CMDR Astro-Knot profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Philip's Fury [AS-02F]
(Federal Corvette)
Member since:
Jun 29, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Beagle Point Expedition - Waypoint 6 to 7

Commander's Log, 18/2/3304.

Having reached Waypoint 6 in 5 jumps with the other members of the expedition, I'm now supposed to remain at the site for the next week having covered next to no ground. I'll be honest and truthful, I'd easily stay there for a week due to the sheer beauty of the site; it's a system with a black hole holding it together amidst a supernova's remains. The sky is coloured like... cyan blue. It's indescribable. The landing site was pitch black on arrival - leaving the Commanders on the ground running around in SRVs with their high-beams on to guide the rest of us in. It was intense to say the least. But then, 12 hours later, the "daytime" arrived when the celestial body we rode through space on rotated around to face the galactic core. Just as the sky was a dark cyan, so was the world we stood upon.

Regardless, I have a busy schedule next week. Lots of paperwork and sim-checks that'll easily eat up my designated flight-hours. So I'm "hoisting the sails" if you get me. Getting ahead of schedule so I don't get left behind. Let's hope nothing bad happens to me or the group while we're separated.


The Route Conundrum - 2/7/3303

I have made it to the center of the Milky Way

As an explorer, I'm astonished! As a pilot, I'm proud! As a human... I'm not looking forward to the way back.

Now I'm presented with 2 options;

A) Go back to the bubble via the direct, 26kly route


B) Go to Colonia then home.

I've been to Colonia before, but I think the safety of the restocked heat-syncs will be nice. I think I've found my answer.

Colonia, here I come!