CMDR Qprime profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
JUMPER [Q-005]
Member since:
Apr 6, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
553,113,763 Cr
Well, at least i've BEEN to them all now...

All 20 of the 'old worlds' systems visited. Somehow - by sheer dumb luck i guess - It seems I saved the colossus for last. Hajanheimer has over 50 bodies in it to map. that's gonna take a full day, yeesh. Then I get to go remap the other... fuck... 15? Will be interesting to see how fast i can get it done though.

Had to walk that one off.

Found what I believe to be an engineer's base on a moon in Leesti. Made the mistake of trying to poke my nose in without an invitation. Apparently surface guns can take out an A-rated diamondback explorer in 2-3 shots.

...and there went a weeks worth of DSS data.

So yeah, I took a vacation after that. Trying this a little differently this time - smaller chunks. Sell after ever few systems rather than the whole kabal at once. would have been nice though... so much for trying to have fun and sell the whole clusters data in one shot.

Anyway, gonna finish the last 3-4 systems I hadn't visited in the old worlds cluster then remap the ones i'd already done in a speedrun (comparatively anyway.)

Return of the cartographer!

I mapped the prison system I was sent to (apparently the first one to bother for EDSM btw) and took the data to hehang - right back to the starport that had me arrested and sold it for something like 100x the price of my fees. Take that you damn bureaucrats.

After that i jumped to Neganhot which took an eon to map fully, but I got it done. Then I made for Diso and set down at the station in orbit above the earthlike planet there. Apparently I can snort corn here: I HAVE to find a restraint before I turn in...

I killed today. Well kinda.

Do robots count?

Well I was in the process of mapping the Hehang when one of the planets lit up like Christmas - 7 human signatures and 3 geologicals. Of the 7 human sig's, 3 were crashed ships. One of the ship sites was quite close to a geological (and it was a high gravity planet, so I figured someone just came in for a peek a bit too hot.) I set down at the geologic and logged sulfur vents apparently for the first time on that planet, then boosted off toward the wreck.

I found it protected by a no-tresspass zone and 2 skimmers. I found this unacceptable. I trespassed. I was shot at. I shot back. I won. Scanned the ships data core and investigated the cargo that it had strewn over about 1.5km^2, nothing interesting unless you're into bricks of gold the size of an outhouse.

So I moved on to the next crash site - and found the same thing. Repeated the whole shebang. Killcount: 4 skimmers total now. The little bastards are actually surprisingly fragile, but they sting pretty good too if you get caught by surprise. Anyway I scooped up a few fragments of raw materials that popped out of some half disintegrated bits of cargo hold, scanned what data I could, and moved on.

Next wreck was completely dead by comparison. No trespass zone, no skimmers, nothing. Scanned, scooped some materials and left the cargo just like the last 2, then set off for the only base on the planet that I wasn't wanted at now and set down there. Sold my intel from the shipwrecks then went out to make peace with the main faction in control of the system.

Had to dock at Disch on Hehang 3 in my SRV because the patrols kept trying to shoot me out of the air. Thank god they don't scan incoming land vehicles. Anyway, got in the hanger, paid off my tresspass fines (which were, pound for pound, less than 1/100th the price I got for the data from the crashed ships)

...aaaaaaaand.... promptly got thrown out of the system.

I'LL BE BACK YOU BASTARDS!! :[ I hadn't finished mapping yet.

Heard about the 'core worlds' - Mapping GO!!

I heard tell of the 'core worlds' today - a region in the bubble with some of the oldest colonized systems outside of Sol itself. I of course beelined it for Leva immediately. Having a grand time mapping the core systems, but I ran into a complication in Tionisla that I'm not thrilled about. Couldn't map its outtermost ring system because the damn DSS software decided I was 'too far away' from the planet itself to launch a probe. NO FUCKING SHIT YOU BLOCK OF LEAD - this ring is OUT THERE, but that dosen't mean some arbitrary mapping 'safeguard' should render it unmappable! ...bullshit...

fully tricked out my FSD finally.

Investigated some FSS signatures in a high security system and BAM: everything I need for a grade 5 FSD. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Only 200mil worth of exploration to go! [fake laugh hiding real pain]

I have returned to the bubble from the pleadies, and got some minor tweaks to my ship done at longsite base. I think I'll forage for materials here for a bit before striking out god knows which direction in search of... stuff.

Got thrown out of Merope xD

Atlas research is apparently full of party poopers. Sent me to a penal ship for paying my own trespass fine/bounties. Oh well - got plenty of juicy info and otherwise had a ball in that system, time to move on anyway. Promptly mapped the entirety of the penal system I got shat out in then started wandering back toward the bubble. whee!!

That was fun!

Completed my trip to betleguise, and swung around to the pleaties on my way back to civilization. Heard some interesting stuff can be found in merope, so I poked my head into the system. 3 firsts there so far - First barnacle I've ever found, first time I've managed to climb out of a canyon complex in my SRV, and first time I've approached and docked in a surface port in just an SRV from a significant distance away (30+ KM from point of disembarking from ship).

Sold my discovery data from all the systems I visited on my betleguise trip for around 10mil. NICE. ;[ 98% of the way to the next explorer rank I'M SO MAD.

...Like an elephant strapped to a nuke....

Well that was graceful. Just spread my ship across probably 3 square kilometers of a planet with 3.3G forces at surface level. Was on my way to visit betleguise - and had some pretty neat stuff mapped along the way too!

All of it up in smoke. Damnit. Back on the edge of the bubble now, gonna have to redo it. Oh well, It was pretty neat anyway.