CMDR Forth profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
May 4, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
4,072,923,841 Cr
Explorca condition

... And we press on. Poor old Dorca the Explorca is looking so bashed up, you can barely tell she ever had that custom orange streak paint job. Still the wrong side of Sagitarius A* on my return, but making progress back towards the galactic centre. I have started to spend my exploration reward in my head already - I have missed docking at star ports!

Neutron and Earth Likes - Hypoea Blou IA-C d14-197

A quick stop to neutron boost my way home, and this one has a Water world and 2 Earth Likes. Deep in dusty clouds, the sky is tinged red. This would be one hell of a place to live, jumping between the 2 earth likes. One even has a moon, they are both discovered and mapped but I shall map them and go in for landing and further investigations anyway...

Aemosty JA-I c25-1 Spectacular, worthy of a POI submission!

Well what do we have here? An undiscovered Earth Like, with a terraformable water world orbiting eachother. A landable body with gorgeous silicate geysers, orbiting a rocky body orbiting a rigned gas giant, making for a stunning landing at geosite 5. Additionally, incredible mountain structure when landing, will see if I can get some pictures so I can submit it as a PoI. Simply stunning location.

Amazing Scenery @ Cheae Eurl HA-P c19-0

Wow! Absolutely floored by the approach and landing for geosite 5 on Cheae Eurl HA-P c19-0 B2. Such stunning vistas, see for yourself!



Touch Down

Binary Baby and Earth Like at Cheae Eurl LB-B c27-2

At System: Cheae Eurl LB-B c27-2

Great Scott! Dropped in close to a crazy close binary pair! Very cosy, then to top it off, picked up an earth like on the scanners. Going in for a closer look...

cosy binary pair

First undiscovered Earth Like World in time

CONFIRMED: Its totally undiscovered!! My first such earth like in quite some time, and I think on the whole of DW2! And this far out as well, lovely spot for it, halfway between Beagle Point and Voyagers Reach.

Just before dawn

Another terraformable HMC and CO2 Geysers really top this lovely system off.

Too many terraformable HMCs!

At System: Pyria Eurl ZM-W c1-3

You know, some days you just want to make progress, but it seems the galaxy has other ideas... 5 Terraformable High Metal Content worlds plus 2 water worlds, right when you just want to be getting a move on. Mustn't complain, though I guess the mapping will keep me busy for a little while...

Nuweou QC-V c5-0 - On the Abyss Acheron divide

Nuweou QC-V c5-0

This will be the last system in the Abyss region for me for some time.

Its been a great ride, and I'm not exactly heading straight to population densities either. The very last system just before crossing into the Acheron region is this one, and its an absolute peach. Wonderful sights abound, a terraformable HMC, water world, and 3 different geological features on some gorgeous icy bodies and moons. Also attaching a couple of recent highlight shots to commemerate my time crossing the abyss.

Continuing on

Starting to hit many more undioscovered systems. Taking a much more leisurely approach to travelling now, in no major rush and stopping to probe anything that looks interesting.

Taking a slight detour in Struia Eork CA-H c13-1 to pop 160 kLs to see an ammonia world. Pics attached...

Fleckeae GY-F d12-6

The first of the geo signals was on a moon od a rocky body, and had a terrific approach and landing, with the blue gas giant hovering in the background. Down there a light fog seemed to hang in the air, and I found the sources of the scanner pings - a bunch of silicate vapour geysers. Another one for the codex!

Pics of the approach and geysers attached. approaching 3 c a

Landing - brown trousers

Geysers and the Gas giant in the background

Undiscovered space again and some geological signals

It didn't take far from beagle point, until I started to hit systems with undiscovered bodies in them.

I found a cute terraformable world a few stops back, 1.5 mil credits was the estimate - and I was first to find the system for EDSM - just love the feeling of filling out the galactic map.

Anyway, 2 geological signals in this system so far, in the FLECKEAE sector, better go in and check em out.