CMDR crua9 profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Berry [EX2-CB]
Member since:
Feb 2, 2019
Distances submitted:
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ET 1 Day 34

I'm about 21 jumps from the hub. I think it will be another day before I get my new ship. It appears I'm still a bit away from my CR goal, but we will see what happens when I sale the data. Anyways, I forgot to look to see if the hub has a way to sell the data. It appears I need to head to Jaques Station first.

As far as things go. I am stopped by near an Earth like world. I took a quick picture of it below. I think I need to make my other goal on my way back taking pictures like this. I'm not sure if I ever will review this after I write this. But I might.

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ET 1 Day 33

I am now a little less than 50 jumps from the hub. Looking at the tool on here and with what I have so far, I should have 20 mill CR over the cost of the ship. I'm thinking if I somehow do get 40 mil above, then I will take a look at using the highway. But the good news is, this lets me use the highway to get back to sol. But then again, I kinda really really want a Krait MkII to just mess around SOL. This is about 45 mill CR. So maybe I can just use the backroads and get that when I get home. When I get to the hub I also need to take a look at how much it will take to get my current ship back home.

As far as getting to the hub. I think at this rate I should be there within 2 days. One of my biggest hold ups is the fuel scope time, and this is why I want an upgraded ship. I basically maxed out my current ship in that aspect, and it takes a good 5+ min of waiting at any given star. I heard with some of them on the bigger ships, you only have to wait 1 min at most. (this is why I'm also doing 25 jump gaps. It is taking so long, and you do the same thing over and over and over. I'm spacing out after a point. This makes it where mistakes happen. This is a reason why I try to drive as little as possible in RL.)

ET 1 Day 32

The community goal is done, I have over 150 mill CR to spend, and I'm going to pick up me an Anaconda. I'm heading to Colonia Hub right now. During the CG I "donated" 106 units, and I got into the 75% mark with a 10,000,000 CR reward.

Before taking off I took a quick picture of the station. You can see this below enter image description here

Sadly, the megaship and everything else isn't there. But the good news is this gives me a reason to come out to the area during my next explorer trip.

Anyways, I'm sitting on about 150,434,301 CR. An Anaconda is about 146,969,451, and the insurance is 7,348,472. 150,434,301-146,969,451=3,464,850 cr difference.

I would like to get at least 20-40 mil above the cost of the ship. This should cover all items for rebuild and buying upgraded modules. Part of me wishes I kept at the CG and aim for an extra 10 mil. In any case, my main goal should be to get as much money between now and when I buy the ship. Otherwise, I will not be able to use the highway to get to SOL. I kinda want to end this trip after a month being out.

Based on the tools here, I already have 8.5mil+first finders fee. So we will see. If I luck out in finding a bunch of water worlds, I might get lucky.

As far what am I going to do after I get my ship. I'm going to take a look to see if there is any POI that I should go to. Otherwise, I'm going straight to SOL. I will have to really think about this as I go to the hub to get the ship. I'm about 75 jumps from it. I'm thinking 1-3 at max depending on if I make good timing or not.

I just notice I have a pretty good timeline on what the Explorer's Anchorage station looks like between 2/21/19 and 3/14/19 (now). Maybe I can add another when I come back for a visit. enter image description here

ET 1 Day 18

I ended up taking the back road all the way to the station near the center. Coming back to the station I found it changed a bit, and there is basic services.

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I think I'm just going to wait until the CG to do anything else. I think after the CG is over, I might head back to SOL. I have to see how I feel. But the good news is I think by the time it is done, I will have enough to buy an Anaconda. Even better, it turns out that I'm 1 rank from Elite under the exploration.

ET 1 Day 14

So it turns out I didn't understand the announcement, and the CG isn't today/tomorrow. It actually starts March 7 (next week). Because of this, I'm now at Polo Harbour. I figure I can dump my data and restock.

It took me a good number of hours to get there. I think it will take a good few days to get back. I could use this as an opportunity to explore while I'm heading back.

Without the highway it will take about 128 jumps. With the highway it will take 70 jumps. Maybe the best thing I can do is travel the normal method until time gets close. If I travel about 25 jumps a day on average. I should get there in 5.12 days.

ET 1 Day 7

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I made it to the first POI. On the way I found another planet with life, but I decided to skip this one. The reason for this is looking it up, there is only 4 types of life other than Thargoid and Human. The 4 are more than less plants/worms. They aren't anything interesting to me.

I have to do more research, but I think the type of life I was looking for relates to Thargoid. I will have to do more research into this and where to find it.

Now as far as the POI. I found when you get to the Great Annihilator you are dropped right in front of a black hole. It actually worried me a bit since all I seen was space warping all around the ship. I highly recommend stopping first when jumping to another black hole. It takes a few seconds to figure out which way is what.

While you're in the sphere of influence it's hard to see outside of it. I found the neat thing is around the black hole itself, it looked like it had a bubble of stars around it. You can see this below.

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The sides mostly look like you're in gas. When you go in and out of the sphere of influence, it looks like the universe is wrapping around or unwrapping. I couldn't really get any pictures of going in and out. Below is a picture of the black hole with some distance between it and me. Notice how you can hardly notice anything there without the marker pointing out where/what you're looking at.

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After going to the POI, I decided to go to Sagittarius A*. I ended up just using the highway mostly because the normal method would been 50+ jumps vs 17 jumps. I was going to stay in the POI overnight, but I heard of a new station near the center.

This is what it looks like when you first get into the system.

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As far as Sagittarius A*. This black hole is much bigger, but isn't as bad when jumping into it. There is a nav beacon for tourist ships. As seen below, this is what it looks like from the nav beacon.

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This is as close as I can get to the black hole. It turns out the closer you get, the more heat damage you take. Something to note is the lens effect. Note the image on the right and how it's reflected a few times within the black hole space.

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Getting some distance from the center, it looks like I'm still within the lens effect a good ways. I got this quick picture before taking off to the station.

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After getting to the system with the rumored station, I found a LaGrange Cloud. Within this cloud I found some life. This is much much closer to the life I've been looking for. But sadly, it doesn't look like there is a way I can interact with it. Not unless if I shoot it, and I don't have a way to do that on my exploration ship.

Below is some pictures I've taken of the life.

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About the new station. From my understanding, it will have some community goals within the next week to help build the station services. Below is the current state of the station. Right now I can only outfit, sell goods, and refuel my ship.

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Below is a copy and paste of what is happening with this station.

The Explorer's Anchorage docking hub has now been deployed close to WP7. This constitutes stage 1 of construction The hub has outfitting facilities, but not very much else in the form of station services at the moment. Mining gear is available to buy there. The station superstructure deployment will occur in stages over the coming weeks.

Stage 2 of construction will be deployed on February 28th when more of the superstructure will appear.

Stage 3 of construction will be deployed on March 7th, and this date is when the 2nd CG will begin. The CG tier goals will determine what extra services will come online. The CG is expected to last one week.

So I just need to return by Feb 28 (about 7 days). So what I could do is go back to the nearest system with a shipyard, and get my mining ship. There is a pretty good hint that is what is being asked for. I don't know what materials however to bring. It should be noted any modules I can transfer directly to this station. It will take 72 hours or 3 days however. But looking at everything that is there. It doesn't look like that is needed. But it should be noted that I would need to bring any limpets back with me.

If I head to a station to get a mining ship, I will be looking at going to TolaGarf's Junkyard. This is about 57 jumps to it using the highway. And maybe 239 back. I should expect the 57 jumps to take about 2 to 3 day in itself. And then the 239 jumps to take maybe a week to get back. (So this might not be an option to start with). In which case, I need to just explore the local area. Maybe work on resting a bit and getting some Vanadium. And then hang nearby so I can help out when the event starts. If I luck out, maybe they will build the services as they go.

.... 25 jumps a day on average. 57/25=2.28+3=5.28+(239/25=9.56)=14.84 which means I will only get the tail end of the CG at best.... (It might be best to just explore and have fun anyways. It isn't like I have the ship/stuff to make a dent in any CG)

But if I stick around. What do I explore next?

ET 1 Day 6

I checked the rest of the system out, and I couldn't find any life. I did find a good mining spot, but I'm not sure if it's worth it due to the distance from the nearest station. That and I found plenty of mining spots in other systems.

I decided to keep heading to the POI while using the back roads. I haven't found much of anything I think is important. But I did find it might not be worth going to far out of my way since the chances of finding life seem to very very low. One of the systems I traveled almost 380k LS to scan some rings. Other than more mining spots. I found nothing.

I don't think I will go all the way to the POI today. I'm about 14 jumps with the backroads.

I simply wasn't feeling good due to RL stress. In short I think I messed up a major job interview.


UPDATE: I kept going, and I found a planet with life on it. It appears to be tube like. I found you can shoot stuff off of some of them to get things to repair/build whatever. It turns out the life on the planets most likely will be like this across the board.

At first I thought of driving over the entire planet, but I quickly found out that was a bad idea.

I got a picture of the life I found. enter image description here

Due to how dark everything was, I found out low gravity + not being able to see doesn't mix well.

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At points I was almost sideways while driving.

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ET [Exploration trip] 1 Day 5

Because I found my first Earth-like world today, I figured I need to start keeping a log. I'm currently traveling in my Diamondback Explorer named Frank. Directly after I upgraded my FSD and engineered it to the max jump range, I took off on my first exploration trip.

I took off about 5 days ago (on the 14 & today is the 19). Below is a map of my trip so far.

  • Ship used: Frank
  • Ship Type: Diamondback Explorer
  • Ship ID: EX1-CB

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Originally I was going to go to the center of the galaxy while using the neutron star highway. Since it has been a while, I messed up somewhere during the trip and I started taking damage. Luckily the damage wasn't all that serious and I was able to fix all the modules but 2. At that moment I decided to turn at Flyooe Hypue UV-K d9-129 and go towards a station. The nearest station that got me closer to the center turned out to be a prison ship.

Unknowingly, it turns out I was discovering a bunch of systems like the mentioned. And by the time I found out about this, I figured I can slow down and have some fun. I stopped by a few planets to collect some resources. And that way I can fix up my ship. But on my way to the prison ship, I found the following photo moment.

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A day later I made it to the prison ship the Penal Ship Omicron at Stuelou AT-J c25-24. I figured it was interesting since I never seen one before, and I got the following image.

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After resting a bit and repairing. I found I might be best off to sell what data I have. So I took off to Carcosa. It took me about a day to get there, but I quickly found out the system was in a state of war. Luckily it didn't seem to be a hostel war since I didn't see any actual danger. But I quickly became an ally with the Explorers' Nation after selling all my data. (Which was also the moment I found out exploration is the most profitable method I can go about my time).

I decided to rest at the asteroid base (Robardin Rock) since I never seen an asteroid base before.

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After resting a bit I decided to take off to the Great Annihilator. I figure since it's a POI and it's near the center of the galaxy. Why not?

After taking the highway a bit I decided to try to find my own black holes. A while back I heard of a tactic where you remove the stars from your map, you can find one by looking for the clouds/fuzz. After I found one that my computer said no one went to before. I took off, but was disappointed when I got there. Not only did someone else find the system first. It was only a double O type star system. OK, let's go for another. Well yet again the system was already found and another double type O star.

At this point I figure I should just head to the POI. But I decided to take the normal back roads instead of the highway. My other goals at this time was to find an Earth world and life. A few systems I found water worlds with rings and ice worlds with rings. I tried them and I haven't found any life. But heading to Agnairy IN-F c5610 I found my first Earth world. On top of that I found a gas world with water based life within it (within the planet, so I can't scan them).

Because this is my first Earth-like world, I'm naming it Bob (the scientific name is Agnairy IN-F c5610 A 6). And while sadly I can't say it has a moon like Earth. I'm happy to say it is my first. I just hope one day to land on it.

As seen below, the planet is mostly water. It appears to have some islands the size of Australia. But it's hard to say since the planet is only 0.3762 masses of Earth. The planet is only 0.75 G and the surface temp is 302 K or a nice 83.93 F. The PSI is lower by 2.14 (earth is 14.7 PSI). Sadly, this means humans can never walk the surface without protection. A human needs a pure o2 supply at 12.2%, and that is the lowest they can withstand without protection.

Hopefully my next Earth like will be more suitable to humans. But I do hope a station gets built around this planet or on it.

Below is images I taken of the world.

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There is a few other ringed planets in the system. I will check them and the landable planets for life. Maybe if only if I'm lucky :D Beyond that, I will keep heading to the POI. I'm keeping an eye out for high Vanadium (10% or higher) on the trip. Also I want to find a small world to drive all the way around.