CMDR Zemedelphos profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Shooting Star [Nyooom]
(Krait Mk II)
Member since:
Apr 29, 2022
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
1,976,527,510 Cr




DESTINATION ADDRESS PREVIEW: dtpws://mww8.inaranexus.distr.citigateway.inr/data/pilotsfed/elite/cmdr/86661/logbook?redir=mww.edsm.galx/en/user/diary/id/160471/cmdr/Zemedelphos/35364&status=o7


OOC: ((You can find all journals including these first seven, on Inara from this point forward!))
Log #0007: ELW First Discovery

I've finally done it! First discovery of an Earth-like World out in the black. This is so exciting for me. I can't wait to get back and turn this data in.

Now that I'm at my destination, I'm going to search amongst some of the stars in the Eta Carina Nebula for more ELWs and other terraformables.

As well, I've updated the settings in my logbook to no longer print format data. This was a pretty short log, so I figured I should mention that.

Log #0006: Operation Wych Hunt

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My last few days have been on-and-off helping out with Operation Wych Hunt. Caleb Wycherley is not[ the salvation humanity needs. And definitely not the one we deserve. History has for too long let powerful men get away with atrocities in the name of "the greater good", "salvation", and "defense". We may not be able to do much, if anything, to the Wych directly, but at the very least, we can protest the superpowers' decision by destabilizing and tearing down everything Azimuth Biotech has toiled to make their own.

Caleb Wycherly, we can save ourselves. A genocide is not salvation, but damnation.

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Log #0005: Trade and Combat

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Well I'm one third of the way toward a billion. Who knew that trading well was so profitable? Everyone, honestly, but it took me way too long to figure out how to do it. That said, I've made a pretty penny off of it.

After a while though, I felt the call to resume bounty hunting. I swapped my Space Barge for my Shooting Star, and it was off to the races in the resource sites in Shinrarta Dezhra. I did accidentally shoot a miner, thinking they were a pirate, so I spent a short time in the pen, but the mistake only set me back about 200 credits; a drop in the bucket.

With CMDR W4RD06 passing his license exam and joining the [AXCR], I'm very excited to get him trained up in the various disciplines. Though exploration is our true calling, variety is the spice of life; the heavy elements that form in a star, spreading with its death to help create new, more interesting systems.

That and I quite expect he'll be a badass when it comes to combat.

o7 commanders,

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Log #0004: Expedition

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Well it seems I've blown quite a wad of cash on ranking up within the Federal Navy Auxiliary. Whoops. I suppose I can make that and more back with an expedition to the Soul Nebula. Maybe even outside of it. I should find plenty of first discoveries if I turn away from the "interesting" bit toward the end.

I've been racking up quite a collection of ships, scattered across the bubble. Honestly, I'm impressed with myself. I never thought one misguided attempt at making it to Colonia would take me this far.

o7 commanders,

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Log #0003: Elite Explorer

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I have managed to achieve the status of an Elite explorer. I can't wait to see the famed Jameson Memorial Station.

o7 commanders,

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Log #0002-a: Sol Permit Addendum

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I forgot to mention. I've managed to acquire the Sol permit, as well as the Alioth permit. Exciting stuff!

Zem out.

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Log #0002: The void is less empty with a friend by your side.

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My good friend Benny has just acquired his commander's license. It's exciting. I swapped over to Corazon, and invited him to take the gunner's seat in my ship. By the time we had everything set up to work properly it was time to part ways, but in the future, we'll be able to immediately link up and start taking down pirates.

Space has been so lonely. I love being here, but it's true. But it's less lonely when there's a friend there, even if they're only a hologram.

Zem out.

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Log #0001: Building my personal fleet—all is well so far

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As of this point in my career, I have my sidewinder, adder, diamondback-X, and type-7. With the cashflow I have now, I am considering what ship to purchase to have a medium-tier combat ship. I would not be opposed to recommendations from other commanders who read this, should they be both able and willing to point me in the right direction.

I do quite look forward to getting my hands on a good mid-tier combat ship. The last time I attempted to join a conflict zone started well enough...but it quickly went south after a couple of confirmed kills.

As a side note, my personal goal to attain a Sol permit is proceeding apace once again! Now that I've returned to heavy federation space, I'm finally able to take on the Navy missions on offer.

Zem out.

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