CMDR Ace d'Spade profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Member since:
May 13, 2021
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
637,643,874 Cr
Mama, I'm coming Home.

After hundreds of jumps, I made it to Sag*. Explored around. Now, heading back to the bubble. About half way there. Figure 200 more jumps. Mastered the neutron super-highway.


Heading 38 jumps further out to get Repair Limpets. Then maybe try to get an Orca.

The Nursery

Finally made the trip to the Eagle Nebula. No Pillars of Creation, but there is a nice stellar nursery. Where to go from here.....hmmmmm... Need to get to a repair shop. Colonia or Bubble?

Almost there.

25 more jumps. Then I have a decision to make. Keep going or turn back. Hull down to 42%. No limpets.

Moving on

Decided to keep going for the Eagle Nebula and then decide on Colonia.

Made it to my first nebula

Dragon's Head is my first stop. Probably going further.

Heading out

Time to go see the Eagle Nebula. 186 jumps.