CMDR Azar Javed profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
dinnerbell [AZ-02D]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
Apr 4, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
4,537,846,546 Cr
Brown dwarf survey; weeks 22 and 23 of 3310

IMPORTANT NOTE: This logbook fetches images from my ancient home server for hotlinking. But that server offers them via HTTP, not encrypted HTTPS, so Chromium-based browsers (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, etc.) will not load the thumbnails on due to a protocol mismatch. This still works with Firefox and the links are still clickable in Chromium-based browsers.

To make it work fully on Chromium-based browsers, load EDSM, then click that lock icon in the address bar, and click on "Site settings". Now scroll down a bit and change the value of the "Insecure content" option from "Block (default)" to "Allow". This will only apply to EDSM and allow mixing elements from encrypted and unencrypted sources. This notice will be cut and pasted so that it's always on the top of the logbook until I've found a better solution. END OF NOTE


Nothing happened in week 22, but I did visit 133 new systems last week. Nothing much happened really, but here we go:


+32 systems with nothing found. Oh well.


After just one jump, I immediately got this:

A non-terraformable ocean world A non-terraformable ocean world (Click to enlarge)​

It's one of the featureless ones however, and as is usually the case, there is a simple explanation for this world, which is about 20 Ls away from its parent: 304 Earth atmospheres of pressure. The planet is also somewhat massive at ~8,5 M(⊕). If that's not enough to keep you from taking a dip, the atmospheric temperature down there is 474 K, so over 200°C.

I got my hopes up after encountering this planet and quite a few, closely orbiting high-metal content worlds after it. Still, in the end, nothing interesting came up despite 101 systems having been visited. Just some boring old class II gas giants:

A Sudarsky class II gas giant Another Sudarsky class II gas giant Nobody wants to look at you (Click to enlarge)​

Not great, but it is what it is!

Here's the updated list:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 12978
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1622)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 40 (1 in ≈324)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in 2163)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈361)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 32 (1 in ≈406)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 48 (1 in ≈270)
  • Class II gas giants: 37 (1 in ≈351)
  • Class III gas giants: 20 (1 in ≈649)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 12978)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Helium-rich gas giants: 1 (1 in 12978)
  • Helium gas giants: 0
  • Glowing green gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 49
    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 37 (1 in ≈351, 4 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 9 × L1 + M9, 8 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in ≈2596, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 7 (1 in 1854, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm, 5: Ice, 22892 tril. tons, iR⌾: 555 Mm, oR⌾: 1399 Mm, 6: Ice, 57895 tril. tons, iR⌾: 529 Mm oR⌾: 1332 Mm., 7: Ice, 150535 tril. tons, iR⌾: 779 Mm, oR⌾: 1964 Mm)
Brown dwarf survey, weeks 20 and 21 of 3310


While I had said that reports would happen weekly, the one for the week before last week was omitted. Not because of a lack of systems visited - of which there were 221 - but simply because absolutely nothing was found...

And last week wasn't all that much better...


Some gas giants again, nothing overly fancy though, just one with water-based life, and a less common class III:​

Gas giant with water-based life Sudarsky class III gas giant (Click to enlarge)


Aand we get another wide ring, as is usually the case it orbits around a class I gas giant. Sadly it's not visible this time around though. :(

Sudarsky class I gas giant with wide icy rings


Nothing was found on that day.

The sum for last week is just 70 systems, so that's not too much. I'll also add the 221 systems full of nothingness that came the week before the last one.

With that, here's where I'm standing:​

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 12845
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1606)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 39 (1 in ≈329)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈2141)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈357)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 32 (1 in ≈401)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 48 (1 in ≈268)
  • Class II gas giants: 35 (1 in ≈367)
  • Class III gas giants: 20 (1 in ≈642)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 12845)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Helium-rich gas giants: 1 (1 in 12845)
  • Helium gas giants: 0
  • Glowing green gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 49
    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 37 (1 in ≈364, 4 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 9 × L1 + M9, 8 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in ≈2511, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 7 (1 in ≈2092, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm, 5: Ice, 22892 tril. tons, iR⌾: 555 Mm, oR⌾: 1399 Mm, 6: Ice, 57895 tril. tons, iR⌾: 529 Mm oR⌾: 1332 Mm., 7: Ice, 150535 tril. tons, iR⌾: 779 Mm, oR⌾: 1964 Mm)
Brown dwarf survey, week 19 of 3310; We got some wide rings again, but not much else


Here is your weekly brown dwarf survey report. I was active for three days. On Tuesday I only made a single test jump for checking a new Observatory Core .lua script that notifies me whenever any terraformable world is detected. Then there were Friday and Sunday.


Despite having made only a single jump to some random brown dwarf, I stumbled over one of those again, pure luck:​

L0 + M9 (Click to enlarge)

My fuel reserves were at about 70%, so I used that M9 star for refuelling. Sadly, it was sitting at a distance of over 525000 Ls from the entry point. Ugh...​


On that day, only a gas giant with water-based life was detected. It came with a mass of 879 M⊕ or 2.77 M♃ and orbits around its parent at about 7000 Ls. Nothing out of the ordinary:​

A gas giant with water-based life (Click to enlarge)


On Sunday I got another one with water-based life and a rarity, a class I gas giant with wide rings. Boring stuff first:​

Another gas giant with water-based life (Click to enlarge)

The only slightly interesting part about that gas giant is its mass, which is slightly over a thousand Earth masses. I'm not sure if I've seen such massive gas giants before in brown dwarf systems, as I did not look at things like mass and radius all that much in the past. Guess that class IV was more massive maybe. In this case, it's ≈1013 M⊕ or ≈3.19 M♃.

And here comes the wide ring system, thankfully it was an icy ring with a high enough albedo to see it:​

Sudarsky class I gas giant with wide icy rings (Click to enlarge)

It's not the widest one in my records, but rather somewhere in the middle with an inner radius of 528634 km and an outer one measuring 1332074 km. At least over a million! Its mass is ~57895 TT.

Bottom line: This makes for another 164 systems last week with only the wide rings making for an interesting find. Well, it's brown dwarfs all over again, what can we expect. ;)

Next, I shall head to a Wolf-Rayet stopover that sits directly inside of the brown dwarf layer and right on my route, with nothing but brownies on my way there. Let's see whether that WR star has been found already or not. ;)

Here is the updated list of findings:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 12554
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1569)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 39 (1 in ≈322)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈2092)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈349)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 32 (1 in ≈392)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 47 (1 in ≈267)
  • Class II gas giants: 35 (1 in ≈359)
  • Class III gas giants: 19 (1 in ≈661)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 12554)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Helium-rich gas giants: 1 (1 in 12554)
  • Helium gas giants: 0
  • Glowing green gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 47
    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 36 (1 in ≈364, 4 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 9 × L1 + M9, 8 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in ≈2511, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 6 (1 in ≈2092, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm, 5: Ice, 22892 tril. tons, iR⌾: 555 Mm, oR⌾: 1399 Mm, 6: Ice, 57895 tril. tons, iR⌾: 529 Mm oR⌾: 1332 Mm.)
Brown dwarf survey, week 18 of 3310; A major discovery has been made!

Edit 3310-05-13: I forgot to switch this log from draft to published, so it's 1 week late, shortly followed by the report for the week after. My apologies for that.

Good morning Commanders,

It's time for another weekly report, and I've got a pretty nice surprise for you this time! Active days were Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Let's start:


This was the most active day of the last week by a long shot with +160 systems surveyed. Despite the high number of systems visited the results were quite meagre with only two slightly uncommon gas giants found. One came with ammonia-based life and the other was a class II. The one with ammonia-based life had icy rings at least:

Gas giant with ammonia-based life Sudarsky class II gas giant (Click to enlarge)

Onwards to last Saturday:


Only +19 systems were added to the stats on this day. However, something reasonably big happened! My heart skipped a beat the very moment I looked at the spectrometer after having opened the FSS. "That peak is way too far right!" At first, I thought I had found another class IV or even a class V gas giant, but no, it was even better than that:

Helium-rich gas giant (Click to enlarge)​

Holy cow! I had only added them to my goals a week ago! I should become a prophet or something...

Here's the system map​:

System containing the helium-rich gas giant (Click to enlarge)​

As you can see, the helium-rich gas giant is the only body orbiting the secondary dwarf, which is a class L8 one. Other than that we got a set of icies and a single class I gas giant.

Let's take a closer look at the helium-rich one, where the brightness on the left image was increased by +50% so you can see the features of the clouds better. In the right one, try to locate the brown dwarf it's orbiting:​

Helium-rich gas giant View of the brown dwarf orbited by the helium-rich gas giant (Click to enlarge)​

The planet has about 640 M⊕, which translates to about 2,02 M♃. Its Helium content is 32,3% with the rest of the atmosphere consisting of hydrogen. The interesting part is that it orbits its parent dwarf at a very low eccentricity of 0,0591 and a pretty low distance of 1,09 AU, similar to Earth's orbit around the Sun. The two brownies orbit each other at a similarly low eccentricity and at a distance of over 14000 Ls.

So the helium-rich atmosphere of this planet was not formed by the evaporation of hydrogen around a very energetic star as the planet is clearly not a capture. Or at least it's highly unlikely. All bodies in this system feature near-circular orbits.

So the planet-forming dust and gas must have just had an abnormally high helium content.

Being about as far from its parent as Earth is from the Sun, it's very cool at 132 K or -141°C. Well, the dwarf is just an L8 after all.

That sure was exciting I tell you!

And one more day:​


After the above find, the planets I found on Sunday seem somehow really mundane, but here they are, a non-terraformable water world and a class III gas giant. Well at least it's a class III and not a class II:​

Non-terraformable water world Sudarsky class III gas giant (Click to enlarge)​

At least this water world has a nice weather system and isn't so bland (Click to enlarge)​

The water world orbits a dim L9 dwarf and has a pretty low mass of 0,21 M⊕. With an atmospheric pressure of just 0,2 atm it clearly is not one of those planets retaining liquid water because of high pressure. Still, the surface temperature is a steamy 331 K or 58°C, because the planet orbits its parent at just 6 Ls.

The class III gas giant was in orbit around its parent at pretty much the same distance, so it's warm and cosy at 361 K or about 88°C. Its orbital period doesn't fall within my self-defined Hot Jupiter limit of a period below one day though. I'll count this as a normal gas giant.

And that's that! First helium-rich gas giant in 12390 systems! Here's the updated report (with some errors corrected as well, it seems I sometimes mess up even simple addition):​

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 12390
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1549)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 39 (1 in ≈318)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in 2065)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈344)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 32 (1 in ≈387)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 45 (1 in ≈275)
  • Class II gas giants: 35 (1 in ≈354)
  • Class III gas giants: 19 (1 in ≈652)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 12390)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Helium-rich gas giants: 1 (1 in 12390)
  • Helium gas giants: 0
  • Glowing green gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 45
    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 35 (1 in ≈364, 4 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 9 × L1 + M9, 7 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in 2478, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 5 (1 in 2478, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm, 5: Ice, 22892 tril. tons, iR⌾: 555 Mm, oR⌾: 1399 Mm.)
Brown dwarf survey, week 17 of 3310


There were only two active days last week, Friday and Sunday and week 16 was skipped entirely. So not many jumps were made, but here are my findings:


Some close friends again, here it's a L3 + L7 pair with a T3 and a T7 being present in the system as well:​

L3 + L7 besties (Click to enlarge)​

And your occasional water world, once again it's not terraformable and almost entirely smooth. The planet is 32 Ls from the main body with 628 atm's of pressure for a chilly temperature of just 258 K:

Another ocean world (Click to enlarge)​

Nothing interesting apart from the water world with 65 systems visited on Friday.


On Sunday, I visited 47 more systems. I found yet another class III gas giant, further increasing their apparent frequency of occurrence. This is in orbit around some class T secondary dwarf:​

A Sudarsky class III gas giant (Click to enlarge)​

It's not very bright out there, but you can see a bit of its colour, which is a common one for a class III gas giant.

Then I came across a triplet of icies in fast and close orbits. The two on the right are quite a bit smaller than the larger body in the rear. Here, the two small moons are in a co-orbit and then orbit the larger body together. For fun, I landed on the rightmost one to get a nice view:​

Icy triplet Icy triplet (Click to enlarge)​

No atmospheres on any of the three though.

And then I came across something quite rare, a class I gas giant with a system of three rings, of which the outermost one is pretty wide with a radius of almost 1.4 million kilometres:​

Wide ring system (Click to enlarge)​

Visibility isn't great, but you should be able the icy rings despite them being quite faint. There were also two shepherd moons, one on the inner side of the outermost ring C and one on the outer side of ring B.

Here are the statistics for those three rings:​

  • Ring A: Rocky, 22689 TT, iR⌾: 87890 km, oR⌾: 97002 km​
  • Ring B: Icy, 120867 TT, iR⌾: 97102 km, oR⌾: 135589 km​
  • Ring C: Icy, 22892 TT, iR⌾: 555092 km, oR⌾: 1398745 km​

Additionally, I also reached my goal for this stage, which is another M9 star in co-orbit with an L1 primary. This star is not pictured. It was somewhat far out at a distance of almost 126000 Ls. Still waiting for another close L + M binary constellation.

Not all that much to add to the totals, but after the above +112 systems, here we are:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 12156
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1520)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 38 (1 in ≈320)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈2026)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈338)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 31 (1 in ≈392)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 45 (1 in ≈270)
  • Class II gas giants: 34 (1 in ≈358)
  • Class III gas giants: 18 (1 in ≈675)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 12156)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Helium-rich gas giants: 0
  • Glowing green gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 44
    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 34 (1 in ≈358, 4 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 9 × L1 + M9, 7 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in ≈2431, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 5 (1 in ≈2431, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm, 5: Ice, 22892 tril. tons, iR⌾: 555 Mm, oR⌾: 1399 Mm.)
Brown dwarf survey, week 15 of 3310; Not much happened, really


Sadly, not many brown dwarf systems were surveyed over the last week, because a certain other game caught my attention. ;)

But anyway, here's what I did find:


+34 systems and understandably only two uncommon things (although both are getting more common recently) were found, first an unintentionally encountered M9 star, the primary being an L1. And second, another class III gas giant orbiting the L1 in the same system:​

L1 + M9 with a Sudarsky class III gas giant orbiting the L1 Viewing the L1 dwarf from the class III gas giant (Click to enlarge)


Only +23 systems were surveyed and nothing was found on that day.


+33 brownies and another unintentional find of a class M9 star with the primary being a slightly cooler L3 this time. I didn't go scooping fuel from this one nor the one from three days prior, so there is only a system map view:​

L3 + M9 (Click to enlarge)

So only 91 new systems were surveyed over the last week, not much to add to the list, but here it is anyway:​

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 12044
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1506)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 37 (1 in ≈326)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈2007)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈335)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 31 (1 in ≈388)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 45 (1 in ≈268)
  • Class II gas giants: 34 (1 in ≈354)
  • Class III gas giants: 17 (1 in ≈708)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 12044)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 42

    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 33 (1 in ≈365, 4 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 8 × L1 + M9, 7 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in ≈2409, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 4 (1 in ≈3011, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm.)

      ▸ Note: Class M9 red dwarf secondary numbers are biased towards those red dwarfs, as I would sometimes actively search for them on the galaxy map for refuelling purposes! So if you leave things to chance, you'll come across significantly fewer of them! Keep this in mind if you decide to refuel within the layer exclusively!

Easter week brown dwarf survey report


Here is your Easter week brown dwarf survey report.

Let's get right to it:


On that day, only a single gas giant with water-based life was found quite far from its host body at a distance of about 35600 ls:

Gas giant with water-based life Click to enlarge


First, a terraformable high metal content world was found:

Terraformable high metal content world Terraformable high metal content world Click to enlarge

And then, a class III gas giant in pretty close orbit around its class L host was found. This one posed a problematic situation; Is this still a hot Jupiter, or not?

Class III hot Jupiter? Class III hot Jupiter? Click to enlarge

So, I studied some specifications and existing observations, and it seems the defining characteristics are an orbital period of under 10 days and a mass between 0,36 - 13,6 M♃ (Jupiter masses). Most would be tidally locked and pretty hot, but there is no defined minimum temperature specified. And what has been specified only covers hot Jupiters orbiting real stars, not brown dwarfs.

This one has an orbital period of just 0,7 days, 1,86 M♃ or 590 M⊕ and a surface temperature of 590 K or about 317°C. According to observations of the Spitzer Space Telescope, the cooler versions of those planets can have "up to 700°C" of temperature, close to 1000 K. But who knows what "up to" means here.

I've decided that this planet counts.

I'm guessing that a limit of a maximum orbital period of 1 day may make sense in case of any hot Jupiter orbiting a brown dwarf. So instead of P less than 10 days I will use P less than 1 day from here on out. We'll see how well that'll work out.


We start with a Sudarsky class II gas giant which is pretty far out at roughly 23800 ls. Thanks to its high albedo, the surface is still pretty visible without any image processing:

Class II gas giant Click to enlarge

Then, some close L + T brownies:

A class L + class T brown dwarf binary Another class L + class T brown dwarf binary Click to enlarge

And finally, a non-terraformable ocean world:

Non-terraformable ocean world Non-terraformable ocean world, system map Click to enlarge


Let's start with another set of brownies, but this times both are class L:

Close class L friends Click to enlarge

Then, your obligatory gas giants, one class II and one with ammonia-based life, which isn't very massive at just about 18 M⊕:

Sudarsky class II gas giant Gas giant with ammonia-based life Click to enlarge

At that point, I really had to make a run for another class M secondary brown dwarf start though, which took me over 100 jumps with fuel down to the last 25% already, here's with what I arrived there:

Fuel running dangerously low Click to enlarge

And then I had to cover another 212206 Ls, because that's how far away that M9 star was from its L0 brown dwarf host... It's boasting an orbital period of slightly over 10000 years and a semi-major axis of 179 AU:

A class M9 star in co-orbit with an L0 brown dwarf Click to enlarge


For once in a while I decided to take the opportunity of landing on a very close moon again. Just do do something different for a while, here we go:

![Nice and close]( "Nice and close") Now who are you? Click to enlarge

Seems I accidentally landed right next to an alient plant. And I had to satisfy my desire for huge crater ridges once more:

Nice views Nice views Click to enlarge

Just shortly after that I found a pretty hot high metal content world in close orbit around a class T host. Despite the very cool substar, the planet had a surface temperature of 700 K:

A hot and closely orbiting high metal content world Click to enlarge

And then, more M's. I picked out the following L1 + M9 pair on the galaxy map though:

L1 + M9 Click to enlarge

But just a hand full of jumps after that, there was another such pair, but this time it's an L0 with a class III gas giant and a much less common M8 star. There was nothing else in this system. The planet was brightened up by +70% to make the surface visible:

L0 with a class III gas giant + M8 Class III gas giant Click to enlarge


Not much was found on that day, so I only got a gas giant with ammonia-based life:

Gas giant with ammonia-based life Click to enlarge

Then I suddenly felt a drive to reach the bottom of the galaxy once more, following one of the larger dust protrusions going almost perpendicularly to the galactic disc. But, after a couple of neutron boosts I strangely got annoyed by the whole ordeal pretty quickly, so I aborted it and went back into the layer.

Something good did happen when I did that though, I can bring you pretty pictures of a ringed class Y brown dwarf, something that can't happen in real brown dwarf systems. ;)

Here they are:

Ringed class Y brown dwarf Ringed class Y brown dwarf

Ringed class Y brown dwarf Click to enlarge


At the very end of the week, I only did a few jumps, but we got some boring gas giants with life on them again. From left to right: One with water-based and one with ammonia-based life:

Gas giant with water-based life Gas giant with ammonia-based life Click to enlarge

That makes for a total of 677 systems with brown dwarf primaries surveyed over the last week. Here is the updated list:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 11953
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1494)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 37 (1 in ≈323)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈1992)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈332)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 31 (1 in ≈386)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 45 (1 in ≈266)
  • Class II gas giants: 34 (1 in ≈352)
  • Class III gas giants: 16 (1 in ≈747)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 11953)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 37

    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 31 (1 in ≈412, 3 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 7 × L1 + M9, 7 × L0 + M9, 3 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 5 (1 in ≈2391, 4 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 4 (1 in ≈2988, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm.)

      ▸ Note: Class M9 red dwarf secondary numbers are biased towards those red dwarfs, as I would sometimes actively search for them on the galaxy map for refuelling purposes! So if you leave things to chance, you'll come across significantly fewer of them! Keep this in mind if you decide to refuel within the layer exclusively!

Holy week brown dwarf suvey report


Here is your weekly brown dwarf survey report for holy week!

There were four days of activity and a total of 299 systems were surveyed.​


On the first day, I visited 77 systems, finding... absolutely nothing. Not even a single close orbiter or interesting gas giant. What a drag!​ But that's what it means to sift through brownies.


Another 86 systems, and I came across two water worlds, non-terraformable ones again. One of them came with rings, though!​ Okay, not the most fashionable rings, but I'll take what I can get:

Massive, high-pressure ocean world Less massive, still pretty high-pressure ocean world (Click to enlarge)

Both are pretty high pressure with the left one of them being rather huge and massive too. It comes with a mass of 7,47 M⊕ at a radius of 13068 km. It's surface pressure is quite extreme at 1989 atm. So that's how it can maintain liquid water on its surface when it's 44 Ls from its host. It's pretty warm down there at a surface temperature average of 314 K or 40°C. Would make for a nice summer resort if it wouldn't instantly squish you into purée.

The ringed one is way smaller with a radius of 8833 km and a mass of 1,27 M⊕. It's rather chilly with a surface temperature average of 274 K.

There's more though, as another class III gas giant has also been located:

Another class III Photo modified; Planetary brightness increased by +50% (Click to enlarge)

There were also quite a few close brownie binaries, but more on that later. I don't find them to be exciting enough to report on all of them any longer.


Another day of nothing, but I only made 15 jumps on that day, so it's fine.


Yesterday I was quite active, fully FSS'ing another 121 systems. It's been a while since I got startled by dropping out of hyperspace into a set of multiple close stars while in VR, but yesterday it happened once again. Made my heart jump out of my chest when I jumped in right between the tertiary class L and the secondary class T, what a rush!

And there was also a pretty close class T at about 3,74 Ls from the main class L in a system just before the trinary one:

They're besties Close friends (Click to enlarge)

What next? Your obligatory gas giant with water-based life of course. It just had to happen. This one is pretty far out at over 15800 Ls though, so I thought I'd show you just how dark it is out there by positioning myself in such a manner that the milky way would be behind the planet and the system's substar at my back, nothing was artificially brightened here:

Not much light to go around (Click to enlarge)

It's pretty massive at ~992 M⊕ as well!

Another uncommon thing around brown dwarfs are very closely orbiting high metal content worlds. And here's one of them orbiting a class T brown dwarf secondary, with the main class L being pretty close, too:

High metal content world in close orbit High metal content world in close orbit Photos modified; planetary brightness increased by +30% (Click to enlarge)

This one comes with a radius just shy of 8000 km and a mass of 2,63 M⊕. It orbits its host in but a tenth of a day!

And last but definitely not least, we also got another wide, icy ring system. It's around a class I gas giant, and even comes with a set of two sheperd moons:

Wide icy rings (Click to enlarge)

It's definitely not the widest I've seen in brown dwarf systems, but it's inner diameter sits at 553 Mm, and the outer one at 878 Mm. That's only the fourth wide ring system in over 11000 systems!

Here's the updated list:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 11276
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1410)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 36 (1 in ≈313)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈1879)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 35 (1 in ≈322)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 28 (1 in ≈403)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 43 (1 in ≈262)
  • Class II gas giants: 32 (1 in ≈352)
  • Class III gas giants: 14 (1 in ≈805)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 11276)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 34

    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 28 (1 in ≈434, 3 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 6 × L1 + M9, 6 × L0 + M9, 2 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 4 (1 in ≈2819, 3 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 4 (1 in ≈2819, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm, 4: Ice, No mass recorded, iR⌾: 553 Mm, oR⌾: 878 Mm.)

      ▸ Note: Class M9 red dwarf secondary numbers are biased towards those red dwarfs, as I would sometimes actively search for them on the galaxy map for refuelling purposes! So if you leave things to chance, you'll come across significantly fewer of them! Keep this in mind if you decide to refuel within the layer exclusively!

Brown dwarf survey, week 13 of 3310; More class M secondaries, water worlds and a few noteworthy gas giants (there almost always are)


Here is your brown dwarf survey report!

I have decided to switch to a weekly format and stop all the editing of old posts and lists. It was just too much of a chaos, so the new format should be much cleaner.

Having taken Mon-Wed off, the results are from 3310-10-22 to 3310-10-24:

An additional +345 systems have been surveyed. I'm still on the slow side because I'm FSSing all systems. So I still haven't fallen back to the jump-honk-jump-honk cycle. In any case, what did I find?

Aside from some close binaries (both substars and planets), almost the usual in terms of gas giants: Two class II and two with water-based life, but also another less common class III! On top of that, I came across two water worlds in very quick succession, just a handful of jumps apart from each other. Neither was terraformable however, with one being farther out while having a high surface pressure of over 400 atm and the other being pretty tiny with a radius of ~1400 km.

Additionally to that, two more M9 secondaries have been located, with the primary being an L0 dwarf in both cases. The first one was just by chance, whereas I had searched for the second, farther one on the galaxy map for refuelling.

That also made me rethink my assessment of the rarity of class M red dwarf secondaries within the brown dwarf layer. Currently, it's quite biased towards those red dwarfs, because I'll have searched for them on the map in most cases out of the need for fuel. You would never come across this many if you'd leave it to chance! I decided to make a note in the list that clarifies this.

Now as for the photos:


Almost entirely uninteresting, but I still noted it down: A system with nothing but six ringed gas giants in it. Here they are:

Six ringed gas giants with nothing else (Click to enlarge)

And the least common object of the last week, a Sudarsky class III gas giant, sadly doesn't quite qualify as a "hot" Jupiter, it's more like a lukewarm one at a surface temperature of 403 K:

Sudarsky class III gas giant, view from planet to host Sudarsky class III gas giant, view from host to planet

Sudarsky class III gas giant on the system map (Click to enlarge)


Another object of little interest, but I still took a photo; A close-orbiting high metal content world, though I forgot to check whether it's landable. 18 Ls away there was another class L substar, which is not pictured:

A high metal content world in close orbit (Click to enlarge)

Also, one of the two gas giants with water-based life was found on this day:

Gas giant with water-based life Note: The photograph has been altered, brightness was raised by +70% (Click to enlarge)


Nothing noteworthy was found on this day with only 12 systems surveyed.


On Sunday, I took my time and visited the bulk of systems last week, with +236 brownie ones visited and FSS'd on this day alone. Again, the least interesting things come first, so here's where I found that pretty close-orbiting L + T + T triplet:

Relatively close brown dwarfs (Click to enlarge)

Next would be one of two Sudarsky class II gas giants and the second gas giant with water-based life:

A Sudarsky class II gas giant A gas giant with water-based life (Click to enlarge)

On to the water worlds! As said, neither was terraformable though. Too bad. First one was a high-pressure world a bit farther out:

High-pressure water world High-pressure water world, system map (Click to enlarge)

The second one was closer to its host substar and featured a low atmospheric surface pressure. It was also pretty tiny with a radius of about 1400 km:

Tiny, low-pressure water world Tiny, low-pressure water world, system map (Click to enlarge)

And finally, the M9 secondaries, of which I only took system map shots this time:

L0 + M9 #1 L0 + M9 #2 (Click to enlarge)

When I encountered the first one, there was still enough fuel left in the tank to reach the M9 I had located by manually sifting through systems on the galaxy map. So I decided to leave it alone and refuel from the second, farther one, no issues there with the eco jumps I'm doing.

Here's the updated list, with "oddities" totals corrected:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 10977
  • Ammonia worlds: 8 (1 in ≈1372)
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 34 (1 in ≈323)
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6 (1 in ≈1830)
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 35 (1 in ≈314)
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 28 (1 in ≈392)
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 42 (1 in ≈261)
  • Class II gas giants: 32 (1 in ≈343)
  • Class III gas giants: 13 (1 in ≈844)
  • Class IV gas giants: 1 (1 in 10977)
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 33

    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 26 (1 in ≈422, 3 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 6 × L1 + M9, 6 × L0 + M9, 2 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 4 (1 in ≈2744, 3 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 3 (1 in ≈3659, 1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm.)

      ▸ Note: Class M9 red dwarf secondary numbers are biased towards those red dwarfs, as I would sometimes actively search for them on the galaxy map for refuelling purposes! So if you leave things to chance, you'll come across significantly fewer of them! Keep this in mind if you decide to refuel within the layer exclusively!

Brown dwarf survey: Another water world and a 6-star system


Another +45 systems have been added to the list, with one water world and one mildly interesting system with six brown dwarfs have been found. That was when my controls started failing... I guess I have to remap them from scratch, hah.

Anyway, here's the six-star system, click to enlarge the images:

Six brown dwarfs (Click to enlarge)

And here's the water world, sadly it's not terraformable:

Some water/ocean world (Click to enlarge)

Here's the updated list:

  • Total brown dwarf systems surveyed: 10632
  • Ammonia worlds: 8
  • Earth-like worlds: 0
  • Water worlds (non-terraformable): 32
  • Water worlds (terraformable): 6
  • Water giants: 0
  • High metal content worlds (terraformable): 35
  • Metal-rich worlds: 0
  • Gas giants with ammonia-based life: 28
  • Gas giants with water-based life: 40
  • Class II gas giants: 30
  • Class III gas giants: 12
  • Class IV gas giants: 1
  • Class V gas giants: 0
  • Oddities: 22
    • Class M red dwarfs orbiting class L brown dwarfs: 24 (3 × L3 + M9, 11 × L2 + M9, 6 × L1 + M9, 4 × L0 + M9, 2 × L0 + M8)
    • Hot Jupiters: 4 (3 × class III, 1 × class IV)
    • Wide rings: 3 (1: Ice, 2240 tril. tons, iR⌾: 1468Mm, oR⌾: 2330Mm. 2: Ice, 99 tril. tons, iR⌾: 563Mm oR⌾: 893Mm. 3: Ice, 12896 tril. tons, iR⌾: 428Mm, oR⌾: 1712Mm.)

Edit 3310-03-15: After running for a class M9 secondary star for over 60 jumps (+61 systems, actually) I finally managed to refuel within the brown dwarf belt once more, and I was pretty close to running out.

Here's the fuel gauge at 58 jumps away:

58 jumps away from refueling (click to enlarge)

The M9 secondary to an L2 brown dwarf primary was over 16 lighthours out there actually:

L2 + M9 (Click to enlarge)

And here's the fuel gauge just before refueling:

enter image description here (Click to enlarge)

Update 3310-03-16: +72 systems have been surveyed and two bodies of interest have been found: One more gas giant with ammonia-based life, and a terraformable high metal content world with about half of Earth's mass and landable with a thin 0.1 atm atmosphere.

Here's the gas giant:

Another gas giant with ammonia-based life

And the terraformable high metal content world, with a pair of class L and T brown dwarfs rising on the horizon:

A terraformable high metal content world at night

The latter also had a closely orbiting moon, but the alignment was bad for good photos, so I skipped that part.

Update 3310-03-17: Only +35 systems were surveyed that day, but quite a few interesting gas giants have been found and mapped. There was one class II, two with ammonia-based life and one with water-based life.

Here are the ammonia-based ones:

Gas giant with ammonia-based life #0 Gas giant with ammonia-based life #1 (Click to enlarge)

And the one with water-based life:

Gas giant with water-based life

No pictures of the class II gas giant, as the other three are probably boring enough already. ;)