get good."

"I said I was sorry geez. My bad..."

To finish up: Vito Bertuccio was my underclassmen in cadet school. Little bastard made it his life goal to break every one of my records, then he surpassed me entirely. Ever since we've been fighting to stay ahead of each other.... Okay, okay, I've been the one fighting. But what I lack in his piloting skills, I more than make up for in charm, charisma, intelligence, attractiveness, and guile. One day I heard that he owed a certain criminal syndicate a hefty amount of money. So out of the kindness of my heart, hehehe, I decided to back him in taking them on. Well, it didn't go to well and we just about lost our lives in the process. Afterwards we fled to the Empire. And the rest is history. So in conclusion Fred gave up his celebrity status, a successful career as a Federation Engineer, and his partial ownership of Kooi Resort. Isabella, ever the materialist, gave up the federation. And I'm still AWOL, all because of my friendship with Bertuccio. Dammit Bertuccio.

Believe it or not that gas giant is within fuel scoop range of its host star.

Note: Believe it or not that gas giant is within fuel scoop range of its host star.

June 17th, 3305 - I'm so close! So close, yet so far dammit! At about three hundred and fifty light years I realized I didn't pack enough jumponeum. So we're going from planet to planet on a scrounge run. Hours and hours of fun filled scrounging in the Mako.

Eww, Fortuna sent me a gift! She really does care (Heart Emoji). She enrolled us in an Expedition close to home. The Apollo 11, something or other, Expedition. More of a Shepard fan than a Mike, Neil, or Buzz fan myself but kudos for caring.

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That's all for now. Fly safe out there Commanders,

~This is Grant signing off. N7... I mean o7

To Boldly Go Where Every Explorer Goes Eventually

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

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the final frontier.

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These are the voyages of the-

"Sued?!" Grant blinked, "Who filed the lawsuit?"

Captain's Log: A couple of weeks back we got sued by a very angry merchant guild. Can you imagine? They made us sound like pirates! I mean really who goes to a conflict zone for legal salvage? It's disrespectful, not to mention stupid. You know how they spun it? Search and rescue ops, they painted themselves as heroes. Assholes! Anyways, I told the magistrate that I can't be held responsible for a little indirect fire. Then he played back this 'manuscript of our comms channel'. Which, I mean, was obviously fabricated.

Cmdr jggiant12188 (12:21): So then he says to me 'I know you and Miss Landon find each other fascinating, but we’re not here to conduct a field experiment in human biology'. So I say to him-

{George Seers} 12:22 - Commander, cease and desist your aggression. We're here on-

Cmdr jggiant12188 (12:22): Die you separatist bastards! This is for Kircheis!

^^ See? Fabricated! I never make multiple SciFi references in the same post. I always stick to a single theme even if it kills me. At any rate, the court ruled in favor of the rat scoundrels and now I have to make up the money. So the whole company is going on an impromptu expedition. Bertuccio is taking his ship and I'm taking my Blue Lady. That's just how it is.

Serious log: Reached Norma expanse on our impromptu expedition. While waiting for Bertuccio who managed to run into car trouble a couple mile markers back, I decided to look in on a K something or other discovery. This search led to the remnant of a colossal supernova and its subsequent black hole system. Inside the rings of a dark gas giant I found not only sand spurs and mineral clusters, but also a strange new life-form. It's marked as a K02-Type anomaly. Easily the strangest thing I've come across since that lightning storm in space that led to the destruction of Vulcan. (Serious log, Supplemental) Interacting with the strange new life, and apparent civilization (cluster), I noticed that my sensors went haywire. Also while maneuvering my ship around to get a closer look I accidentally hit one of them and the strangest thing happened. Instead of becoming cosmic road-kill they bounced my ship like a pinball. What a strange and inordinate discovery. Science on my wayward sons.

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Seriously Serious Log, Star-date 3305.5.19 - After reaching rendezvous point 1, the Devil's Dance-floor, we took selfies and a lunch break aboard the blue lady. I believe by this time tomorrow we'll have reached Deep Space 9, I mean Explorer's Anchorage. Once we get done playing around Sag A we're going to chart a long course to Magellan's star, followed by a turn back towards the Crab Nebula, then finally Episode IV: The Voyage Home. (Seriously Serious Log, Supplemental) Found a space mushroom, an intriguing find to be sure. I'd heard about space shrooms from other Commanders but I never believed the stories. They... sing. A strange noise registered on my sensors and it sounded like singing. Fucking nirnroots. Sadly Bertuccio wasn't there to corroborate my observation, and Fred was too busy trying to patch up the hull with his team to spare me a moment. I swear I wasn't high when I heard it.

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Commanders Log, Final Supplemental - The company made 104 million after we sold our exploration data at Explorer's Anchorage, minus the money owed from the lawsuit. Looking back I love how you can see Sag A* from anywhere in the system. Lastly we banked our profits, snapped a few pictures, then pressed on to the Center where Bertuccio and I took a few more selfies before splitting up again. He'll be returning to the bubble with Fortuna while Fred and I make our way out into the beyond.

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Fortuna favors the Rich

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

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Isabella's vacation ended. To some this would have been a lamentable occasion, but not to her. After all she is a Grade A for **** workaholic, and the only reason she ever agreed to take a vacation was to satisfy the board of directors. So that morning the sun shined a little brighter on Cubeo 3. Stepping outside she took in the breathtaking scenery of the countryside one last time. The caressing breeze set the trees to dance, the bees hummed to the song of spring, and the birds sang cheerfully. However, none were more cheerful than she when the idyllic cacophony was cut off by the shuttle that came to pick her up and take her back to the station.

Once clear of the atmosphere she turned to her internal GUI Augment, opened up the music settings and set 'emotion detection' to active. Nutcracker: Act I, No. 8 "Waltz of the Flowers" started playing in her auditory cortex.

After touching down on Chelomey Orbital, she first checked in with Engineer Hepburn who had just finished modifying their new flagship the Crimson Eridanus. Then she floated over to the coffee shop where she met her 10 o'clock, Bei Huang of the Imperial Auxiliary Division. An hour later she waltzed into the office and checked up on Vito's latest bounty hunting conquests. Finally she set about updating the ledger. The office was empty and she was at peace.

That's when the door to GIANT SURVEY, LLC opened up and for the first time in a month she saw her callous boss who gleefully shouted, "O Fortuna!" Her play list tuned and Carmina Burana replaced the Nutcracker as her eyes narrowed.

"Grant." She said coolly.

"Fortuna... no, Isabella. While I was away I had plenty of time to think."

'Ugh, here we go...' she thought.

He got down on one knee, "I know I was a jerk to leave the way I did." She ignored him and continued typing. "You are an asset to this company, the rock we are built on. Without you there is no us. But Isabella, to me you are so much more."

She raised an eyebrow, "Grant?"

"Isabella listen. A wise woman once said, if you really like it you should put a ring on it."

Horror washed over her face when he reached into his pocket, "Grant wait!"

Before she could protest further he pulled out a hologram of the planet THAILOIQQ-B D14 80 9, a ringed Earth-Like, "So here you go, I named it after you: Fortuna 500!"

Despite her best efforts she giggle-snorted.

"Ha! I win."

She took the hologram from him and checked the ring's composition, "No diamonds? I feel cheated somehow." She remarked sarcastically.

He grinned, "Its got void opals baby, they're more expensive, and as a bonus," He pulled out a void opal with a fiery luster and handed it to her, "they accurately reflect the warmth of my luvv for you."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine you win. This time I'll forgive you, but I'm keeping the stone. Next time find me one with diamonds and sapphires."

"It's yours, but why do you want a belt with those two?"

"Because they're my birthstones." She said sweetly.

"Okay," he shrugged, "I'll keep an eye out. Speaking of mining I'm thinking about making my next project an exploration/mining Cutter. What do you think?"

She blinked, "Can't you get more jump-range out of your Anaconda?"

"Yes... but-"

"-I get it, you get more cargo out of a cutter. Fine, I'll endorse your project."

He scoffed, "Actually I was going to say the seats are more comfortable, but your reason sounds better."

"Go do some work!"

He winked and headed up to his office while Fortuna hummed "Che Galida Manina".

Bursting Bubbles, and other diversions

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

"So this happened. If only Orpheo's Hope had guns, I'd have likely died.

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Commander's log (3305-3-1) - Bureaucracy and tedium have kept me grounded for.... what day is it? Two weeks? For the love of L. Ron! Someone save me from this woman! She keeps forcing me to do stuff, like... work. What's more she has insisted that we work more on engineering and putting our new Corvette together. I don't wanna kill Crab people, or people people, or run missions for the Empire, or do anything really. I just wanna binge watch movies and sail around the Galaxy.

He left Chelomey Orbital at 9:10 on the Fifth of March. Fortuna glared at him from the holographic display, "You had better not try anything Grant."

"Ye of little faith."

"I've ordered that the Blue Lady stay on lockdown. The Sirius subsidiaries, as well as anyone associated with Aegis's port authority, have all been instructed to not authorize payments larger than ten million without the CFO's express consent. DO NOT TRY TO RUN AWAY!"

"For the record, this is my company and I don't understand how you managed to sieze control over my assets!"

She laughed menacingly, "No, you're the CEO and Founder, but the shareholders defer to my judgement on spending, and yours on direction."

"I want our direction to be exploration dammit! Now what's your excuse?"

"Because if the Thargoids attack the station we lose all of our assets and become insolvent." She added with an air of superiority, "What's more we'll make up our losses on the warship with tax incentives from supporting Aegis."

"I... I don't care we're reversing course and returning to our original goal. Executive override is now in effect, release the Blue Lady and have Bertuccio and Hepburn meet me within the hour."

"No," she said casually.

"But I'm the CEO!"

"Yeah, and I have all the money."

He at last collapsed into his chair at the peak of exhaustion. "I'd fire you if this was my company."

She grinned smugly.

"I should be back by noon. Lunch is Mexican today."

"I hate mexican!"

"Ohh, I know..." His eyes danced with the unrepentant menace of a hypernova.

She pouted but gave him his petty victory, "Fine... I'll see you back here at noon."

After ending the transmission he set course for Malina, "I'll show you who has the money!"

"Lakon Juliet-Golf-Golf, Federal flight control is now online. Please submit a docking request before attempting to access the station."

"Yo! Kooi Resort, the swankiest binary star system this side of the bubble!"

"...Anonymous access granted," the flight controller dropped to a whisper, "Grant?! What are you doing back here?"

"Long time no speak, patch me through to Haas, you guys still got my Asp X impounded? I'm gonna need that back."

"Zachary Hudson never rescinded the kill order on you my brother." Brady Haas appeared on the holographic interface, his face was showing new signs of aging. "You are still persona non grata in the Federation."

"Brady, have you ever read the Legend of the Galactic Heroes? It's an old book by Yoshiki Tanaka, an Author from the Golden Era."

He sighed, "Yes... and I suppose you're going to compare President Hudson with Job Trunicht? Spare me, you're as much Yang Wen-li as I'm Alex Caselness."

"No... the closest you're going to find to Yang Wen-li would be Yuri Gromm."

Haas scoffed, "No, Yuri Gromm is the love child of Vladamir Putin and Che Guevarra. At the age of 15 they were already calling him Big Boss."

Grant scratched his head, "I got the first reference, do I get half credit?"

Haas exclaimed, "Big Boss? The man who sold the world? Naked Snake? You never played Metal Gear?"

"I need nano-machines."

"Hah! Exactly!"

Grant shook his head, "No, dispatch nano-machines I damaged my hull on landing. Also do me a favor and patch me through to Interstellar Factors. I need to clear the Cassiopeia from impound."

Haas sighed, "Are you and Fortuna arguing again?"

"Mind your own damn business!"

"When are you gonna marry that girl?"

Grant cringed, "When Malina A and B tear each other apart I'll consider it."

"If you say so. Patching you through, fly safe out there Grant."

Commander's log (3305-3-5) - I paid all the fines on the Cassiopeia, my first exploration ship, and carted her over to Stopover where I stripped her down and traded her for a Krait Phantom. There's just something about a Phantom that I find so... sexy. Anyways I put the retrofitted jump drive and as many of the pieces and parts back on the new Cassiopeia then I took her over to Lembava where I filled out the rest. Have I mentioned that the new Cassiopeia is sexy as all hell? And the best part is it's faster and easier to handle, even if it's lacking in the original's jump capacity. Now I'm debating on where to go. Normally I'd have Bertuccio accompany me, but there's no way he'd choose loyalty over invoking Fortuna's ire. What's more, without Fortuna to finagle me some contracts I'm really gonna be in trouble if there's no point to my excursion. I need to think and I've got... hmm, not long. (Supplemental) I'm on my way to Colonia! Engineer Mel Brandon lives out that way and it's the perfect excuse for my excursion. I hope Fortuna chokes on the Mexican back at the office. Eww shit, before I leave I need to stock up on provisions... and Limpets. I'll lay over at the Lagoon Nebula. It'll give me a chance to look back and flick off the bubble before I continue on to Colonia.

"I'm gonna miss Cassiopeia I, she was a good ship."

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"Here's to you Cassiopeia I, So long and Farewell!"

If anyone comes across my log and wants to keep track of my journey feel free to send a Friend Request. See you in the black, Space Cowboys.


Rebel Scum, Empire Strikes Back (at the Thargoids), and Return of the Giant Survey, LLC chronicles

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

Commanders log (3305-1-24) - We've made it! The void... it called and I answered. There's surprisingly little out here. To most explorers this sector, and others like it, might be considered the edge of the map. Well, here be dragons. Wait, I can't feel my legs! They won't move, I can't get up. Help!

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Commander's log (3305-1-25) - So apparently there was this coup attempt in the Empire that went no where, most likely because - you know - we want to fight Aliens not each other. Stupid short sighted narcissistic... no seriously I can't feel my legs anymore, how long have I been sitting here?

Commander's log (3305-2-1 - Chelomey Orbital) - Gravity!!! It feels so wonderful! I can stand again. I'm going to spend some time on land for a while. Fuck space.

Commander's log (3305-2-1; approx 3 hours later) - So my next voyage will likely be back towards the center.... no I lied, I want to see the Crab Nebula. No passengers this time though, I hate passengers.


Mehhh!!!! Fortuna won't let me leave! Something about incursions and mankind needing to stick together to combat the Thargoids. I don't wanna fight anyone, flower flying crab people included! I'm formerly a rear-Admiral in the Federation, I've done my fighting, I've ferried my soldiers, I've done my fair share dammit!

"Went looking back through my old war pictures. Enjoy!"

-Killing time, stationed on Earth-

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-Waiting to deploy, time to take a Selfie-

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-Killing Separatists-

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-Still Killing Separatists-

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"Yeah... war, it never changes."

Commander's log (a week later!) - I did as her majesty Princess Fortuna ordered and ferried people out of burning stations, even spent money on two new ships: The Atlas (this beautiful type 9 heavy), and Orpheo's Hope (Beluga Liner I designed for maximum people haulage). But was that enough? Ohhh no, she want's Hepburn and I to come up with a ship design to go into combat with. Matter of fact why is her consent necessary for me to launch MY ships? (Later) So I'm going to build a really, really powerful Corvette. Fred and I think it will cost us something like another two or three hundred million, a crap ton of raw mats, and perhaps a season or two of ass kissing. Luckily we'll likely also need exploration data at some point so once we get the first two, I'll get what I want - a voyage by myself.

Final Commander's log (3305-2-18) - So far we've stripped and sold my old combat Anaconda, the Star Destroyer, and used the money from the sell to buy a Corvette at Lembava. My working name for it is Star Destroyer II, but Fortuna is worried we'll get sued if we don't come up with something else. Bertuccio took my Krait Phantom, the Hayabusa Maru (It means Falcon Circle/Millenium in Japanese I think?), and is currently mining somewhere near Alderan. Meanwhile I'm running cargo to the Witch Head Science Centre with Fred as my co-pilot and Princess Fortuna as my irritating passenger. Now don't get me wrong, in small doses I can tolerate Fortuna. She's kept the company going, she's basically my adopted little sister who I've known for years... but please kill me. Between her constant nagging, and Fred's loud chewing (I've taken to calling him Chewey by the way, that's how frikkin loud it is) ... ugh, I don't know I'm just at my wits end.

Supplemental: It's actually Aldebaran, not Alderaan... Aldebaran.

Veritable discovery

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

"That was a close one." Commander Grant said nonchalantly after the last of the two Thargoid interceptors were destroyed.

"Nice job commander," Bertuccio said earnestly, "It's an honor and a privilege to serve as your first mate! I wish I had your piloting skills sir!"

"Yes, yes."

"Commander!" Fortuna exclaimed, "You saved the company! Thank you!"

"All in a days work."

"Commander," Chief Engineer Hepburn saluted, "She's a fine ship, piloted by a fine commander sir!"

"As you were."

"Commander..." Said the seductive English voice of Jacqueline Meyers. "Even though Yessenia abandonded ship during the fight and was abducted by Thargoids, I never doubted for an instant that you would pull us through."

"Yes, a tragic loss. So how's about you and I celebrate my victory in my cabin. I have a fine bottle of 3285 Cabernet Sauvignon from the Nova Bordeaux region of Cubeo."

The bridge melted away and on a sunny beach they found themselves alone and indulging in each other's company.

"Commander, please." She trembled, face flushed.

"Say it again," he teased mercilessly, "you know what I want to hear."

She leaned in until her mouth was touching his ear then whispered, "Frame shift drive, charging."

"Yeah it is," he murmered in his sleep.

Vito, who had been piloting for the last hundred jumps, shook his head. "Hey Commander! This is my last jump, wake up!"

He stirred awake just as they entered witchspace, "Aargh! Fuck me what time is it?!"

"That's a hundred jumps commander, now it's your turn."

He stretched out a yawn, "Exploration needs a snooze button."

Commander's Log (3305-1-14) - I'm so bored! 215 systems only one worth noting: Flyiedge VZ-T C5-21. An uninteresting system with two legrange point Sandspurs and a bunch of geological features. Otherwise a whole lot of nothing. We made our stop at Rohini and miss Meyers made her scans of the planets. Now we're about-

"Ewww!" Grant exclaimed while looking through the FSS Periscope.

Bertuccio had strapped in to the co-pilot seat and was about to doze off, "What," he grunted, "what happened."

"Over by that enormous nebula is a smaller blue nebula. I'm about to alter course after I get done scanning."

Bertuccio pulled up the galaxy map and looked around. "Found it, Blaa Hypa LD-S e4-130. It's a singularity, good find Commander!"

"I assure you Bert, someone else found it before us. Still though, it's a perfect picture opportunity! My office is a little too spartan for my liking."

"Enjoy!" - from the crew of the Blue Lady.

enter image description here

Another day at the office

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

On the agricultural hub of Cubeo - Chelomey Orbital, at the bottom of C-Block. Exhaust vents from the water pumps produce a murky atmosphere for its denizens. Coupled with the staccato of dripping pipes and unhurried footsteps are the sounds of smooth jazz coming from the nightclub on 7th avenue. On trade street a block up stands a pre-Henson era office building. Thoroughly lacking in ostentation like its neighbors, this simple edifice still sports a realtor's hologram. "For sale or rent, call Émilie Maisonpierre"

'The office is now under new management?' Chat the neighbors on their commutes, 'Some Federation ex-patriot who saw the light of our Empire and moved here last week.' A neon sign out front reads in big bold letters: GIANT-SURVEY, LLC: Cartographic and frontier surveying at cheap prices.

Isabella arrived that morning at 8:30 surprised to find the door already unlocked and the lights on in the back office. "John?" Surprise turned to anger when a cloud of smoke smacked her in the face. "For the last time John, THERE'S NO SMOKING IN HERE!"

John for his part was staring at a galaxy map with blood shot eyes and a pipe dangling from his lips, "The Void!"


"The Void! That's where I'm going next!"


"Fortuna! Find me some customers that will follow this flight path. I'm taking the via Collonia then turning to the Scutum-Centaurus Arm, with the ultimate goal being... the Void." He looked ominously off into the distance.

She shook her head and sighed, "I'll make some coffee."

By 11 o'clock about ten different offers were on John's desk but he turned down almost all of them. "Boring, boring, more boring, seen it, boring. Really... the 'Grey Sector' again? Boring! Dammit Fortuna!"

"For the love of Hubbard John! Just pick one, we need to keep the lights on don't we?"

He sighed heavily, "Fine, send me the most expensive one you've got, and an interesting one no matter how cheap."

Without missing a beat she ran in and slapped a folder on his desk, "This one, and give me a few minutes to finish up negotiations with the other one."

He flipped through the dossier to the expenditure page, "Fifty million?! What is this a binary black hole?"

"No it's 'Cool Blue' again." She said with a smirk.

"I hate you."

"Some people have more money than sense."

He knew that remark was mostly directed towards him. "I'm heading over to the space port, could you have Bertuccio meet me there?"

"Yeah, yeah, but before you go. Have you ever been to a place called Rohini?"

"Not... that I can recall."

"Good, as you were then."

He looked at her crosswise, "Where is it?"

"Over near Summer Star actually."


Summer Star, more colloquially known as the system we got paid twice for, is the company's first Garden World discovery. It sits on the edge of Orion's Spur, on the via Collonia.

"Well whatever, have the contractees meet me back here after lunch around 1:30 and we'll set departure for 11 tomorrow morning."

"You got it boss!"

Chief Engineer Hepburn stared bullets through John, "You want to take this tub on a 120 to 140,000 light year trip? Are you high!"

"Come on Fred, she can handle it."

"Not without repair limpets she can't, and we can forget about contractees surviving the journey. Unless you have Bertuccio do the piloting."

"What!" John said taken aback, "Are you trying to say I'm a bad pilot?"

"I don't have to, your record speaks for itself."

"Just get the ship ready!"

Vito Bertuccio walked up and saluted, "Commander, Isabella said you wanted to see me?"

"First officer! Let's grab lunch, tomorrow we're setting sail for the edge of the map!"

Back at the office Isabella greeted Jackie Meyers with a smile, "How are you? I'm Isabella!"

"Nice to meet you in person! I'm Jackie. I'm a little early I know."

"Not at all! We're so glad that you've chosen Giant-Survey. It's not everyday we get to play host to a famous explorer such as yourself and Ms. Wagner."

"Wait... did you say Wagner?" Jackie's face went white.

"That's not a problem is it? We often hire out to multiple contractees on long voyages."

"Just a small rivalry, nothing more. It shouldn't be a problem as long as we can avoid one-another. I'm in it for the discovery, she's in it for the money."

Isabella bit back an ironic laugh, "I see, well then you'll likely get along great with the Commander as he often puts discovery before profit. The good news is we'll have both your teams in opposite compartments. First class accommodations of course, we spare no expense. You'll only see each other if you choose to do so."

"Perfect, that is ideal! So when does the Commander usually return from lunch?"

Isabella directed her to the conference room. "He usually gets back at 12:30, 1 o'clock thereabouts." Jackie's eyes lingered for a time on the Commander's door which read in elaborate script; Sir John "Giant" Grant. "I assume you're eager to sign the paperwork before Ms Wagner gets here?"

"Yes. I know it's a bit tacky."

"Not at all!" Isabella insisted, "Sometimes it's best to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Believe me, we know that better than most."

"Ohh?" She inquired, "Was the move to the Empire not of your choosing?"

"The answer to that is a bit complicated I'm afraid. So i'll just say we are far happier here. More glamor and less glitz."

Jackie changed the subject, "So what about the nickname, 'Giant', where does that come from?"

Isabella rolled her eyes, "The company joke is that John's compensating for something. But the truth is far less interesting. That ugly neon sign outside used to say 'Grant-Survey' but the 'r' kept going out so everyone assumed it spelled Giant. Finally the day came that he adopted the assumed name over the original."

"Wow, that was a boring story."

She heard the door open at reception, "Is that-"

"Hey Bella we're back! Have you eaten?"

She sighed with relief, "-Speak of the devil. I'll bring him in here to meet you and we'll try to get you out of here before one."

"Thank you!"

"John," Isabella saw Vito blush when she appeared, "John I've got miss Jackie Meyers in the conference room."

John checked his holographic watch, "I thought I said 1:30?"

"Yes well, as it turns out she and our 50 million dollar honey pot hate each other. So let's have her sign the paperwork then get her out of here quickly."

John looked down at his takeout bag, "....But Greek."


"But Mousakka and Tzatziki covered pork skewers."

Bertuccio shook his head, "Come on Commander, money is more important."

"I beg to differ!" Both Isabella and Vito glared at John. "Fine! Since you're both adamant about this."

The meeting augured well until, to Isabella's horror, John and Jackie took a liking to each other. Thirty minutes passed as she found herself checking her watch and trying but failing to get the two back on track. Then the inevitable happened.

"Was that the door at reception?" John checked his watch, "Well I'll be, it's 1:25."

"Yes," Isabella said through gritted teeth, "Must be Miss Wagner your 1:30."

"Well drat," exclaimed miss Meyers, "I had hoped to avoid her, but I guess it can't be helped."

"...Anymore." Isabella said under her breath, "I'll go stall her, would you two please stay on topic?"

"We'll be quick miss Fortuna. Commander I do have a request before we proceed?" Isabella left and closed the door behind herself.

"Of course, whatever you want."

"You cannot let her know why I'm aboard. Luckily Rohini is one of the few points along the Via Collonia that's inhabited. So if asked could you say that we're in the system for a courier contract or something?"

"Miss Meyers, didn't you know I have family in Rohini?"

She beamed, "Thank you Commander."

Before greeting Yessenia Wagner, Isabella tracked down Bertuccio. "Vito!"

Vito jumped to attention at his desk. "Isabella, I-"

"-Vito, go make sure John and Jackie stay on course and get through the paperwork. Then when they're done make sure you keep her out of sight of Yessenia."

"I... I can do that."

"If you don't we're out 50 million." She did a quick about-face and straightened herself up on the move. "Ms. Wagner! I'm Isabella, it's so nice to meet you!" Before she even opened her mouth to respond Isabella knew she was going to be a bitch.

"I don't like being kept waiting. Ms Fortuna is it?"

Isabella feigned a sympathetic bearing, "I'm terribly sorry Ms. Wagner, we are currently in a meeting that is just going on and on! But, as we both know, your time is precious and we don't want to waste it-"

"Yes it is," the smug bitch reiterated.

"-So luckily I've already drawn up most of the paperwork. If I can go ahead and get you to begin filling that out for me."

After about five minutes of chatting she began to lose all hope when Vito finally peaked around the corner and gave her a thumbs up. "Okay! I think we're about ready for you now Ms. Wagner. If you will step this way." With apprehension she checked the conference room to see if John or Jackie were around. "Okay! So if you will take a seat, I'll go get the commander and we'll go from there."

Like clockwork, one door closed and another one opened. "Thank you again Commander for your staff's discretion. I look forward to our trip tomorrow."

"The pleasure is all mine, miss. Come along and I'll show you out."

"John!" Isabella whispered, "John let's go!"

"The world is conspiring against me this afternoon." He joked.

"John! We can't keep her waiting!"

"You should go commander, I'll show myself out."

"Ms. Meyers will be a welcome companion," He said after the meeting, "That Wagner bitch though, I might end up spacing."

"If you sleep with or space one of our clients I'll put a 50 million credit bounty on you." She started filing the paperwork, "Still, I'm actually glad you two are leaving for a couple of weeks. Maybe I can actually get some work done around here."

"I didn't realize I was paying you that much."

Vito handed them plates and began meting out food, "Did you even bother telling them where you're ultimately going? Or that you intend on staying outside the bubble for an extended period of time?"

"Slipped my mind."

Isabella rolled her eyes. "As long as you get them back before a month has passed we'll get paid. That's why once they signed and dated the contract agreement I no longer care if they see each other or not."

"Well," Vito yawned, "if they're worth their salt as explorers they'll be okay with an extended voyage."

John took a bite out of his food, "Cold... of course."

Which road to take?

Author's Note: I intend on having fun with this 'logbook' so enjoy the fruits of a bored yet active imagination.

In the words of that great 20th Century philosopher Denis Waitley: "Everything is something you decide to do, and there is nothing you have to do."

Truer words were never said. For one day I decided to buy my Knighthood, and the next day I did. Bought and paid for, making me an Imperial aristocrat. Possibly every bit as useless as the rest. Still though, of all the Galactic personalities I find Arseling's to be the most compelling. So I'll 'support' her campaign for the time being, but only at a distance.

The black is calling to me once more. I can feel the arms of the Milky Way beckoning me to ride them into her heated embrace. It's unfortunate that I missed the enrollment period for that illustrious undertaking of which the news boards are raving. What better way for a nouveau riche Aristocrat to while away his days, than to embark on a perilous expedition into the unknown?

So now I ponder on which road I should take. An endeavor made all the harder since there's truly nothing at stake. Perhaps I'll coyly resist the Milkyway's charms and head off towards Magellan's Star. Then when she thinks I've resisted her advances I'll on my own terms allow her to pull me in.

Or maybe I'll flick her off and head further out into the black. I hear the Crab Nebula is nice this time of the millennium.

We'll see....