Advanced search > Minor factions

Found 77,863 minor factions.
Home system
Auserine Purple Clan Independent Anarchy Auserine
Auserktomis allied Independent Cooperative Auserktomis
Auserktomis Natural Ltd Independent Corporate
Ausermoduro Jet Council Independent Anarchy Ausermoduro
Ausermoduro Solutions Empire Corporate Ausermoduro
Auso Crimson Major Industries Empire Corporate
Auso Dominion Independent Dictatorship
Auso Family Independent Anarchy
Auso Industry Independent Corporate
Ausrintini allied Independent Cooperative Ausrintini
Ausrintini Exchange Empire Corporate Ausrintini
Auss Company Empire Corporate Auss
Auss Gold Posse Independent Anarchy Auss
Austa Empire Party Empire Patronage Austa
Austa Netcoms Group Independent Corporate Austa
Austa Rats Independent Anarchy Austa
Auste Co-op Independent Cooperative Auste
Auste General Interstellar Independent Corporate Auste
Auste Gold Ring Independent Anarchy Auste
Austeja Creative Ltd Independent Corporate Austeja
Austeja Gold Crew Independent Anarchy
Austeret aristocrats Independent Feudal Austeret
Austeret Corporation Independent Corporate Austeret
Austeret Creative Organisation Federation Corporate Austeret
Austeret Gang Independent Anarchy Austeret
Australe Systems Commonwealth Independent Confederacy Beta Trianguli Australis
Auta Isuang Blue Hand Gang Independent Anarchy Auta Isuang
Auta Isuang Partners Independent Corporate
Autahenetsi Gold Syndicate Independent Anarchy Autahenetsi
Autahenetsi Life Holdings Federation Corporate Autahenetsi
Autamkindia Central Corporation Empire Corporate Autamkindia
Autamkindia Crimson Raiders Independent Anarchy Autamkindia
Auteini Dominion Empire Feudal Auteini
Auteini Services Empire Corporate Auteini
Auteini Silver Brothers Independent Anarchy Auteini
Autians Dynasty Independent Feudal
Autians Solutions Empire Corporate Autians
Autinestes Blue Legal Group Independent Corporate Autinestes
Autinestes Patron's Principles Empire Patronage Autinestes
Autinestes Ring Independent Anarchy Autinestes
Autocracy of 15 Geminorum Independent Dictatorship 15 Geminorum
Autocracy of 16 Eta Sagittae Independent Dictatorship 16 Eta Sagittae
Autocracy of 18 Lambda Piscium Independent Dictatorship 18 Lambda Piscium
Autocracy of 23 Arietis Independent Dictatorship 23 Arietis
Autocracy of 35 Draconis Independent Dictatorship 35 Draconis
Autocracy of 41 Gamma Serpentis Independent Dictatorship 41 Gamma Serpentis
Autocracy of 60 Herculis Independent Dictatorship 60 Herculis
Autocracy of 64 Ceti Independent Dictatorship 64 Ceti
Autocracy of Acamar Independent Dictatorship Acamar
Autocracy of Adeka Independent Dictatorship Adeka
Autocracy of Aktzin Independent Dictatorship Aktzin
Autocracy of Antobri Independent Dictatorship Antobri
Autocracy of Arara Independent Dictatorship Arara
Autocracy of Bahinga Independent Dictatorship Bahinga
Autocracy of BD+02 4718 Independent Dictatorship BD+02 4718
Autocracy of BD+07 2008 Independent Dictatorship BD+07 2008
Autocracy of Bedaho Independent Dictatorship Bedaho
Autocracy of Belinara Independent Dictatorship Belinara
Autocracy of Bento Independent Dictatorship Bento
Autocracy of Bhajeri Empire Dictatorship Bhajeri
Autocracy of Bidjimba Independent Dictatorship Bidjimba
Autocracy of Bodiono Independent Dictatorship Bodiono
Autocracy of Cadupi Empire Dictatorship Cadupi
Autocracy of Camarica Independent Dictatorship Camarica
Autocracy of Canta Athis Empire Dictatorship Canta Athis
Autocracy of Carughman Independent Dictatorship Carughman
Autocracy of Cauani Independent Dictatorship Cauani
Autocracy of Charunder Independent Dictatorship Charunder
Autocracy of Chengurr Independent Dictatorship Chengurr
Autocracy of Chuquiba Independent Dictatorship Chuquiba
Autocracy of Collottung Independent Dictatorship Collottung
Autocracy of Cornengu Independent Dictatorship
Autocracy of Daurtu Independent Dictatorship Daurtu
Autocracy of Delta Pavonis Independent Dictatorship Delta Pavonis
Autocracy of Diabak Independent Dictatorship Diabak
Autocracy of Dilati Independent Dictatorship Dilati
Autocracy of Dimsti Independent Dictatorship Dimsti
Autocracy of Djabe Empire Dictatorship
Autocracy of Djau Independent Dictatorship Djau
Autocracy of Djowenet Independent Dictatorship Djowenet
Autocracy of Dongkum Independent Dictatorship Dongkum
Autocracy of DzaliTemu Independent Dictatorship DzaliTemu
Autocracy of Ebisu Independent Dictatorship Ebisu
Autocracy of Ekuru Independent Dictatorship Ekuru
Autocracy of Eta-1 Pictoris Independent Dictatorship Eta-1 Pictoris
Autocracy of Formoring Independent Dictatorship Formoring
Autocracy of Furuhjelm III-674 Independent Dictatorship Furuhjelm III-674
Autocracy of G 172-13 Independent Dictatorship
Autocracy of G 240-11 Independent Dictatorship G 240-11
Autocracy of G 267-24 Independent Dictatorship G 267-24
Autocracy of Gangga Independent Dictatorship
Autocracy of Gendalla Independent Dictatorship Gendalla
Autocracy of Gitse Independent Dictatorship Gitse
Autocracy of Gliese 3371 Independent Dictatorship Gliese 3371
Autocracy of Guguurtuu Independent Dictatorship Guguurtuu
Autocracy of Haeduwong Independent Dictatorship Haeduwong
Autocracy of Harm Independent Dictatorship Harm
Autocracy of HIP 105200 Independent Dictatorship HIP 105200
Autocracy of HIP 10906 Empire Dictatorship HIP 10906
Autocracy of HIP 115361 Independent Dictatorship HIP 115361