KDT. Sea Beast Profil > Logbuch

Aktuelles Schiff:
Bumble BEE [beast]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Mitglied seit:
Übermittelte Entfernungen:
Besuchte Systeme:
Zuerst entdeckte Systeme:
7.924.776.053 Cr
Now that I'm here...

Thank goodness there is civilization this far out. Seems the choices I made for my travels were not well thought through.

Bringing all this mining equipment was really of no help. The plan is easy. Fix the ship, get some rest and find the engineers for some mods while I'm here and then see where to next.

Made it to Colonia

Finally, I made the jump to Colonia. The ship is at 70% integrity. The jumping after jumping seems to have gotten the best of me and I got distracted. Note to me: DO NOT READ EMAILS WHILE JUMPING!!!

I received about 150 million credits for exploration. Found a large number of new systems, a lot of water worlds, and even 3 Earth-like planets.

In any case, I'm here. Now I need to look around and do some business before moving on. I'm not sure when or where I will go next. However, I am sure an adventure awaits.

I will need to refit the Winter Boom differently when moving. Do not need mining equipment Do not need the storage full of limpets Do not need collector limpets DO NEED ARU and repair limpets!!! This might even increase the jump range and decrease the number of jumps required.

Halfway to Colonia

Hit the halfway point on my way to Colonia. The ship is at 97% integrity. The first few jumps via the neutron highway took its toll. I decided that it would be better for the ship, and thus me, to just jump normally. Nonetheless, the FTL is starting to act up. Not taking an auto-repair unit was not the best of choices.

The good side is that I have racked up about 70 million credits in exploration. Found a few water worlds and even an Earth-like planet. Unfortunately, I could not land and look around.

Starting to wonder if this was a good idea. We will see what happens next...