KDT. MitchKopite94 Profil > Logbuch

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Beagle's Pilgrimage [MW-01]
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Beagle Point Expedition comes to an end

Universal Star date - 19/06/3306

After an eventful few weeks on our voyage out to the far reaches of the Milky Way, myself and CMDR jwraight have returned safely back to where it all began. After hearing the words, "Frame shift drive charging", many hundreds of times, it's safe to say that it'll be a while before our next expedition. That’s not to say the journey wasn't enjoyable. Quite the opposite. Our discoveries were plentiful, the sights remarkable and the overall trip, memorable. Before we left for this trip it was hard to imagine the sheer scale of distance to cover before we would next see the bubble again. But now we've touched down and have been greeted by the familiar sight of Jamerson Memorial, my attention will shift to my list of tasks that exist inside human populated space. In summary, if there are any "wanna be" deep space explorers reading this journey log, the trip comes highly recommended Commanders. Just a few words of advice though if I may. Take an AFM module, don’t cheap out on your fuel scoop, and you're probably going to want to squeeze all the light years you can out of your FSD. So a 6A FSD engineered to grade 5 for range, and a Guardian frame shift booster come highly recommended. Otherwise you'll be out in the black so long you'll forget what humanity looks like.

CMDR's MitchKopite94 and jwraight signing off…

Beagle Point Expedition Summary

Myself and CMDR jwraight embarked on our pilgrimage to Beagle point, with one intention. To explore. Whilst hopefully bringing home to the bubble tales of sightseeing wonders. At our final pit stop at Jaques Station in Colonia, we've taken time to reflect on our journey so far, and line our pockets with plentiful amounts of credits from all that juicy cartographic data. We are now eager to embark on the final stretch and get back home to our squadron, our fleet's, and the familiar friendly glow of the Inner Orion Spur. But before we do, we've set about exploring in detail, all systems local to Colonia with an economic presence and population. You know what they say, if a jobs worth doing its worth doing well. Even if that job consists of travelling many thousands of light years into the unknown black with nothing but a fuel scoop and a detailed surface scanner. Thus concludes my little recap. See you in the bubble commanders.

CMDR MitchKopite94 o7