CMDR Skye Blue Devereaux profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Krait Mk II)
Member since:
Jan 19, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Beagle Point

The Rose is safely touched down at the Beagle Point basecamp. Still can't quite wrap my head around the thought, but we made it. 120 days since we departed home at Ohm City, and all the doubt along the journey... we made it. Battered but not beaten.

The Core

We made it, Sagittarius A* lies before us. The Rose is so small compared to this majestic behemoth.


The Rose is approaching Jaques Station, Colonia. Figured we should drop by for a visit while we're 'in the area'. I guess it's a small detour, compared to the journey as a whole.


The time has come, all preparations are as complete as they could be. As the Rose lifts off from the landing pad, and approaches the mail slot of Ohm City, I'm thinking of the road that lies ahead. We're leaving home, and it'll be a long time until we will see the familiar stars again. What will await us out there? Onward into the black, Beagle Point beckons...