CMDR Meandstuff profile > Logbook

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Apr 30, 2018
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159 jumps to EA

I’m headed home and when I get there I’ll be putting on some new ship mods I got for Betty for not blowing up on me also I’ll have around 1 bill of turn ins. So I’m up at 2 am and speed jumping home even tho I have also scanned 4 tww 2elw and many teras.

Pp83% Rest of ship mods 100 ship hull 93%

the trek back to EA

So no heat sycns no conductors on board to refill thought i was good but the milkyway its big and BIG is really not the word. pp83%

com on old girl get me home

Forman Fronter again we have rode the sparal arm in to beagle point and have payed our respects to ZY but are glad to be heading home to anocorage

The ship has a new full time co pilot bit of of a novice but trains quick and helps to fight the crushing loneliness of the black. She is qualified so far and srv operations and tomorrow will be training to scan and scoop jump and run. At this point of the expdition we will most likely make it home before we allow full flight controlls to be passed over but the 1.2 bill in scans need to get home.

Thank you for you help my loving wife beth

pp 88 ship 99 all other systems 100


Bye bye beagle

At the end of the abyss i found my self at the beacon to a small fury friend of the CMDR that first made the trip that now has become the pilgrimage to the dully named beagle point. RIP Zy you sounded like a good co pilot and remind me that my co pilot Ms izabela more formaly known as princess izabela of teadybearia is even more important then i sometime think. She has sat ether by my feet in my recliner or right by my chair for the whole trip and has also shared half the ships stores of food. I made land fall on the 2nd planet and destructed a rover to leave a part of the betty on the planet in the honor of the loss of zy and charted a course in the direction of anchorage then i will be headed to the bubble to further the development of my anaconda and python. The trip in its self has netted me some estmated 700mill from last docking at ancorage and the round trip should hopefully be north of 1 bill and another 500 mill from the sag a area home.

2859lys south of beagle

pp 89% ship 100 systems 98-100

CMDR MEandStuff signing off for some much earned sleep I started today at 9am and its 5am the next morning total logged hours in that of 15hour in that period and the rest was running around to matain food supplys and morale.

Thank you to the abyss for giving me ice and red dwarfs mostly but also systems that are real gems like one i hit with 6 tww and 4 more tera HMC worlds.

god speed zy zap zylophone god speed.

**note april 11-17 1970 mission dates for the apllo 13 mission and in the spirt of that mission we now have to make it home in a damaged ship and all that we have on hand is some discipline some duct tape and a good ground suppport team.

Fly safe all and good night 07

last 100

Hotas replaced with a new part and the ship is running great last 100 to beagle ans we hope to make it today and land the ship

149 jumps and slamed hard once due to controll issues that are now fixed

The New control system is installed and now Betty is rocking out its been over 2000 hours that sense the last repair of the hotas and t is hard to explain the difference in the feel and response to the ship.

pp 89% ship is good Moral is on the rise as the end of the black is in site and the crew is getting used to staring in to the abyss and now all we ask is that the abyss does not stare back.

ploting the last 8194ly to beagle point

IFE status remains hotas drift is getting worse and connection to the extenton was compromised so a splice is in place (apollo mission style tape and twist) back up components are getting finished out of the BB locker later in the hold.

plotting is taking forever and last log i was around 250 jumps to the goal where i hope the cure to cancer sits or the grail for the journeys end to fit the bill of its toll on the ship and crews minds. The black now is all consuming as we look forward and the glow is only back in a strip of light where you can almost see the one small K class star that birthed us and gave us the tools to push the limit to the stars and get to the end of the galaxy we now call home as we have graduated from the small one star system with 8 planets that once comprised the totality of our world. Some would say that there is a comfort in the planets being gods raining over us I say that seeing millions of planets and thousands of systems the fact we are not the only is comforting seeing 100s of teraformable worlds in this trip alone shows me our future and the places our descendants will live in 4203.

pp at 90 ship at 100 239 jumps to beagle control issues are unpredictability unsteady


WP breaker 3

We made it to WP breaker 3 10ly from Beagle Point (i pushed up in to the serial arm that Beagle is in to allow for a easier route and for codex entries for the Archoron sector). Moral is better even landed on a .5g world to let my 8 yr old drive a srv around and scan his first codex entery and shoot me some iron and nic for mats. All and all 2 day to pass threw the mass of M classed stars with ICe around them went well. PP still at 91 and th rest of the ship is 100.

Direct plot to beagle point is 305 jumps. I might plot some fsd boost in to the mix to drop that down but i think more stars more scans more money. the secondary goal for this expidition that I have driven my self out in to the black to race to the end of DW2 before the fleet is to make a 1 billion cr turn in.

The plan now is to keep pushing and go to begal then use FSD boost and some skill to push farther out and try to get to the edge of my ships jump range (currently 46lys unladen).

I plan to fully jumpaconda my ship on my return to founders (might be another month to make it back) then also A rate and eng up a python to rank my combat up or hav ethe mods to also a rate the conda for combat that i can think about on my long journy and jump by jump I can push for a better plan lol.

My only regret is to not have asked for help getting the FSD boster or researching it better the skimmers ripped me a new one i might need a figher and a crew mate to cover me.

DW2 has pushed me out of my 5kly explo and now i have logged over 100k and fast headed to 200. I would like to add a 07 to all the comanders in the fleet fly safe.

More black more red and ice

15klys form beagle now and even in the last leg of the trip it feels farther away each day mental mutiny of fuck it turn back is a constant fight but we push on in to the black in to the 400jumps left.

Headed threw the Formorian frontier

Starting at Flyeia bli jp-g c27-39 and headed threw the sector to hit the Acheron sector on my way to beagle ponint. Today I am traversing the spiral arm before the tail of a arm begail is in if you are headed from the core we should be fine and find some high value systems if the system that I am in is of any indicator (5 mill+).

System Stat PP 91%

morale is a bit low to the crew the dark takes it toll after a while and headed to the place seprates you the farthest from the rest of known life in the galatic map.

10174lys to chua eork iz-m db-1

course plot failed picked a random 5kly mid star 124 jumps