Galactic Mapping > Routes > JaredCrue's Eastern Tour

The route will take place in the third quadrant and stray into the fourth quadrant of the galaxy.

Starting in the bubble and ending at _____?

This route will hit nearly every easterly galactic region in the third quadrant and will entail interesting visual POIs.

Major highlights include:

  • VY Canis Majoris
  • Hell Port
  • Gates Of Alighieri (Landable planet extremely close to its star)
  • Magellan's Star (The most easterly system commanders can reach)

Some of these POIs will be at the edge of the galaxy, where stars will be sparse. Plan accordingly...

  • WP 16-19? will require a jump range of at least 66.50ly.
  • Even with a high jump range, you will need jumponium!
  • Including Premium Boosts!

Gates Of Alighieri - taken by JaredCrue

Jumponium route to Magellan's star:

  • Longest jump is 128ly!
  • All stars are scoopable!

This is the route I took to get to Magellan's star-JaredCrue

This route is currently WIP, will be edited and added to...

wp46 will be the last waypoint for a while, as I'm joining with commanders from a past expedition. Planned route end will likely be Explorer's Anchorage.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Pallaeni 112.6875 / 47.125 / 128.4375
#2 VY Canis Majoris 1576.0625 / -150.21875 / -922.53125 1,812.44 Ly
#3 BD-14 2129 (NGC 2438 Nebula) 2508.28125 / 228.78125 / -1973.84375 1,455.31 Ly
#4 Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X c1-5 (Sagan Research Centre) 2704.96875 / -23.25 / -2470.78125 590.89 Ly
#5 Seagull Sector QD-T c3-5 (Seagull Nebula Geysers) 2631.03125 / -200.8125 / -2660.40625 270.10 Ly
#6 Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 (Hell Port) 2608.15625 / -181.96875 / -2692.28125 43.52 Ly
#7 Hypiae Aip KX-I c23-1 (Terra Madre) 4748.34375 / 177.125 / -5176.59375 3,298.66 Ly
#8 GCRV 5190 (NGC 2452 Nebula) 9387.1875 / -183.28125 / -4700.78125 4,677.09 Ly
#9 NGC 2452 Sector KX-T b3-1 (Cam's Gold) 9370.375 / -179.8125 / -4716.9375 23.57 Ly
#10 Gludge IS-T e3-0 (Gludge Planetary Nebula) 10193.1875 / 626.125 / -4238.65625 1,247.12 Ly
#11 Phrua Phoe QK-F d11-5 (Pharos X10) 14017.75 / -1029.5 / -3903.4375 4,181.00 Ly
#12 Gludgou EL-P e5-18 (The Dancing Dwarfs) 15057.0625 / 94.0625 / -3919.9375 1,530.63 Ly
#13 Prue Eohn EN-H d11-55 (Reverberation) 19952 / -105.34375 / -1352.6875 5,530.91 Ly
#14 Blaei Eun CF-E b39-0 (Gates Of Alighieri) 32820.3125 / -3.4375 / 4895.1875 14,305.24 Ly
#15 Prea Aick MO-Z d13-2 (King Midas) 32320.25 / -12.59375 / 11724.78125 6,847.88 Ly
#16 Droesky KO-Z d13-1 39786.0625 / -12.6875 / 16797.25 9,025.98 Ly
#17 Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0 (Magellan's Star) 40503.8125 / 25.96875 / 17678 1,136.83 Ly
#18 Chanoa QK-C d14-0 (Void's Brink) 39307.25 / -92.4375 / 19338.375 2,050.03 Ly
#19 Dryeou Flaae OM-W d1-4 (Pamplemousse) 37535.78125 / 34.5625 / 18347.09375 2,033.93 Ly
#20 Groa Eaeb KT-O d7-4 (Goliath's Sling) 36435.1875 / -31.71875 / 16237.21875 2,380.60 Ly
#21 Pla Aick GA-A e1 (Ostium Tenebris / DSSA Gam Nine) 34202.09375 / 7.09375 / 9181.96875 7,400.32 Ly
#22 Syroifae CZ-S c3-1 (Zoe) 24756.59375 / 3.15625 / 5522.6875 10,129.55 Ly
#23 Thailau KN-Q d6-3 (Atlantis) 18891.65625 / -26.5 / 4618.84375 5,934.25 Ly
#24 GCRV 6807 (IC 2621) 14360.96875 / -1297.03125 / 5685.90625 4,824.94 Ly
#25 Blia Eurk HQ-G d10-78 (Ripley Harbor) 14005.375 / 46.40625 / 4998.125 1,550.59 Ly
#26 Smojo LM-W f1-1 (Sapphire Dancers) 12724.03125 / 60.875 / 3515.46875 1,959.67 Ly
#27 Eta Carinae 7339.25 / -84.625 / 2327.6875 5,516.15 Ly
#28 KN Muscae (Spiral Planetary Nebula) 1415.3125 / -105.59375 / 1074.28125 6,055.12 Ly
#29 CD-36 11341 (The Bug Nebula (NGC 6302)) 619.46875 / 65.25 / 3342.4375 2,409.79 Ly
#30 Syralia JT-V b7-0 (Gibb's Bridge) 1276.1875 / 1016.84375 / 5509.09375 2,455.85 Ly
#31 Schaikaei XJ-H d10-1 (Blacklight) 3542.96875 / 1575.0625 / 4948.34375 2,400.91 Ly
#32 CD-45 9789 (NGC 5882) 4616.625 / 1543.21875 / 7331.09375 2,613.67 Ly
#33 CSI-61-15434 (NGC 5979 (Octarine Plains)) 5443 / -831.34375 / 7119.15625 2,523.16 Ly
#34 Plaa Aec IZ-N c20-1 (Hawking's Gap Abandoned Settlements - Alpha Site) 7890.46875 / 137.3125 / 7508.03125 2,660.76 Ly
#35 Prae Phio ZQ-A c2-9 (Norma Rock Garden) 6714.53125 / -409.4375 / 10547.25 3,304.33 Ly
#36 Pru Ais TP-O d6-2 (Nykk) 6444.0625 / 1715.125 / 11037.78125 2,197.17 Ly
#37 Bleia Hype IC-T c4-0 (Dark Pink Hyper) 9220.625 / -900.28125 / 11940.875 3,919.85 Ly
#38 Byeia Aed WU-X d1-15 (Petica) 10344.59375 / 538.0625 / 13207.65625 2,221.91 Ly
#39 Eocs Aoscs YR-A d14-8 (The Smokehole) 11687.84375 / 488.59375 / 18128.96875 5,101.58 Ly
#40 Hypi Aoscs IR-D d12-8 (Sagan Springs) 12586 / 280.15625 / 23045.6875 5,002.42 Ly
#41 Eock Bluae JQ-Y d1 (Hawking's Nebula) 16045.75 / -1070.625 / 27193.71875 5,567.82 Ly
#42 Flimbuae GY-P d6-7 (Roche Terminal) 18057.875 / 1013.9375 / 27718.15625 2,944.33 Ly
#43 Shumbua AA-A h34 (Erebus 34) 26215.09375 / -289 / 22981.21875 9,522.42 Ly
#44 Eembaitl DL-Y d13 (Ultima Centauri) 29456.5 / 110.78125 / 29782.0625 7,544.40 Ly
#45 Spaseae YE-A g6 (Conundrum) 29522.28125 / -306.625 / 32289.1875 2,542.49 Ly
#46 Hypaa Byio ZE-A g1 (The Hypaa Byio Buoy) 27969.21875 / -69 / 34973.65625 3,110.44 Ly