CMDR VoyagerX1 profile > Logbook

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Member since:
Apr 2, 2020
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Systems discovered first:
636,974,890 Cr
Daedalus OF-1

With the recent return of VG-35 and its mission being successful, over 2 thousand systems had been discovered and seen by human for the first time. With the funds collected, The vessel could be finally discontinued as the wear and tear from the Frame Shift Cores were exceeding their lifespan.

The new vessel that has currently replaced the exploration unit is the Anaconda by Faulcon DeLacy. Optimised to almost double the jump range of its predecessor Diamondback Explorer, to honour the ancient history of our earth it has been named after the Greek Mythical Inventor, Daedalus.

The Daedalus has been planned to travel opposite from VG-35's direction.

Daedalus on one of its first Water world Discoveries

Halfway through the center

I have gone through the Elysian shores recently and decided to head towards the center, I discovered Many water worlds but no earth-like planets yet.

The journey towards the center will help me understand where planets that inhibit earth-like conditions usually exist.

Position as of now