CMDR TodaKuroitora profile > Logbook

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(Type-9 Heavy)
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Jan 14, 2019
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Well, here's another strange entry. I'm exhausted. Emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. I have not felt this before. Skeets says it's due to the metabolic changes and the ongoing exploration without much of a break. It's monotonous and I am unused to it. I'd love to break it up with some social activity but... well, there's no one out here. I can't even really walk around as I am, honestly, bored with the unending flight and the constant jump-scan-jump-scan. I might let the co-pilot (Angel) take over for a while. I'm going to go lose another chess game against her. Wish Amanda was here, we could argue or fix something together. I need a bigger crew.

Out in the Black

Well, here we are again, out in the middle of nowhere. I'm doing some deep space exploration to help out a cataloguing firm and to do some work for CLB. It's really a useful cover for following up on the Dead Orbit mission.

Skeets, my Ghost, and I are having a good time in this new universe. I have settled in and accepted his hypothesis on this being a parallel to our own and am slowly adapting. I do more than I used to as far as being alive goes. It's strange but I eat, drink, get wounded and heal, sleep and dream, move and tire so differently. My jumps are no longer double and triple. My armour and weapons function differently. The planets have different atmospheres and landability (If that's even a word) than we are used to experiencing. We cannot land on Venus, Mars, Earth, Mercury and there is NO Tower or Tower analog. There are various kinds of spaceports which we did not have and the people, operations, and ships are totally different even though the star patterns are precisely the same. I do, however, find evidence of our existence but it's strange. They seem ... shadowed ... faded ... somehow. Kind of less substantial. But my gear is perfectly normal. Skeets thinks that this is because we are concretely in this place and in this reality and that, the items from our realm, are here but there is a hint that they are not truly from here. It's strange. The bonus is that he's going nuts trying to figure it out. So, there's that fun bit.

It's mesmerizing to be out here, exploring and still working on that Dead Orbit contract. Last attempt went awry. We ended up having to drop out of the Distant Worlds 2 expedition and go back to civilized space. They call that region "the bubble". We got to Colonia and did not have the materials for the jump across the supermassive blackhole Sagittarius A*. So, we went to see it and came back. DR_Grandreefer had to get us back. Traveler knows that it was starting to creep in on me. This thing they call Space Madness. Jump, scan, jump, scan, jump, scan... I try not to think about it too much as it get me giddy in a strange way. I'm so used to jump and land and go on foot or on sparrow rides and it doesn't work that way. My weapons, other than fusion rifles, are not very useful in most cases. It's that there is insufficient oxygen to support the use of firearms. At least I got to change my armour when we got back to Markie's. I picked up a new pair of ships with the money earned from the journey. They're great ships and came with an espresso maker and cookies! It's nice to have a decent sized galley. I like my Asp Explorer but these Kraits are very nice and have room for 2 more crew members. One is the Krait Mk II. It's an improvement on its predecessor, the Krait Mk I, in handling, power, speed, jump range, and looks.

The other one is a Krait Phantom which seems to be designed to be an explorer, like the Asp X is, but has larger dimensions, can carry more tonnage, and can be built up to have a better jump range.

I find that I have the habit to make sure that I arm myself and my ships. I do it even though others say its pointless because there is only the smallest chance of needing weapons in the Black.

They keep emphasizing that drops my jump range due to increased mass but Skeets and I noticed that a couple of small lasers really does not make much of a difference.

What I am discovering, however, is that Skeets and I have a lot to learn about how to build up these craft. If we pop guns out and start firing, we end up in a heat overload and the weapons shut down pretty quickly. I need to figure that bit out. It'll get us turned to space dust pretty if we get into a tussle.

So, I named the Phantom "The Ghost Who Walks" after the comic character "The Phantom" and yes, it's purple like his uniform. Quit laughing. The Mk II is "Space Ghost" named after the old silver age television cartoon. Skeets downloaded the shows and i found them to be great fun so... why not? I have a Phantom so I might as well have a Space Ghost. I have it kitted out pretty well for exploration. Good jump range and the Ghost takes a fighter in it. I even hired a crew member to help out. But she is not very talkative or interactive. Skeets gets really annoyed by her because of it. I guess he is just so used to my near constant chattering and self-talk that he gets uncomfortable with too much silence. That's my Ghost for you.

Dead Orbit Entry #3

Aw crap... time to admit it. I've been offline for a while because something strange happened. I, um ... I fell asleep. For several days. And it got us separated from the main crew. I'd blame Ghost but it's both of us who blew this. I admit it, we got lost. Ok, fine... -I- got us lost. I'm not sure how though. Ghost seems to have not been very concerned. He said that, upon monitoring me after a few days, he saw some small metabolic and bio-chemical changes in me and is monitoring although he is not concerned at this point. He said there is something odd about this whole situation but has no explanation so we just need to go with it and play by its rules. Ok by me.

But, I feel different. Something in me has changed... Is changing? I cannot explain it but my meditations and sleep are different. I dream much more lucidly and incredibly vividly. I'm getting memories with greater depth, color, smell, and of people/places/events I never have had before.It started just after that last set of clouds we passed through when the cockpit filled with 'cloud'. My strength is different and my reflexes are, according to Ghost, just a bit slower. I have more depth to my emotions and my physical senses seem sharper. Yet, I tire a little more quickly. Something is off here. I even had to get the Asp to synthesise eyeglasses as I seem to have developed an astigmatism in my vision. Ghost is concerned about that last bit as he cannot seem to correct it. I guess it will adjust next time he can do a full resurrection on me. The weirdest part is that I hunger in a different way now. And I find that I sweat more. Not a lot. I mean, I don't get drenched or anything but I do perspire and feel heat and cold a bit more. Or at least I seem to be more aware of it. I also eat and drink a bit more than my normal. Ghost said he'll monitor me more closely and maintain scans and comparisons as best he can. Maybe it's something to do with being so far from the Traveler.

As far as being lost, I can't seem to plot us out of where we are in Clooku and into the next waypoint. Everything keeps saying we come up short on the jump as the jump exceeds max fuel tonnage. Ghost and I keep re-plotting and re-plotting and keep coming up short. Might have to find a way to do a Shaxx-ton of mini-jumps. It's a fuel waster but it might get me close enough to get re-oriented. Everything else has failed. Really could use an R2 Astromech. Maybe Amanda was right about me being all alone out in the black with just Ghost. We do kinda make about "half an idiot when our wonder twin powers combine" as she says in her sweet country drawl. Damnit but I miss her and the kids.

Well, when we wandered away from folks and went to do some examining and exploring, at the last waypoint we made, there was nothing from the next Dead Orbit contact. They had bugged out. But, when I went into their cave home, I did find a hilt off of a Hive Knight sword, a seriously faded Dead Orbit cloak, and a few Dead Orbit shoulder radios. Just a couple of 2m/70cm radios but the batteries are good and the antennae are in good condition. At least I can share them out with the folks I am getting to know if needed on planetside explorations. There's something weird about that cloak's fading. I can almost see through it even though the cloth looks to be in relatively good condition. It seems... hazy? I don't know. I put them all away. I did notice that there were no good footprints inside the cave. Just a single set of very light footprint impressions. It seemed odd considering there was not an atmosphere or wind patterns. When I came out of the cave system, I looked up on a ridge and, for a moment, I thought I saw that Stranger who was on Luna before we went into the underdark the first time there. Maybe it's the glasses and memory playing around again. The formations on this rock are similar to that area of Luna. I'd go into detail on it but I have No Time To Explain.

Back to the hilt of the sword, its presence is, however, very strange considering where we are at this time. No Fallen, Vex, or Hive have been out here as far as I can tell so I am wondering where did this hilt come from? I stored it in the Asp with the Dead Orbit cloak I found. Crawling around in this ship is an interesting adventure. There are a lot more nooks and crannies and hidden compartments than I would have thought. If I can get it back to Amanda, she and her deck gang are going to have a good time going over it. Ghost is scanning it well and has stored his scans and a set of blueprints in his memory system to take back with us. He is quite fascinated with everything going on around us. He seems to be having a great time.

We've seen some very interesting things out here- flame geysers on a volcanic planetoid; fascinating purple crystal on the geyser pits edges; Humongous Spiky things and Gigantic Metal Spheres just floating around; and a bunch of gaseous cloud formations around them.

Analysis reveals multiple chemistry make-up's based on the evaluations Ghost has been doing both with the ships sensors as well as his own. Through liberal use of the SRV planetside, we've been able to gather materials to repair and replenish some basics out here in the black but we cannot seem to find Polonium. The Distant Worlds Exploration team (that's what I stumbled into... an Expedition of all things! What a way to keep a low profile, eh?) keep talking about my needing to gather enough materials to synthesise something they call Jumponium for the jump across the super-black hole at Sagittarius A. I'm a tad concerned about getting these materials as this Polonium seems as hard to get as a quiet night out with Omnigul. However, I'm not too worried as I met a really funny guy named Denzao from Sweden on Earth who has been helping me out a lot. He said we'll figure it out and find what I need. He seems really reliable and trustworthy. I find him to be good humored, witty, and he does really good music. I've been head-banging a bit with his musical compositions along the way. It's got kind of a techno-metal-rap feel to it. I'm not sure if I want him and LaserMaster in the same room. I think they'd have me laughing so hard I'd pee myself.

Denzao is part of a group by the name of Celestial Light Brigade who has embraced me freely and openly like the Daily Routine, Inc crew and the Imperial Sentinels folks I met did. I think these folks are like our factions but they aren't as focused as we tend to be on the life/death dichotomy, internal political struggle, and seem to have some fun and laughs that are ... well, less intense and emotionally deeper. They are always in a place of expansion and development and they do fight between groups but it's not the same level of daily death dosage that we have. It's something which feels less ominous and final. As the Speaker once told me, the universe is full of life and all of life is in a struggle to survive. Everything wants to be on top. Everyone wants to "Be Like Mike" and be the Apex. There is no life without struggle. But their struggle... it's got a different flavor to it. Almost an innocence. Even when they talk about "ganking baddies" which is what they call killing the enemy. Even their equipment is less kit-bashed looking than ours. It's well designed, thoroughly tested, and mass produced. It's obvious that there is something different between their existence and ours. Something gentler.

This society definitely does have an incredibly intricate political system and evolution. It's definitely different from ours and we are certainly not in our Sol system/Milky Way galaxy but... I don't know. I really just don't know. It doesn't make any sense and I am lost as to an explanation as is Ghost. And no one else here has a ghost. Although I swear I saw another Guardian the other day. Looked like PatrioticOwl but was too far away to see clearly. Ghost didn't see him and couldn't find his ghost on scans. But, I would SWEAR it was him.

Ghost and I are both really starting to wonder about who these folks are, where we are, and how all of us happened to connect. Ghost is off on his string theory/parallel worlds hypothesis argument again. Ugh!!! But, I'm not so sure he's wrong anymore. I'm starting to entertain it. Who is Lakon? Who is Gutamaya? Why have we never seen this equipment and these ports of call? Their star maps seem to be the same. Ghost said he is not perfectly sure but he thinks he's starting to notice some small discrepancies in the measurements and locations of things compared to our own stellar cartography. But he is not too certain about what it means as the differences are so very small. Maybe time travel? Oh boy, not that again... the last round we went through was not too pleasant. Thanks, Ikora. Thanks for the future memories. Bloody Vex games. Although, that -would- help to explain that possible vision of the Exo Stranger. But, again, the formations and lighting are about the same. Could be a case of jamais vous.

Again, an R2 unit would be really helpful here. Both for the scientific and engineering abilities as well as the self-awareness and interactions with Ghost and me as well. Ghost and I have spent a lot of time discussing whether or not we can find or create an R2 unit and how we could incorporate it into this Asp's ship systems. Ghost thinks that he can rewire a few primary systems to allow for interfacing with an R2 if we can ever come across one and he has blueprints for making one. He said that, based on the ships systems and equipment, if we find a derelict, or I ever get us into port, he might be able to scavenge enough to create an R2 unit of sorts. Ah, kit bashing! It's simply a lifestyle choice, eh? But, so far, no one seems to know what I'm talking about when I mention them. Except for LaserMaster and he just chuckles and shakes his head. He even hinted at knowing what a lightsaber was but changed the subject and wouldn't go back to it. There's something odd about that one. He reminds me of the Arach's without all of the Gothic gloominess... maybe it's just a light taste of space madness. Another leaf on the wind, I suppose.

I have got to get us back into the main pack of explorers. I'll keep working on the radios and antennae in order to reconnect our communications. I suspect a little more reach would do it so... more antenna fun. -sigh- I SO love spacewalks and keel-crawling.

TodaKuroitora, Hunter, IFB

Dead Orbit Journey Entry #2

Well, it's another day. Nothing to report as I've been simply observing for now. Observing what? Myself, my Ghost who is acting very strangely, my new companions, and the galaxy at this stopping point. I'm always impressed by the beauty when I'm out in the black. It's simply amazing how massive this is and how little we are... it really makes a point about how tiny our daily problems can be. Basics met? Food, water, shelter, clothing, health and sanitation? If yes, what are we complaining about? Why the struggle for primacy about ethnicity, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, politics that have happened throughout all of known history? Granted, that brings us to becoming the most advanced part of a species and allows us to dominate enough to pursue science and the advancements we have developed. But... now, why war? Why did Crota come? Why Oryx? Why the Fallen? The Cabal had what purpose? Did they want to LARP being the Roman Legion? Well, that got their balls kicked up around their ears. Ghaul... LOLOL! After we whupped him even the Traveler woke up enough to slap him down for being a wanna be. What does Marcellus Wallace look like? Not Ghaul because Ghaul's a bitch.

Anyway... still learning about this new ship and its propulsion systems and navigation methodology. I met a guy while practicing with my fusion rifles. His name is LastLaserMaster. Fascinating guy. He really took to the fusion rifles and was accurate after a few rounds. He's not a big fan of the recoil (like any o fusion are) and is working on an idea he got to reduce it on my linear fusion rifles. I have to have them as there are going to be times I'm in a place where gunpowder isn't going to work for me. Oxygen issues. Love is like oxygen, you get too much you get too high and not enough and you're gunna die, you know.

I'll check in again soon.

Cmdr Toda Kuroitora Hunter, IFB

Dead Orbit Journey

Today is day 3 of this journey under the contract which I accepted from Arach Jalal for Dead Orbit to discover origins of the Traveler, The Darkness, The Hive, and The Fallen. SO much has changed since my being "Raised" by my Ghost that I just don't know where to start. So much has gone from strong clarity to a muddiness of who is what and how the lines need to be drawn to ensure the survival of humanity. I find that the amount of killing which we, as Guardians, must do has become exhausting. Sometimes picking up weapons takes so much out of me and gives me a sense of deep, abiding sadness. War is bad for the soul and this constant struggle for survival is wearying. What about music? Art? Philosophy? Science? And not always looking for a way to weaponise creations? Once we did not think of how to use something to kill or undermine others. Is no peace possible? This is why I took this contract and left my Clan, Amanda and the twins, and home to come find out what I can about these influences with whom we live and what can be done to bring peace to this constant conflict not just for humanity and the Guardians but for our opposition as well.

I met with a Dead Orbit contact a few hours after my first landing and they have no real information. They did, however, have a few sets of coordinates to pursue. I'll check them out as there may be something my Hunter's training and instincts might find that they, as a Warlock, might have missed. It's somewhere out near Thor's Eye. Something about this smells of Queen Mara Sov, Eris Morn, and her (Toland?) rock. I wonder what happened when I flew through that strange magellenic cloud and got all kinds of sparking and burning smell and flashing from the control panels. I swear that I felt something -shift-.

After the pseudo-clandestine meeting, while trying to figure out what is wrong with my FTL drive on my Eon Trespass, I did rendezvous with some folks from Celestial Light Brigade and Daily Routine, Inc. who tried to help work on the Trespass to get the FTL back in order. But there's something seriously wrong which prolly needs Amanda's touch. They seem to be going to the galactic core and offered to allow me to fly in their group since I'm going their way.

They seem a decent enough group but were confused by my armour and weapons as well as my ship. They were even somewhat concerned by the number of knives I have one me and my firearms. I wonder why this is... They didn't seem to know about the Traveler or anything about our world and our solar system and yet they claim to hail from it. Is this yet another intimation about the debate regarding possible parallel universes? Is it something about the relativity of time? Could they be from an earlier age? Their ships and ship design, and mode of propulsion kind of suggest it. Something feels odd but right and yet... I don't know. There's just something -off- about it. Is it possible that the cloud -did- something?

I am explaining to them our social structure and how the Infernal Ferocious Bunnies Clan operates and how our Clan system works overall as well as that of the Tower, the Vanguard, the Concordat. Governance is something I understand but discussing it's operation can be difficult. They speak of their home as Sol and Earth as well but I don't remember seeing them or hearing of them until this chance meeting. Was it really chance? I'll have to get a message to Ikora Rey and find out. This would be a great time to talk with Cayde-6.... too bad that isn't possible without a seance and I'm all out of candles, incense, and ouija boards. Maybe I can get a message to Bunny, Victory, or Ryse To Victory and see what they can sniff out. It's a shame I couldn't bring Ghosts052 or Ravenscar1992 or Frosty with me. A little back up might become useful. We'll see. Either way, I'll operate with what I have and not stress over what I don't. Could be worse, could be raining.

I've purchased one of their ships, an Asp Explorer, with a few engrams. They have a few others I might be able to access but I'm not focused on that. The Asp X, as they call it, is aptly named "End of the Trail". It's got basic weaponry on it so I can put up a fight like a kinderguardian against Randall the Vandal. But, it's better than unarmed and naked. Speaking of... Their equipment is interesting. They are in a near constant state of expansion and space combat but they are, other than their ships, mostly unarmed and their flight suits are not really good for ground combat. Or any combat outside of dogfighting, really. Their flight suits, very unlike our armour, makes me think of a near skin-tight leather atmospheric pressure suit. I'd love to see Amanda in one of these. LOL!!!

But, I got one with the ship and it interfaces with the flight and control and pilot's couch/chair systems so... I'll wear it. I like the helmet but I'll miss my Celestial Nighthawk.

And ... this ship, it has a coffee pot. One of their other ships, Krait Mk II, comes with an espresso machine and a cookie maker. They do live well, these folks. However, an odd few of them DEFINITELY have a ... touch ... of space madness. The kind that only deep space explorers get when they've been away from civilization too long. Like the Emo Edgelord Arachs of Dead Orbit.

These folks were quite fascinated by the engrams so I'm using them as bartering materials. One of the folks, some guy named Yamiks, kept asking about dead horses... something unsavory about the way he asked. I'll keep an eye on him and keep him in front of me at all times. Dr Kaii wanted one to examine... I gave him 2 tokens and a Blue as its always good to start with blues. In the end, we bartered for the ship and settled on it costing me a few Legendary Engrams. Master Rahool will pitch a fit but I'll deal with that later when I have to do so. Maybe Ikora or Zavala can engage that argument and I can sneak off to see Amanda. Damn, I miss her. I hope that she and the twins are ok. It's a shame I couldn't bring them with me as I am going to miss my family. Plus, I regret leaving after that argument but I -have- to do this. At least, she'll get to play with this new ship. Maybe she'll forgive me after a few weeks of crawling around in it.

Meanwhile, I'll leave the Trespass here in a cave system which I discovered while riding on an SRV (Surface Recon Vehicle) which, unlike our sparrows uses electricity and a 6-wheel system coupled with short-burst thrusters to propel itself. It's an age-old design which, though crude, works well. I can get a decent speed and range out of it. It's also armed with something like a fusion rifle system. Like I need more guns, Lord Shaxx would love it. And, as my sparrow doesn't work in very low to no oxygen environments, i'll need a replacement anyway. Ah, the joys of internal combustion engines. I definitely need to get the SRV design plans to the Cryptarchy so that we have some options aside from sparrows.

For now, I'm going to pack away my Iron Banner armour and fly in a regular flight suit. Time to play Ninja and blend in for a bit. Plus, my Ghost is pretty insistent upon it and you know how bitchy that one can get!

Cmdr Toda KuroiTora Hunter, Clan IFB