Expeditions > In search of Gwydion
Starting date | 3 Feb 2021 12:00:00 |
Arrival date | 3 May 2021 12:00:00 |
Starting system | CD-47 8991 |
Waypoints | 12 |
Arrival system | Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) |
Participants | 24 |
- Abandonment | 7 |
- Success | 17 |
Estimated distance | 57,195.32 ly |

Fleet carrier Blodeuwedds Branch [FCOC reg: #131-blodeuwedd’s-branch_junagu-jhz-6tz] [SVBK] squadron Leading expedition to the Core Regions, SagA* and Explorer's Anchorage. Taking a curved route up and across the Sagittarius-Carina Arm and the Scutum-Centaurus Arm taking in the Circinus Transit and parts of the Norma Expanse and Arcadian Stream before heading into the Core regions somewhere near the Teal Nebula.
- Reach the Core Regions.
- Collect Biological Samples.
- Search For POIs in the Circinus Transit.
- Review the systems and boundaries discovered as part of the Drymon Survey of the The Aronnax Expedition 3303.
- Search for POIs traversing the galactic arms between the Drymon Ridge and the Gallipolis.
- Survey the peripheries of the Teal Nebula, visit Guardian ruins.
- Deliver Supplies to DSSA FCs and Explorer's Anchorage.
Some record on the CMDRs Frontier forums.
Start February 3rd
Duration approx. 3 months
This expedition is finished.
System | Distance from start | Participants reached | Participants visited | |||
#1 | CD-47 8991 |
#2 | Praea Euq VP-M c21-1 (Green Glory) | 1,276.19 ly |
#3 | Bleia Dryoae UV-C c29-52 | 8,487.00 ly |
#4 | Plaa Aec RY-B b41-1 (DSSA Ironside / Hawking's Gap Abandoned Settlements - Delta Site) | 11,033.50 ly |
#5 | Nuekea RP-M d8-161 (DSSA King's Pass) | 17,515.72 ly |
#6 | Circinus Pulsar (The Circinus Pulsar) | 19,057.80 ly |
#7 | Eol Pruae KV-E c28-25 | 30,177.68 ly |
#8 | Hypoe Ploe SA-E b28-27 (Shade of Anubis) | 40,446.55 ly |
#9 | Eord Prau ZK-N d7-711 (DSSA Nova Blues) | 44,436.50 ly |
#10 | Eord Prau LN-T e3-117 (The Eord Prau Stellar Forge) | 44,917.72 ly |
#11 | Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-3468 (Guardian ruins - Teal Nebula sites) | 46,015.65 ly |
#12 | Hypuae Scrua FL-W d2-90 (The Clawed Hand Nebula) | 50,813.12 ly |
#13 | Athaip VJ-R e4-6108 (Les Sauvageonnes Herbig Ae/Be Field) | 53,994.78 ly |
#14 | Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) | 57,195.32 ly |