CMDR Seran Cracken profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
E.A.S. Anabaseios [SER-14]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Nov 5, 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Captain's Log - 01.01.3305 - The Core Regions are in sight!

Happy New Year!!

Well, per Earth standards anyway. I found a beautiful ringed world to ring in the New Year.

Sluee LX-Y c15-7

Concerning which, I also witnessed a massive Corona ejection from that star.

Like, very massive.

I was actually taken a back.

Other than that, the trip hasn't been wild in terms of discoveries. I found the Bark Tree mounds that others have located before me, and other geological formations.

This ring'd water world though....

Regardless, I've set down here, on Throepps AA-h0. I'm not too far from the Core Regions, and Sag A* is within spitting distance. That gap I'll cross tomorrow.


While on this journey, I've discussed with HAL the possibility of allowing it to connect to the ships on-board systems. She thinks she may be able to optimize the nav-plotting by adding additional computational power to the Nav-Computer.

Possibility. Before I left for Shinrarta Dezhra, Charlie and I watched an old Earth film called "2001: A Space Odyssey". I'm not thrilled with this idea.

Captain's Log - 12.30.3304

I sit here, writing this at a small dive bar at Jameson Memorial Station, in Shinrarta Dezhra. It's one of the few... quiet places on this station I've found.

Jameson is frighteningly busy, busier than any port in Sol or even Ray Gateway in Diagruandri. Most of the pilots here, you can tell either by their ships, their walk, or in some cases, the long stare they have that these folks are the best in the Bubble.

Of course, I should have expected that from the Founder's World. Why I didn't... maybe I had thought the stories were exaggerated. I never thought I'd be here, more or less with two Elite badges to my name.

This station is one of the last bits of civilization I'll see for a while. The E.A.S. Kirin had some minor tweaks and refits done after I had gotten back from Colonia, and she's being fueled and prepped on the pad as we speak. From here, I head to the Galactic Core.

Not sure what I expect to find, or even see. I know many have taken the trek to Sagittarius A*, and most have come back. The route is fairly well mapped... well, the common one. I'll be heading a few thousand light years above the Galactic Plane and will drop down on to the Core. It's a bit less traveled, so I hope to, as an old 20th Century "Television" show had said "Boldy go where no one has gone before!"

Lt. Cmdr. Floyd will stay behind and maintain the small fleet I've acquired. Make sure everything is in working order when I eventually return. She did mention something about a racing circuit and wanting to use the Carbuncle to compete, which I've given my tacit approval for. If she can win, I wouldn't mind being the sponsor.

We've also had to discuss what to do with HAL. The lil' robot has... grown. Not only on us, but as an individual. We, for some reason, allowed it to connect to GalNet. In hindsight, that was probably really stupid, because it could have gone terribly wrong. But the lil' gal seemingly is OK.

That's the other thing. It may be because it's been around Charli and I primarily, but it is... definitely identifying itself as "Female", for whatever that's worth. It also knows to keep an extremely low profile around anyone not the Lt. Cmdr. or I. We asked it, or... her, about how it "Felt" about the banning of A.I. and it... she... stated that it understood. It also assured us that it wouldn't become a "rampaging psycho path".

That was oddly specific. Not real assuring but at the same time... we have that. For now.

So, the little bot is coming with me. Charli felt that having it well out of Federal or Imperial reach is a good idea, and she didn't want to have to manage the fleet and keep an eye out for curious and prying eyes. I'm in agreement there. As well, the company while I'm out there will be welcome.

Time to go, just got word the ship is ready.

Onward to the Core.

Captain's Log - 12.26.3304 - Mining Bonanza

I did make it to Colonia; and promptly returned to the Bubble.

Once I arrived in Colonia, my first officer informed me of some crazy mining rush back home. Needless to say, I wasn't about to turn down credits.

The flight back was long. HAL is..... changed, for sure. I will have to keep it out of sight for the time being, lest I am accused of fostering an A.I. It has a definite personality of it's own. It's very child like, and endearing.

The mining rush was real, and it doesn't look to be slowing down. The new mining tools that I picked up in Shinrata Dezra really make it worth it. Even after paying crew wages, there's a pile of credits in my account.

Regardless, the overall expedition fell short of making it to the Core Regions. I'm in the process of planning that out. Hopefully we can get off the ground with that within the next few days.


First Officer Floyd met HAL. She thinks it's adorable and terrifying at the same time. Can't say that I blame her.

We are both in agreement that it is sentient; it has a distinct sense of self. Now we just have to make sure it doesn't turn into a psychotic murder hobo A.I., while keeping it out of the sight of the Empire and the Federation. Given our ties to the Federal Navy... that might prove difficult.

I think the next thing we need to teach this lil' guy... girl... thing, is why A.I. was banned by humans and how to keep a low profile. Else, flying the Federation's banner and working within the Navy will prove... difficult.

Captain's Log - 12.16.3304 - Thraikuae TS-U e2-3

I've landed on a small moon in the Thraikuae TS-U e2-3 system. Long way from any real port.

I'm in one of the craters here, as this moon is, for some reason, eternally facing the B-Class star. The shade from the crater provides a surprising amount of darkness.

With that, going to power down some non-essential systems. I've been using the mapped out Neutron Stars as a way to boost the Kirins' Jump Range, so the Auto-Field Maintenance Unit will work while I sleep.

HAL has been a small godsend while I've been out here. Despite not being a true AI, his presence is welcome.

Small concern; it appears to be learning. By random circumstance it came into contact with the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster while I was down in the engine compartment doing maintenance checks before I hit the Neutron Star "Highway". He rebooted and has been highly inquisitive since.

I'll have to keep on eye on that one.

On the plus side, per Universal Cartographics, I'm about 12,808 LY from Colonia. I'll likely eschew the more tourist/exploration and start being more direct in my travel to Colonia.

I could use a real shower and some real chow.

Captain's Log - 12.15.3304 - Supplimental

I arrived at Heart Sector IR-V b2-0, and landed at Farsight Expedition Base.

The views out here are fantastic. I used the bases GalNet transmitter to send back pictures to my F.O.

It is to be noted she is upset, but along with the pictures I assured her that this wouldn't be a poor mark on her record; being so far away from home can get to a person. Regardless; she can do more for the Errantry Alliance and the Federation in the Bubble than I. A formal request to have her reassigned to oversee combat operations, along with formal orders to take command of the E.A.S. Alexandria, in Narvert was approved, and she'll be out there once the Navy and Pilot's Federation clears her for active service.

On a personal note, I did pick up a small personal companion robot. Though AI is outlawed, it has just enough cognitive and intelligence to at least simulate a living being whilst following Federation laws. Hopefully it will help with my own mental health while I'm out here.

I've named it HAL.

Captain's Log - 12.15.3304 - IC 1805 Sector DQ-Y E3

We had to turn back to Undin; critical emergency forced us to return to the Bubble.

The good news is that Lt. Cmdr. Floyd will be ok; she currently is en-route to Sol to receive the proper care. Long range exploration... just isn't for everyone. Her next assignments will keep her closer to the Bubble.

So, I head out alone. I stored the Highwind, and started up the Kirin. Tough lil' ships, Diamondback Explorers' be, that's for sure. Not quite the Jump Range of the Highwind, but 67 Light-Years is plenty far enough.

After about two days of travel, I'm back at IC 1805 Sector DQ-Y E3, also known, apparently, as "Altera's Eye". Smallish black hole, but I can also see the Soul and Heart Nebulae again.

Interesting note that there is an O-Class Star field around this region of space. It isn't marked on the Galaxy map proper as a formation but you can see it from fairly far away once you hit this region of space.

I press on to the Nebulae. There's a small asteroid base near the Heart Nebula. I'll likely work out of there for a bit.

Captain's Log - 12.11.3304 - Orio-Persean Gap

After significant refits, module replacements and a visit from the Federal Navy Ship Maintenance Corps, we were cleared to leave Mars High Orbital Shipyards. Granted, my credit balance is also significantly lower, but my new attorney says our case should be sufficient to get some of it back. Apparently, the judges in the jurisdiction are Pilot's Federation friendly, so something good should come of it.

Our stops to Macro Gwent, Felicity Farseer and the Dweller went as expected. They laughed at the work and the "Safety" standards of Sol and the Federal Navy; operating ships below what they're capable of because of dumb pilots and dumber crews.

Speaking of, sadly, most of the crew were dismissed while we were at Mars; bringing the Highwind up to modern operating capacity automated a fair number of main and sub-systems. What took not two days ago a crew of about 30 now only takes one, maybe two individuals. Several letters of recommendation were recorded and sent with the departing crew members. Lt. Cmdr. Charli Floyd remains as second-in-command and secondary pilot.

A note: The Dweller creeps both myself and my second in command out.

Regardless, we set out to cross the Orio-Persean Gap, with a quick stop to Maia to visit Palin.

So far, we've covered about 4,000 LY of our journey through the Perseaus Arm. We plan to stop and map the Heart and Soul Nebula before turning up the arm and slowly making our way towards Colonia.

Discoveries have been sparse; only one geological notable formation and only one Earth Like world.

In Which a Coffee Machine Was Promised, but Never Delivered....

Email Log: 12.5-3304-12.9.3304 Cmdr. Seran Cracken SER-07, Errantry Alliance Service Highwind

TIMESTAMP: 12.5.3304

Dear sir/madam;

Your coffee maker is in the galley, right next to the fridge.

In case you were unaware, in 2687 there were a rash of court cases against us for hot coffee spilling on pilots during high G maneuvers, we were forced to move the coffee maker out of the cockpits of all Falcon Delacy products. We apologize for the inconvenience but I'm sure you will appreciate getting up and stretching your legs.

Once again thank you for shopping Falcon Delacy.


I. M. Bord

Falcon Delacy Customer Care

To: Faulcon DeLacy Customer Care

From: Seran Cracken, Officer Commanding Highwind, Errantry Alliance Service, SER-07

Subject: Coffee Machine

To Whom It May Concern:


My pilot and I looked all over the galley, and not a single device that could even be construed as a coffee machine was located. In fact, we found that someone at the manufacturing shipyard thought it would be a great idea to wire the refrigerator to the same power conduit line as the Shield Generator.

We're on our way to the Orbital Shipyards of Mars to to a complete aft to stern inspection of the ship before we jump the Orio-Persean Gap next week. Just to make sure nothing else is wrong or wired weird.

Since we'll be on Mars, if you could please send the Coffee Machine to Mars High, attn: Seran Cracken, it would be most appreciated. Also, if you would be so kind to reimburse my credit account for the impending inspection and re-wire of the ship, it would be most welcome. Enclosed is the estimate from Mars High Orbital Shipyards and Repair.

Thank you.


/s Seran Cracken

Cmdr. - E.A.S. Highwind

Encl: Repair/Refit Estimate

Timestamp: 12.6.3304

To: Seran Cracken, CMDR E.A.S. Highwind

From: I. M. Bord, Falcon Delacy Customer Care

Subject: Coffee maker and warranty work.

Ms. Cracken,

I have received your estimate and been in contact with Mars High Orbital. I attempted to work with them to seamlessly apply warranty to your planned work there. Unfortunately I was not able to gather all the information required to do so.

I will need your ship's model and serial number, as well if you could provide the name of the shipyard you purchased your ship from, it may help me figure out why there is no coffee maker.


I. M. Bord

Timestamp: 12.7.3304

To: Faulcon DeLacy Customer Care

From: Seran Cracken, Officer Commanding Highwind, Errantry Alliance Service, SER-07

Subject: Coffee Machine

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Serial number is FalDel3304-Automatic Redaction-. Please be advised I have attached the chain of title documents hereto. The ship was purchased from Ray Gateway, Diaguandri; submitted herewith is the purchase receipt and proof of pay off, as the ship was paid in full at time of purchase.

Also included is the ships naval register with the Erranty Alliance of Narvert, and a copy of the ships record in the Federal Navy Register as required by Federal Navy Regulation 77.82 Sec. 989 sub 8827-d ("Pilots Federation Voluntary Enlistment Act") of the Federal Navy Regulatory Code, which is also accessible via GalNet Federation Naval Register and Records site.

Thank you.


/s Seran Cracken

Cmdr. - E.A.S. Highwind


  • Title Documents: COPY
  • Purchase Receipts: COPY
  • Naval Register: Errantry Alliance
  • Naval Register: Federation Navy

Timestamp: 12.9.3304

To: Seran Cracken, CMDR E.A.S. Highwind

From: I. M. Bord, Falcon Delacy Customer Care

Subject: Coffee maker and warranty work.

Thank you for the attachments, they allowed me to trace the vessel in question through the chain of title. Which if you had checked thoroughly would have answered many of your questions, many of which I believe you knew before trying to make these claims, why else would you send me a redacted serial number.

First of your full serial number is FALDAC3304-SV-73679273110-AC. If you're unfamiliar with how serial numbers work here's a quick breakdown of yours FALDAC it's the original maker, 3304 is the year the serial number is issued, SV designates a salvaged vessel (also the reason for the new serial number issue date). 7367927 is your actual chassis number, while 3110 is the original year of manufacture, and AC indicates it's an Anaconda class.

You also bought this vessel from Ray's Gateway, this is a used shipyard. This is why ships are cheaper at this port.

I'm afraid I'll have to deny your request for warranty work as at 196 years of age this vessel is well beyond the scope of any warranty. However as a gesture of good will your coffee maker is enroute to Mars High Orbital.


I. M. Bord

P.S. After some discussion with my superiors, we will be getting in contact with representatives from Ray's Gateway to ensure that they sell used ships that correctly repaired and represent the Falcon Delacy name in a way that our loyal customers expect

18:46; Mars High Orbital Shipyards, 12.9.3304

Seran slumped in the captain's chair. Annoyance graced her face and a frustrated sigh filled the bridge. She tossed her pad onto the bridge console, and looked out the bridge window.

No wonder why this boat was as cheap as it was.

"Sir?", a voice came from behind her. Her first officer had been standing behind her, data pad in hand.


"Excuse me, sir?"

"This boat," Seran said with a slight tone of annoyance in her voice, "was built in 3100. I was sold a used boat."

Her first officer glanced down at the data pad, and raised an eyebrow, "Well, then... I guess that explains what they found...."

Seran swiveled the captain's chair and looked at her first officer, "What. Did. They find?"

The lieutenant simply handed Seran the data pad, and took a rather large step back. She knew that as calm and collected as the captain can be, the one thing you never messed with... was her boat. These revelations clearly did not sit well, nor would what the Martian shipyard found.

Seran looked at the pad, "Power Conduit tear down, refit, landing gear actuator.... lateral thruster re-calibration, Frame Shift Drive re-tune...." She looked up, "What do they mean the safety protocols were disengaged?!"

Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Floyd coughed, "Keep scrolling, sir..."

Seran looked back at the pad, scrolling as she went, "Cargo bay safety inspection; failed, Life Support System Inspection; failed - requires replacement, Navigation computer testing; requires full recalibration, Hull Integrity System; failed, Vehicle Deployment and Retrieval System; failed..."


Seran stood and started to make an exit off the bridge... only to trip on an exposed wire. Charlie tried her best to stiffle a giggle, but a small bit of laughter escaped into the air around the bridge.

As she stood up, she pulled down on her jacket, straightening it, and took a deep breath, "And find me a lawyer. Get one from Earth," She glanced at Charlie, "They have a fondness for corporate litigation."

"Aye, sir, and where are you headed?"

"I have to make a few appointments around the Bubble," she looked down at the report on the pad, and started for the door, "We're going to Deciat 6 once the Martians are done."