CMDR Iardring profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Old Reliable [IMS-66]
Member since:
Feb 22, 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Free again!

Captain's Log - Cmdr. Iardring - 10.03.3307

Finally! Finally i was able to leave the bubble behind again. Too many peoples with too many interests and too much politics. A good part of the carrier's crew are off seeing their families again or an on vacations. The rest does maintenance on the vessel or is preparing for the next trip to Colonia....which will be delayed until the new equipment for on foot exploration finally arrives.

But i couldn´t wait that long. The void called again. And as i already knew, it´s not all void - there is true beauty out there.

Red Horizons

So in system Greae Phoea TZ-E D12-738 in the Greae Phoea nebula. Throughout it all the vistas are gourgeous - painted in red. The other two nearby nebulas are adding to the scenery. These vistas are, what keeps me going. This was another occasional find.

Rings in the Red Nebula

I hope to find others along the path.

Commander Iarding signing off

Tenebris - OOC FLEAU GG-F D11-0

23.12.3307 - Personal Log Cmdr. Iardring,

i finally reached the Tenebrae sector after bridging the gap that lies between Dryman's Point and this far End of the Perseus Arm.

The Schwarzschild made it to OOC FLEAU GG-F D11-0 to rendevouz with the DSSA CEC DEUS VULT!, The 113th carrier of the Deep Space Support Array. Unfortunatly it seems that the captain is no longer aboard the ship. I visited the ship, only to be hailed by the computer voice of the AI keeping the ship running.

Visiting the Deus Vult!

I´ll stay a little while and will keep hailing the ship and the local and system comms. Perhaps there´s a fellow explorer out here.

The I.S.V. Schwarzschild orbiting Planet AB 2 E in system OOC FLEAU GG-F D11-0 - Tenebris Sector

After an inspection of the critical systems of the Schwarzschild our crew will continue our way further to the end of this arm to the galaxy before finally changing course back along the Perseus Arm back to the bubble.

Cmdr. Iardring out

Sattler's Elysium - EOCK PRAU UN-T D3-7

20.12.3306, Personal Log Cmdr. Iardring,

I came to take a rest at this system after some extensive scouting of the local systems. The carrier needed refuelling. At first glance it seemed not very notable, except for the fact that it´s near nebula EOCK PRAU AA-A H31 and of course its double tritium hotspot in the icy rings of planet 5.

At a second look though this system is of undeniable beauty. The central star - a DABO VII class white dwarf - illumines it in its rather unique white bluish light. Within the numerous icy rings surrounding four of the five gas giants, which are in part embedded in a rather thick layer of fog, the vistas can be truely breathtaking.

I decided to name this system in rememberence of some long past ancestors of my family, wherever they may be to watch over me. Beeing in this system though, i am sure they are indeed watching over me, which is a comforting feeling this far from home.

Cmdr. Iardring out enter image description here

Logbucheintrag - 27.02.3306

Ich habe Beagle Point erreicht und eine gebührende Pause auf Planet Nr. 2 eingelegt. Nun ist es an der Zeit für mich umzukehren und den langen Weg zurück zum Kern anzutreten. Die genaue Route steht noch nicht endgültig fest. Mein Ziel wird allerdings Colonia sein, wo ich einen Neuanfang wagen werde.

Logbucheintrag vom 27.02.3306

Noch 1000 Lichtjahre bis Beagle Point. Zwar ist es einerseits faszinierend am Rand der Galaxie hinaus in die große Schwärze sehen zu können. Dennoch, ich bin froh, wenn ich Beagle Point endlich erreicht habe. Die Systeme hier sind recht eintönig und dünn gesäht. Ich freue mich schon darauf in die dichten Sternenfelder der inneren Arme und des Kerns zurückzukehren. Dennoch, ich werde das berühmte System besuchen, diesen Meilenstein hinter mich bringen.

Cmdr. Iardring Ende.

Eintrag vom 23.02.3306

Auf dem langen Weg nach Beagle Point, entlang des Sagittarius Carina-Armes