CMDR IronLegacy45 profile > Logbook

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Apr 14, 2020
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Systems discovered first:
Third Destination (Col 285 Sector GG-N c7-34)

Just like with the past 2 systems, it took me basically no time to reach the third system, i.e. Col 285 Sector GG-N c7-34 (wow, now that's a mouthful :P). So again, the journey was very uneventful. In any case, there are 3 Notable Stellar Phenomena (will call them NSPs from now on) located in this region with 2 of them fairly close to the main star with the third NSP located about 10.6kLs away from it, so it takes a bit of time to reach that one. The first NSP has Flavum Metallic Crystals and a new one (for me), that is the Prasinum Metallic Crystals (bluish-green in color). The second NSP holds more of the same but I did find another new crystal here, namely the Purpureum Metallic Crystals (and as the name might suggest, its purple in color unlike the Flavum Crystals which are more bluish-purple). Finally, at the third and the final NSP, we find more of the same. Surprisingly, I didn't find those Croceum Gourd Mollusc that was supposed to be at one of those NSPs. Maybe I was just unlucky and I'll hopefully get to see them in another system. In any case, its now time to move away from this system and onto the next system, which is 116 Tauri. CMDR IronLegacy out!

Flavum Metallic Crystals

Prasinum Metallic Crystals

Purpureum Metallic Crystals

Second Destination (Alaunus)

Travelled to Alaunus from HIP 15310 in like 2 minutes (they're really close to each other). This system is an M-star system with 12 planets (10 Ice Bodies and 2 Rocky Ice Bodies). There are also 2 notable stellar phenomena here just like the first system. The first phenomena had the same Rubeum Metallic Crystals like HIP 15310 but the second phenomena had completely different flora. In fact, there were 2 Geological flora there, namely the Flavum Metallic Crystals (deep blue/violet in color) and Solid Mineral Spheres (black in color and is spherical). Screenshots of both will be included in the journal. The Flavum Crystals look especially pretty with their bluish violet color. Since the journey was so short, there is nothing to write about that. Now I will be moving on to the next system, i.e Col 285 Sector GG-N c7-34. Fly safe and o7 commanders. IronLegacy out!

System Alaunus

Rubeum Metallic Crystals

Flavum Metallic Crystals

Solid Mineral Spheres

First Destination (HIP 15310)

So, reached the first destination within like 5 minutes of starting the journey ( XD ), i.e. HIP 15310. Its a normal G-star system with 2 Ammonia Planets and an HMC Planet. The specialty of this system is that this system is most probably the nearest system that has Rubeum Metallic Crystals as its cosmological flora. There are 2 notable stellar phenomena here, both of which are the home of the same crystals. This is gonna be a short log entry because there was nothing interesting in the journey :P. In any case, these crystals seems to have a shiny, greenish appearance to it. Took a couple of screenshots to mark the destination. Now on to the next destination system, i.e the system Alaunus. Fly safe and o7 commanders. Ironlegacy out.

HIP 15310

Rubeum Metallic Crystals

Beginning the longest challenge I have undertaken till now

Today marks the day when I am going to undertake the Canonn Challenge. It has been a long time coming and its not today since I wanted to take on the challenge but I was just too time constrained and ill-equipped to go on towards making this humongous journey. But today's the day I finally started on. I have been preparing bit by bit to create a very capable long-distance flying Anaconda capable of jumping up to 82.3ly on a single jump. I could've increased the jump to around 83.9ly but that would lead me to sacrificing a lot of other stuff for the ship which might hinder my exploring abilities. After a lot of grind, hard work and engineering, the ship was finally ready today, on 25th January and she was named "Wayfarer". Even though she is not traveling on foot, she is going to be covering a helluva lot of distance and that's gonna be something. I would be travelling to all the systems listed by Canonn in the same sequence as they have been listed so as to keep track of all the visited systems properly. Hence, I will be starting my journey from 78 Ursae Majoris to HIP 15310 which should take around 3 jumps on my ship (its soooo close XD ). In any case, this log was written just to mark the day I started the expedition. I will be writing logs after the end of every day for the most part and if not, then every 2 days and also when I reach any of the marked systems. I really hope to catch a glimpse of all the cosmic biology in the void and hope to meet some of you guys in the depths of the galaxy (will be playing in the Fleetcomm Server ;P ). Fly safe and o7 commanders. IronLegacy out.