CMDR Cpt.Jeppe profile > Logbook

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Member since:
May 23, 2019
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Trip to Sag A* , my first... day six...

Kodak moment So I continued my journey to the center of the galaxy well rested. I was jumping and scanning and.... oh look, pretty nebula, lets go there... ...oh look another nebula, even more pretty than the last one... Full speed ahead...

Yeah, got sidetracked a bit, AGAIN!

So I just put my "Repair-A-Lot" in the glide and landed that little rock... Man now I know why I explore and this is the reason. sometimes you find a system that no one hasn't discovered yet, plus it has really pretty view...

Gonna enjoy this for a moment. Feel free to do the same...

-Cmrd Cpt.Jeppe over and out o7

Trip to Sag A* , my first...

So day three in my exploration. Have made 12 kly from my home, got sidetracked...

Imma little off course, but not much. I was planning to go straight in the center, but some of the nebulas are way too interesting...

So I arrived Prua Phio EK-P c22-47 and landet on one of the planets:

I'm in a valley, soo jei...

I have repaired my FSD and now I will rest a bit, it's been a long day...

-Cmdr Jeppe out

ps. there should be a captain in there somewhere :)