CMDR SeeDelion profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Seele [JRS-01]
Member since:
Dec 17, 2024
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
3,552,651,399 Cr
Temple Region Exploration Part 2

I have completed the route traveling around the inner boarder of the Temple region. While it has taken some time i believe it has been fruitful. Before i begin my next step by traveling through the inner most of the Temple region I have discussed with more experienced explorers of the EDEN squadron and i have decided to take a much more relaxed and selective method of traveling instead of the "Zig Zag" method I mentioned Part 1.

Temple Region Exploration Part 1

Since leaving the Bubble and moving into the temple region I've decided that I will circle the inner boarder of each region I explore. After completing a full rotation around the boarder I will then "Zig Zag" my way through the region and then move onto one of the next door regions at random. While this form of exploration maybe chaotic, I believe it will help discover any unexplored systems.