CMDR Targqul profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Mk II)
Member since:
Jun 25, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
4,971,011,757 Cr
issues w server?

comp froze up during after 3 jumps seems to be ok now. flying parallel to bpe 16..17 and each system is undisvovered . yay.

colonia side of abyss exploring again

flown to cho thua rd-k d8-0. found new undiscovered areas and doing hard exploring

hazards of abyss nav

was returning from beagle pt and trying to blaze ntrail. didnt work. was able to use path. whew

Return trip to colonia

Doing 200 ly offset and discovering lots of new systems

headed to bpe 12 direct cheia eork kh-c d 14-0 9

was doing a 500 ly offset but following other explorers . now going dir to wp 12 .still discovering ww other bodies past exp passed up

found double ww one terraformable tyroewry nh-m d7-6


hunting for elw..

found amonia instead

using edmc 3.0 very buggy

having to manually update each new service

arrival patch check

exploring again and like new mats system

remember to check map before neutron jumping

landed in the middle of a dead zone.. was able to back out with only 1 assisted jump. Nasty. but worth it. Now off beaten trail bet WP 8 and 9 and finding new systems each jump..even a neutron and ELW in 1 system.. sweeeeeeet.

Repaired all systems and ship and mats both in good condition.