CMDR Brenda Zephyr profile > Logbook

Commander name:
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Member since:
May 30, 2021
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
We're lost

We ran into a massive storm of some kind and it knocked out the navigation computer. All attempts to fix it have failed. W/o the nav-comp I am unable to calculate jump points, and so, we are stuck in this star system w/o any planets one can live on. Thankfully the ships replicators can provide all the food and water we need, and fuel will never be an issue as the star here is hydrogen rich. But we're lost. I am making additional attempts to fix the nav-comp, but I fear my efforts will be in vain. I just don't have the materials needed to synth the tools needed to do so. None of the icy bodies in this system have anything to speak of minerals wise. Unless another ship happens upon this out of the way star, or I get the nav-comp repaired, we'll die here. I'll eject my passengers into the star here so I won't have to listen to their screaming.