CMDR Purrfect profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Cobra Mk III)
Member since:
Sep 9, 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Made it to DSSA Procul Umbra

After the better part of three days of traveling since my last successful docking, I made it to the Procul Umbra in Smootoae QY-S d3-202. It's in orbit of an ELW called Shadow Earth and is well worth the visit.

Infinite Improbability at Procul Umbra

The previous two attempts at docking with carriers were unsuccessful in that they were there but in debt, and thus, all services were suspended. I had nearly run out of AFMU ammo in my small AFMU. Luckily, I made it to the Procul Umbra just in time to avoid needing to do an injection.

Finally made WPs 34 and 35

It took the best part of two days, but it was a difficult route - see the white line on ED Astro for the exact details.


I plan to take my time to get to WPs 31-33. The direct route is further (25 kly) than the in game plotter allows (20 kly), so I will be breaking it into three distinct sections with visits to DSSA carriers in between to ensure that I don't have to rely upon AFMU ammo injections.

Found my first undiscovered Wolf Rayet

A colleague in Sirius Inc found an undiscovered Wolf Rayet, and it got my interest piqued. I am in the Galactic Core with the 42 Expedition, so surely finding one wouldn't be too hard. I'll admit I was wrong. It's hard.

Firstly, most of them have already been discovered in the region where I am right now. It took 94 visits to the galmap to find this one that EDSM didn't know about.

Wolf Rayet

The technique is to search for your sector (Byoomi in my case) "AA-A h" and then cycle through the list until you find a Wolf Rayet (WNC or WO class star). Search EDSM to check if it's been previously discovered. Once you have an undiscovered candidate, go visit the system, making sure that ED Market Connector or ED Discovery is running with an EDSM API key so you get the Wolf Hunter badge.

Once you have FSS scanned the system and mapped whatever you fancy, you will need to hand in the exploration data. I found a nearby carrier with Universal Cartographics and handed the data in. So I am listed in EDSM as the finder of this system, and I assume, I am listed in game as the first discovery now that the data is handed in.