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Van-Helsing [NS4 R2]
(Asp Explorer)
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heading into deeper water - part 3, the return journey.

12.04.3307 having spent awhile at EXPLORER'S ANCHORAGE and visiting the nearby detention centre that is located in another system, although why they need a detention place is beyond me. I have decided to resume the return journey back towards the bubble. that was a few days ago and several system scans back, nothing of real value so far except the usual rock and ice planets with the occasional water world but it all adds credits to the account and is worth scanning even if it takes a little longer to do. the current course that is plotted is towards a nebula designation unknown but star BOEPP UK-A A104-2 is the one I have plotted to inside it. from there I will head towards a second nebula.

13.04.3307 scans have located an ammonia world WEPUE TO-O D7-1939 A 3 A has a mix of ammonia and oxygen with a half gee gravity, it also has a carbon/ammonia based life, probably only single celled organisms. the ship has just crossed over into the EMPYREAN STRAITS sector from the GALACTIC CENTRE sector...the time is 20.15, the codex reports strange guardian sites in this sector.

25.04.3307 I start this log entry on a good note, the other night as I dropped out of supercruise the scans indicated an earth like world. I made for its location and confirmed it planet MYLAIFAI IW-U D3-7275 4 was indeed an earth like. It has a surface temperature of 275K with no volcanic activity, the atmosphere is made up of 68.8% Nitrogen and 31.1% Oxygen. It orbits about its parent star every 632.9 days and has a rotation of .5 days. from the cockpit there appears to be several large land masses with a temperate climate.

28.04.3307 Two days ago the VAN-HELSING crossed into the NORMA ARM sector, I am less than 15 jumps away from the plotted destination. Scans have located a planet with two biological life points of interest on it BOEPP GU-A C29-1022 2. The life signs are Bark Mounds.

29.04.3307 New scans have located more biological signals in the next system I jumped into, two planets BOEPPKT-B B58-26 A 2 and BOEPP KT-B B58-26 A 3. heading for the latter world which is a high metal content world. 5 signals have pinged back from the surface scan, on closer look they are Bark Mounds again. Data collected and course resumed. final plotted destination has been reached, no planets within the current system. It is a 'T' class brown dwarf star of 4,710 million years age and surface temp of 703.00k. deciding not to linger as there is nothing else of note here, a course for home and the bubble is plotted and laid in, it has been decided that given the news on Galnet about the sister ship to the Adamaster and the beacon on board her to swing by the Chukchan system first as it is closest at 16,600 ly.

09.05.3307 The VAN-HELSING just crossed into the Norma Expanse sector at 19.40 hours earth standard time. the last few weeks have been extremely uneventful with regard to planets and geological signals, the ship is performing very well with little to complain about. the Galnet news items that feed through have got me a little worried that a war may be looming on the horizon, only time will tell.

19.05.3307 The ship has crossed over into the Inner Scutum-Centaurus arm sector, the journey so far is very mundane with little to do other than scan planets none of which offer much geologically. The Thargoids have returned in a big way and invaded several areas back in the Bubble.

21.05.3307 The VAN-HELSING has just entered the Inner Orion Spur sector, this is the final part of my journey. Only this sector to almost cross to reach the bubble which lies almost on the other side of this sector, I say only as there is a lot of Thargoid fleets between here and there and the news states that they are following a megaship that is heading for Sol.

01.06.3307 Discovered several nice planets but they were not really note worthy, most contained materials worth mining but not much else, nearly home now and that megaship is still heading towards earth....the news says that they are going to attempt to offload their cargo of Guardian artifacts and hope that the Thargoids let them be as they jump to earth, i'm not convinced it will work to be honest. have made a decision that on return to the bubble i will pick a home system to work from, the current front runner is the VIRAWN system as it is independent and only 7 thousand population.

04.06.3307 Let's start with the big news.....GalNet report that the megaship carrying the Guardian tech which was due to be unloaded when they reached a penal colony before heading to earth, never made it. They report that the ship offloaded all the independent pilots before making the jump but never reached its final destination. It is believed that the megaship was possibly hyperdicted by the Thargoids en route, over 4 thousand people were on board, i feel that the ship will eventually turn up but missing its crew...we will see if i am right or not. On a lighter note after consulting long range scans i doubt the VIRAWN system will suffice as home, it looks like it could be LANSBURY instead.

05.06.3307 Have finally chosen a home system the TARAS system and its orbital station SCHMITZ GATEWAY. All ships are currently in the process of being shipped over to the station. The station is in a high security system with high tech and is situated at 40k ls away from the entry point into the system so usually takes around ten mins to reach the station and no fleet carriers either. the current controlling faction of PLOID is not very good so i am working to instate the Taras Progressive Party or TPP for short into power.

heading into deeper water - part 2

20.03.3307 After much soul searching, it is with a heavy heart that I alter course of the VAN-HELSING. After repeated attempts at trying to plot a route to the third waypoint towards Beagle Point, I have concluded that the ships FSD needs more engineering to allow jumps of a farther range than its current 31 light years. so I have now plotted my course for TEGNIO DQ-R B10-14 in the ARCADIAN STREAM sector before heading back to the bubble to further engineer the drive, then I will try again to reach this furthest point. Saddened to be turning back but happy as this is the farthest out I have been.

22.03.3307 New course is working well, have found several rocky and ice worlds along with some very nice looking gas giants. some of the larger ice planets I have set down on and gathered materials. All systems appear to be working well as the ship heads on a lateral course across the galaxy to the chosen sector before I turn on a homeward direction. Once back at sol the costly business of transporting all my ships to once place will begin, it will make switching ships easier.

23.03.3307 Nice to see that the universal postal service is still running well even out here, only this morning a postal limpet tracked down the I-dent of my ship and docked delivering 3 antique books. one by a well known (in the late 21st century) celebrity, and the other two by the well known historian Drew Wagar, they sit proudly on a shelf in my cabin and will be read during down time. this new route goes well and I have already discovered 2 Neutron stars and a smattering of water worlds, I have diverted the VAN-HELSING to investigate a nearby nebula that is along the planned route.

30.03.3307 It's been several days since my last entry. the VAN-HELSING is performing well and has scanned several types of world. discovered about half a dozen neutron stars and a few water worlds. a few days ago we crossed into the RYKER'S HOPE sector from IZANAMI, on the last jump the system had 3 ammonia worlds, one was mapped but the other two were too far to travel towards and so were left for another time.

1.04.21 the ship has just crossed over into the ODIN'S HOLD sector from RYKER'S HOPE, have noted that there is a lot of neutron stars out here unscanned and that plenty of the gas giants ring systems have lots of pristine reserves.

5.04.21 The other day we crossed over from ODIN'S HOLD into the GALACTIC CENTER, not lonbg after scanners picked out an earthlike world DRYAA BLOU ZJ-X D2-10424 A. it had just under standard earth gravity and looked quite amiable for an alien world. Ammonia world discovered, half standard earth gee with a mix of ammonia and oxygen atmo. SYSTIMBU MS-S C20-725 B 4 has a rotation of 36.6 days.

7.04.3307 nearing the station at the galactic center and have chanced upon an earthlike world - PHROI PRI OT-K C11-2000 1 the world is very close to its parent star and has a .7 earth standard gravity, although suitable for life it has a slow rotaion of 172.5 days. perhaps this world can be of some use, it has been mapped and stored on the main computer. scans have located another earth like in this current system having made two jumps from the last entry, PHROI PRI IH-0 C9-1531 1 it has an orbital period of 120.6 days yet has a rotational of -120.6....it rotates backwards! have entered the final system on this current route STUEMEAE FG-Y D7561. have now docked at EXPLORER'S ANCHORAGE the station that sits within this system, time to download all the cartographic data i have collected and see about a few upgrades to the ship that i think is needed then i can relax at the bar with a drink of lavian brandy.

heading into deeper water

28.2.3307 After a series of jumps I have finally docked 'Odysseus' at Jacques Orbital in Colonia, headed to the ship storage facility and spoke with one of the local mechanics Pete about getting the 'Van Helsing' flight ready. A few hours later and Pete informed me that he only needed to update the ships flight protocols. shortly afterwards and 'Van Helsing' is ready. I send Rosie back to sol in the Krait 'Odysseus' and prepare myself for the journey ahead. After a hearty meal I get departure clearance and plot my course for a point 15.000 light years away, a waypoint towards my ultimate goal of Beagle Point 46.000 light years from Colonia and 65.000 from Sol. Plenty of finds so far and a couple of earth likes discovered, still a long way to go.

7.03.3307 finally found a few water worlds on this route, a lot more systems than i anticipated are undiscovered so they are providing plenty of data. system - BYOOME XA-E D12-1593 C 2 is an Earth like world located in the same system, there is a nearby water world and several planetary bodies with geological features and several gas giant types here total bodies equals 42. planet mapped and catalogued for data transfer at a station or fleet carrier. shutting down the flight systems for the night and entering low power sleep mode, more than 20 jumps made today, have noticed that the FSD has dropped down to 82 percent condition due to Neutron star plasma scooping to extend the jump range. At some point I will need to shut down the unit and activate the field repair unit in order to continue my journey.

8.03.3307 After re-plotting my course my first jump nets me an undiscovered Neutron star, not my first...actually my third one ever discovered. BYOOME WA-E D12-2255 A is the Neutron along with 3 other bodies. Found an Ammonia world, scanned and stored JUENOE AA-O C7-171 A 1

9.03.3307 Have used the auto repair unit to make repairs to the ships FSD, now it's back up to full strength my journey can continue. Will need to use materials to synthesize ammunition for the repair unit to get it back up to full strength but I have plenty of those on board. Another Neutron star discovered JUENOE VU-F D11-2555 A (3,140 million years old), 2 'm' class red dwarfs a brown dwarf and a water world along with metal bodies 12 in total. Another Neutron star JUENOE CM-C D-13-3734 A scanned as it's undiscovered along with one other body.

10.03.3307 Finally have left 'Odin's Hold' sector and entered the 'Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux' sector....this is so far the farthest from Sol I have ever been. EOCH BLOU CG-O E6-5241 1 Is a world with geological sites and some biological ones too, heading in for a closer look at the bio signs, need to be careful though as it has a 2g gravity. Aborted the attempt as the gravity was too high and the ships thrusters were not strong enough to prevent it from heading to the surface in what would have been a catastrophic end, got close enough to see that the bio sign was an anemone though so I have noted it.

11.03.3307 Well made 3 successive jumps to Neutron stars and each one was undiscovered so that's a nice find. On a sad note I read on Galnet that the NMLA have bombed several stations throughout the Empire, Federation and Alliance. most of those superpowers homeworlds too, I feel terrible at being all safe out here doing exploration when my fellow humans are enduring such hardships, my thoughts are with everyone back home. on this the saddest of days as 9 stations across 3 varied cultural civilisations burn in the vastness of space and countless pilots mount daring rescues to evacuate trapped people or rescue escape pods jettisoned from damaged stations, imagine my joy at discovering an Earth like world with just a fraction over earth normal 1g. The world is covered in multiple land masses along with a fair few large oceans DRYIO BLOU AP-Q D5-75 AB 4 is a world inviting to be colonized.

12.03.3307 The day started with the usual humdrum of rocky worlds, but here is another Earth Like world DRYIO BLOU VT-H D10-2141 3 Scans taken and mapping software has marked out several interesting regions for habitation along with some large lakes and arable land.

15.03.3307 A few days with no real reason to log data, have found the usual slew of rocky worlds etc, the only thing of note was when I decided to scan an ice world with some geographical zones. Having scanned the planet I opted to set down and collect some materials. I had noted the gravity, it was just a fraction over 2G but within my abilities to land on....the descent went fine it was the actual touch down where things went a bit.....kaka. The touch down was rough and the shields took a hit but no actual damage. I deployed the SRV to make a visual check of the landing struts and ran pressure checks on the hull prior to lifting off again once materials had been collected.

16.03.3307 Set down last night on a planet with Geological and Biological signals SCHEE BLOU XO-A E238 3 landed to check out the Bio sign, it was an Anemone site with several large ones scattered about a large area. They glow with their own luminescence as they process nutrients from the ground where they sit. Time to get underway again now that I have written this entry and see what I can locate. Just had to note this...was scanning a system with the FSS and the ships computer came up with a system message (DATA CORRUPTED...PLEASE SCAN AGAIN) it happened on all the planets within the system, I have no idea what could be wrong with the computer and being this far out with a malfunction could be a real problem, it did appear to correct itself and is now working again, I will have to keep a close eye on it in case of future malfunctions.

17.03.3307 The VAN-HELSING has just crossed out of the INNER ORION-PERSEUS CONFLUX sector and into the IZANAMI sector, still enroute for BEAGLE POINT and systems running well.

19.03.3307 Well today the VAN-HELSING reached the halfway point to Beagle Point from Sol, with Colonia being the one quarter point. the system HYUQOAE AU-Z D383 has 14 bodies in total. its primary star is A class blue white with an age of 332 million years. this star has already been discovered by margilly63. sadly there is no materials to be gathered from any of the HMC worlds or ice planets. not to be deterred I programme the navigation computer with its next waypoint, the third point and 3 quarter location towards Beagle approximately 15 thousand Lyrs away. the ship is running well and fuel is not a problem as long as there are stars to scoop from. supplies are fine and the hull condition is good. This ends this section of log.

New Beginnings

Left Mic Turner spaceport on this day 01.01.3306. 15:30 hours....course plotted and laid in..heading for Jacques orbital in Colonia, heard good things about the bar there and wanted to see for myself, hope that the Van-Helsing can make it there....she should as she's a sturdy vessel..will report any interesting finds along the way report ends..

Day 2: i have found several systems most with icy bodies or rock...some high metal contents and quite a few geological sites..actually set down on one to mine for samples the data will come in handy, found no water planets yet or the elusive earth like but it`s still early days yet. update:- scanners have located a water world at SWOIWNS MK-E B3-2 2, no life present

Day 3: several undiscovered systems found, still no earth like world yet but there`s a long way to go....found a Stella phenomenon in an un-discovered system mostly crystals, large strange growths formed within a gas giants rings....scanned and catalogued.

Day 5: Warped into AUCOPP SJ-O D-7..main star is a neutron star, my first one ever, will examine and scan. Update: AUCOPP VP-M D8-5 7 is an earth like my first ever this will bring good credits, there`s also a stella phenomena nearby

Day 6: decided that the Earth-like was too good to lose out on so i have turned round and am heading for Khun.

Day 7: Final update, eventually reached Khun and docked at Alexandrov Dock, registered and sold all planetary scan data made a nice 60 million credits. refuel and relax, going to head to the local bar and unwind...i've earned it

Report ends.

Black hole!!

just located my first black hole... MAIA B


hip 17862 6 c a (crash site) potential planetary site does anyone know this site? hip 17862 11 e (thargoid structure~) this one too. it's the first time finding planet items for thargoids. hip 17403 a 4 a (wreck)

How Far

flew to bumbur and wondered just how far you have to go in order to find anyplace that hasn't already been scanned.