Advanced search > Minor factions

Found 3,552 minor factions.
Home system
Friends of Ogma Independent Cooperative Ogma
Friends of Oho Bajo Independent Cooperative Oho Bajo
Friends of Opete Independent Cooperative
Friends of Pand Independent Cooperative Pand
Friends of Paray Independent Cooperative Paray
Friends of Parezmia Independent Cooperative Parezmia
Friends of Peng Dung Independent Cooperative Peng Dung
Friends of Phra Atah Independent Cooperative Phra Atah
Friends of Pirigen Independent Cooperative Pirigen
Friends of Pomeris Independent Cooperative Pomeris
Friends of Posenae Independent Cooperative
Friends of Purico Independent Cooperative
Friends of Raijuhty Independent Cooperative Raijuhty
Friends of Rauratunab Independent Cooperative Rauratunab
Friends of Reienadi Independent Cooperative
Friends of Ross 812 Independent Cooperative Ross 812
Friends of Ryu Independent Cooperative Ryu
Friends of Sak Kina Independent Cooperative Sak Kina
Friends of Samebito Independent Cooperative Samebito
Friends of Sandjin Independent Cooperative Sandjin
Friends of Scarlett Independent Cooperative
Friends of Scythia Independent Cooperative Scythia
Friends of Seurboda Independent Cooperative
Friends of Shontii Independent Cooperative Shontii
Friends of Shos Independent Cooperative Shos
Friends of Shou Wuru Independent Cooperative Shou Wuru
Friends of Siculottii Independent Cooperative
Friends of Skaut Independent Cooperative Skaut
Friends of Spinoni Independent Cooperative Spinoni
Friends of Supera Independent Cooperative Supera
Friends of Tawiskai Independent Cooperative Tawiskai
Friends of Teliu Yuan Independent Cooperative
Friends of Temba Independent Cooperative Temba
Friends of Tikariyomi Independent Cooperative Tikariyomi
Friends of Tirai Independent Cooperative Tirai
Friends of Tjingola Independent Cooperative Tjingola
Friends of Utero Independent Cooperative Utero
Friends of Varramool Alliance Cooperative Varramool
Friends of Vasistha Independent Cooperative Vasistha
Friends of Venki Independent Cooperative
Friends of Visto Independent Cooperative Visto
Friends of Wally Berod Independent Cooperative Wally Berod
Friends of Warayu Independent Cooperative Warayu
Friends of Warkin Independent Cooperative Warkin
Friends of Wolf 980 Independent Cooperative Wolf 980
Friends of Wu Kui Independent Cooperative Wu Kui
Friends of Wulunghus Independent Cooperative Wulunghus
Friends of Wurun Independent Cooperative
Friends of Xingait Independent Cooperative Xingait
Friends of Yinegafo Independent Cooperative Yinegafo
Friends of Zoqui Independent Cooperative Zoqui
FSD Mechanics Independent Cooperative
Fuamne Co-op Alliance Cooperative Fuamne
Fuamnoni as one Independent Cooperative Fuamnoni
Fugeirones Shared Independent Cooperative Fugeirones
Fugenomo Shared Independent Cooperative Fugenomo
Funji allied Independent Cooperative Funji
Furiian Heavy Industries Independent Cooperative
G 123-49 Coordinated Alliance Cooperative G 123-49
G 69-11 Co-op Independent Cooperative G 69-11
Ga Gaun Stakeholders Alliance Cooperative Ga Gaun
Gabien Ku allied Independent Cooperative Gabien Ku
Gabietye Collective Independent Cooperative Gabietye
Gadagombiri Shared Independent Cooperative Gadagombiri
Galactic Academic Training Group Independent Cooperative Thras
Galactic Aerospace Syndicate Independent Cooperative
Galactic Blue Hangar Cooperative Independent Cooperative
Galactic Outcasts Independent Cooperative
Galactic Pathfinding Group Independent Cooperative
Galactic Symphonic Orchestra Alliance Cooperative
Galactic Trader Coalition Independent Cooperative
Galactic Travelers Organisation Independent Cooperative Sokojiu
Galaxy Rangers Independent Cooperative
Gamil allied Independent Cooperative Gamil
Gamma Horologii Co-operative Independent Cooperative Gamma Horologii
Gamma Indi as one Independent Cooperative
Gamma-3 Octantis Co-operative Independent Cooperative Gamma-3 Octantis
Gandin United Independent Cooperative
Gandoques Collective Independent Cooperative Gandoques
Ganit allied Independent Cooperative Ganit
Gaoshe Coordinated Independent Cooperative
Garma allied Independent Cooperative
Garudhumir Stakeholders Independent Cooperative Garudhumir
Garup allied Independent Cooperative Garup
Gatonese as one Independent Cooperative Gatonese
GCRV 376 as one Independent Cooperative GCRV 376
GCRV 54903 People's Co-operative Independent Cooperative GCRV 54903
Geawen Coordinated Independent Cooperative Geawen
Geidjaramo Coordinated Independent Cooperative Geidjaramo
German Dealer and Fighter Union Independent Cooperative Gwaelod
Gerseklis allied Independent Cooperative Gerseklis
Gerthel Co-op Independent Cooperative Gerthel
Ghede United Independent Cooperative Ghede
Gilyan Collective Independent Cooperative Gilyan
Gjalis Coordinated Independent Cooperative Gjalis
Gkutat Co-operative Independent Cooperative Gkutat
Gliese 113.1 United Independent Cooperative Gliese 113.1
Gliese 138.1 Shared Independent Cooperative Gliese 138.1
Gliese 2126 Co-operative Independent Cooperative Gliese 2126
Gliese 3206 United Independent Cooperative Gliese 3206