CMDR Nighz profile > Logbook

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Member since:
Jan 24, 2021
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An tiny expedition - one mistake, big consequences

So my dumb self basicly thought: 'huh, well if im already here i could as well fly trough some systems and head back tomorrow or so' After i scanned some systems, i thought once again and it got worse, because i planned to fly back via neutron highway. I plotted the route and took of, enjoying, that the first jumps directly lead to other neutron stars. The chain continued and soon i found myself jumping from neutron start to neutron star, for 10 whole jumps. I was carefull to look out for scoopable stars along the way. While this wasnt necessary at all due to my bonus fuel tank, i should have paid more attention towards where im flying. In fact, the route faced way above the plane and what had to happen became true: i misscalculated my jumprange and ignored that there was no way to reach the next neutron star and i jumped right in to the abyss (well at least for my ship with its 25ly range). I paniced once i noticed my situation. All the data will be lost, there is no escape from here for me. 10 hours of scanning and jumping becoming worthless. For one moment i thought about calling for aid, because i heard about the fuel rats (in fact hearing about them made me get in this cmdr seat), but i thought that i made the mistake of not paying enough attention myself so i deserved it. I turned my ship and accelerated towards the sun. I discovered realy soon how ineffective this is and that i would rather turn down my life support but a friend of mine encouraged me to call for help. Shy as i am it took me about 20 min to decide to actualy call for help. So i wrote them about my misery. I was stunned to see that they not even once blamed me but were insanly helpfull. After a while, i was hopefull to see the bubble again with this ship. I want to personaly thank CMDR Aleks Zuno, who picked me up at 3:00 a.m UTC, but im also thankfull for every person at the fuel rats. Organisations like this one restore my faith in humanity

An tiny expedition - The TRAIKAAE AA-A H2 nebula

Once again, I loaded my exploration gear in my good old ship (which I named 'Rusty Explorer') and started off to this interesting looking nebula. Just a tiny logbook to what I found during my flight to this POI.

One thing I found were metallic crystals. The first time I ever encountered this phenomenom. Took some images of them because I first thaught these things to be full biological before I noticed the entry in the codex. Anyway, they look realy cool and I am thankfull that I took a look at them. Metallic Crystal Field of metallic crystals

After another 200 or so jumps I am finaly near my destination, near enough to notice that from this angle the nebula looks actualy like a heart. What a coincidence, I fly towards a heart shaped nebula on valentines day. Looks realy pretty. Heart shaped nebula Heart shaped nebula

I got there now and I will stay a bit and discover the surrounding, knowing that many commanders before me where here, but this is mainly an exploration to gain money from, which I can also make by flying through long discovered system. Still, I like being on my own for this time. It feels weirdly comforting to be alone here, in any way better than in the bubble for too long. I realy need this flights.

Tiny expedition - To the coalsack and up

After my return from the aborted mission to space around colonia I tried to do some minor work. I joined a greater political force with the hope to contribute. Well it turned out that I am neither a good contributer to politics nor I want to see the same stars over and over. The incredible expanse of our galaxy that I became slightly familiar with during my first travel awakend something inside me. So I thought about it again. Destinations beyond this sector will be to much for my tiny little ship, so I took a look around to find this interessint looking nebula named 'the coalsack'. I even gathered that there are some populated systems there, so in case something goes wrong I can still repair somewhere. Took some time to prepare my ship in the best way for this short expedition. I learned quite a bit from the first trip so I made sure that I got everything I needed and just started. My first plan was to search for undiscovered systems around this nebula, but soon after I checked about 6, I noticed that there are probably at least some commanders around here and pretty much everything was already discovered. So I flew straight up for about 1000lys. I saw some great systems up here and the slowly decreasing density of stars up here is fascinating. Right now I gathered enough data to make some good money, so I'll head back to the bubble. I wonder how much money it'll be compared to when I didn't even scan the systems on the first day of the last journey.

Furthest journey so far - The realization of distance and regret

Today I had a discussion with a friend of mine. He also started his journey to the exact same system I was traveling to. And yes, I said 'was' because we noticed how long this trip would take us in our rusty cargo ships. So we decided to give up, at least for now. Well, here you got it. I could easily name this story 'how stupid my decision was' or how ignorant towards travel time I was. Either way, between me and the bubble are still 2000ly. I better not tell anyone that before we talked I traveled for another 3h away from home... But anyway, experience was made and I got to see some beautiful systems. Until now I even discovered about 70 new systems. I'm still looking forward to expeditions, but next time, I'll be better prepared

Furthest journey so far - the first day

Well here we are, on the first 200ly trip of this rusty freigther. Actualy, its about 22,000lys... I don't know exactly what to expect. Just got about 1000ly in the last one and a half hour and I achieved quite a lot of explorer things, like nearly being crushed by 2 stars in between which I landed after a jump, or the one time I nearly ran out of fuel and just got lucky that the star in that system was scoopable. I'm not sure right now, that I will go for the full journey, but I'm realy exited. Maybe I even discover new systems! Anyway, I hope the contract will pay off and also that those system data will be a great bonus on top. I will continue this log until the end of this journey at least.