CMDR GURU-95I profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Type-9 Heavy)
Member since:
Sep 27, 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
1 Black-Hole, 1 White-Dwarf, 1 Earth-Like world. I've searched for this for many years.

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The hunt for a new World of Death.

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Operation New Growth. 4 days at war.

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'Rafe Zetter. Trader of old. Traded with your father for many years, till we parted company on account of a certain issue which, you might say . . . caused a difference of opinion between us.' -The Dark Wheel, Robert Holdstock, 1984.

System- Pencil Sector EL-Y D5. Station- New Growth asteroid base. Factions- Seven Stages Movement and The Shunned.

This system lies just outside of the permit locked Regor sector a little over 800 light years “East” of Sol. This sector is commonly known as the Guardian Bubble due to the sheer amount of guardian ruins, structures and beacons directly outside of the permit lock of this area of space. A clear indication that Guardians or their AI exist within the locked systems. Unlike their Ruins, Guardian Structures and Beacons are Only found in close proximity to this sector.

This system is in a set of stars known as the Argo Navis constellation which is comprised of the Constellations, Carina (the hull), Puppis (the poop deck) and Vela (the sails), which is where the Pencil Nebula and this system are located, mysteriously in the part of the ship that drives it forward. The Argo Navis is the ancient Greek mythological ship that was used by Jason and the Argonauts on their quest to find the Golden Ram’s Fleece.

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The idea being that Jason Ryder is a reference to Jason and the Argonauts story, a possible map, and that this leads us to the Guardians or their AI, presumably what Jason Ryder himself had discovered in his own personal quest for Raxxla. A quest that Alex Ryder likely had himself attempted to follow to find his answer of whether his Father had actually found this mystical place.

Given its placement within the Argo Navis constellation, and its connection to the Golden Ram’s Fleece, It is peculiar that Ram Tah is the leading authority of the Guardian Story.

Within the Regor sector is a very rare type of star, a Wolf Rayet, and its name is Gamma Velorum. This star is also known as Regor and was named thus by Apollo 1 astronaut Roger Chaffee during their first missions. The other two pilots aboard for Apollo 1 were Ed White II and Gus Ivan Grissom. As a joke, these three pilots had named three separate stars that they each commonly used for navigation, after themselves, and even managed to submit them into their official documentation.

Gus Ivan Grissom had chosen Gamma Cassiopeiae and it became Navi, Gus’ middle name, spelled backwards. Ed White, the Second, chose Iota Ursae Majoris and named it Dnoces – "Second" spelled backwards. The Wolf Rayet, Gamma Velorum became Regor , Roger spelled backwards.

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In mythology, Apollo was the national divinity of ancient Greece, and he was a god of many things, including a Wolf god, a protector of the flock, guide to initiates and mentor to children moving into adulthood. He was credited with creating stringed music. He also has a twin sister, Artemis.

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Here’s where it gets a bit tricky, and interesting. Rafe was Alex’s mentor to becoming Elite, and to becoming a member, and the eventual leader of the Dark Wheel. Rafe is Norse and it is defined as “Counsel of the Wolf” and “Wise Wolf”. Rafael is derived from this name. We are assuming that first contact for The Shunned faction is named Rafael Workman (top image) on purpose and with clear intention, and not a product of procedural generation. A possible connection to Wolves and Apollo, especially Gamma Velorum.

Another peculiar thing about this system is that the initial contact for the Seven Stages Movement faction is named, Unique McPherson. With this faction still in control we see this contact for them, but once we remove them and put The Shunned into power, Rafael Workman will replace her.

Unique McPherson

Until Odyssey it was absolutely impossible to find Any missions from The Shunned without putting them into power first, which is now happening for the first time ever!

We are unsure of what that was about. At this moment The Shunned only give foot based missions to Odyssey players, not Horizons. This will change as the war progresses, which it will at a quick pace as more attention is given to this mission. Be aware that if you die on foot, you will be spawned in jail over 200Ly away and will require a ride back to your ship. Be vigilant, and do not die. Work with others to get taxis between locations if needed.

Our goal is simple: We do high influence missions against and kill faction members of the Seven Stages Movement until they’re at 1% influence in the system, though to win this war we only need a 51%-49% split with The Shunned in control. Once we hit 50/50, it will activate civil unrest, then to all out war giving us many combat zones to duke it out in. We only need to win 4 days of the week for us to win, which we will. Once this balance is achieved residual influence will accumulate simply from players selling travel data as they pass through or do any sort of Guardian research nearby. This will not take us long.

Our expectations as always are low, but our hopes are high. Manipulating the BGS has rarely actually triggered any sort of special event, and as such we should expect that to not change even with this. This is just research and experimentation, as always. No stone unturned. Please help us make history, and change the world around us. A grand experiment in the Guardian story. Join us at the Rekall Inc. community discord server to find out more.


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What else did you leave for me?

Daddy's flown across the ocean, Leaving just a memory, The snapshot in the family album. Daddy, what else did you leave for me? enter image description here