Advanced search > Minor factions

Found 9,727 minor factions.
Home system
Union of BD+20 1018 Values Party Federation Democracy BD+20 1018
Union of BD+40 2903 Free Independent Democracy BD+40 2903
Union of BD+47 2391 Free Federation Democracy BD+47 2391
Union of BD+66 193 Liberals Federation Democracy BD+66 193
Union of BD+72 545 Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy BD+72 545
Union of BD+74 526 Resistance Federation Democracy BD+74 526
Union of BD-02 5286 Progressive Party Federation Democracy BD-02 5286
Union of BD-04 797 Liberals Federation Democracy BD-04 797
Union of Beditjari for Equality Independent Democracy Beditjari
Union of Beiwe Labour Federation Democracy Beiwe
Union of Beta Octantis Independents Independent Democracy Beta Octantis
Union of Beta Reticuli Liberals Independent Democracy Beta Reticuli
Union of Bharini Future Independent Democracy Bharini
Union of Bhoteganui Progressive Party Independent Democracy Bhoteganui
Union of Biela Resistance Federation Democracy Biela
Union of Bobadzihozo Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy Bobadzihozo
Union of Bosanos Liberals Federation Democracy
Union of BPM 89444 Values Party Alliance Democracy BPM 89444
Union of BR Piscium Future Federation Democracy BR Piscium
Union of Brani Green Party Federation Democracy Brani
Union of Brestla Resistance Independent Democracy Brestla
Union of Calili Free Alliance Democracy Calili
Union of Cao Yankir Free Federation Democracy Cao Yankir
Union of Capura Free Federation Democracy Capura
Union of Cartu Resistance Independent Democracy Cartu
Union of Carughman Free Federation Democracy Carughman
Union of Cavincan Green Party Independent Democracy
Union of CC Eri Values Party Federation Democracy CC Eri
Union of CD-60 7742 Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy CD-60 7742
Union of CD-63 359 Free Federation Democracy CD-63 359
Union of Ch'uanga Green Party Independent Democracy Ch'uanga
Union of Chachapoyas Independents Independent Democracy Chachapoyas
Union of Chertan Independents Independent Democracy Chertan
Union of Chibio Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy Chibio
Union of Chotec Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy Chotec
Union of Chukuru Free Independent Democracy Chukuru
Union of Chup Kamui Green Party Federation Democracy Chup Kamui
Union of Comanes Green Party Independent Democracy Comanes
Union of Conchucos Green Party Independent Democracy Conchucos
Union of Contien Progressive Party Independent Democracy Contien
Union of Corioru Resistance Federation Democracy Corioru
Union of Cornsar Resistance Federation Democracy Cornsar
Union of Cromovit Independents Independent Democracy Cromovit
Union of Cupisii Democrats Federation Democracy Cupisii
Union of Dao Zi Labour Federation Democracy Dao Zi
Union of Dassareti Green Party Federation Democracy Dassareti
Union of Delta Doradus Liberals Independent Democracy Delta Doradus
Union of Delta Phoenicis Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy Delta Phoenicis
Union of Derrim Liberals Federation Democracy Derrim
Union of DH leonis for Equality Alliance Democracy DH Leonis
Union of Di Yomis Values Party Independent Democracy Di Yomis
Union of Dievat Values Party Independent Democracy Dievat
Union of Ditibi Revolutionary Party Federation Democracy Ditibi
Union of Djalakuru Liberals Independent Democracy Djalakuru
Union of Djinaura Democrats Federation Democracy Djinaura
Union of Djowenet Future Federation Democracy Djowenet
Union of Dobunn Progressive Party Independent Democracy Dobunn
Union of Eingin Progressive Party Federation Democracy Eingin
Union of Ensoreus Labour Federation Democracy Ensoreus
Union of Erh Lohra Resistance Independent Democracy Erh Lohra
Union of Erisagirari Liberals Independent Democracy Erisagirari
Union of Eta Draconis Labour Independent Democracy Eta Draconis
Union of Feuma Resistance Alliance Democracy Feuma
Union of Fortuna Resistance Federation Democracy Fortuna
Union of G 141-21 for Equality Federation Democracy G 141-21
Union of G 5-32 for Equality Federation Democracy G 5-32
Union of G 69-11 Progressive Party Federation Democracy G 69-11
Union of G 87-16 for Equality Independent Democracy G 87-16
Union of Gaarnuten Green Party Independent Democracy
Union of Gabia Green Party Independent Democracy Gabia
Union of GCRV 4259 for Equality Independent Democracy GCRV 4259
Union of Geidmara Free Independent Democracy Geidmara
Union of Ghimal Independents Federation Democracy Ghimal
Union of Giryampi Labour Independent Democracy Giryampi
Union of Gliese 1272 Green Party Independent Democracy Gliese 1272
Union of Gliese 868 Green Party Federation Democracy Gliese 868
Union of Gliese 9553 Free Federation Democracy Gliese 9553
Union of Gongang Values Party Federation Democracy Gongang
Union of Goudumo Free Independent Democracy Goudumo
Union of GQ Virginis Resistance Federation Democracy GQ Virginis
Union of Guan Yun Democrats Federation Democracy Guan Yun
Union of Gudu Liberals Independent Democracy Gudu
Union of Gunapai Values Party Federation Democracy Gunapai
Union of Gunayeb Free Independent Democracy Gunayeb
Union of Gurabru Progressive Party Independent Democracy Gurabru
Union of Gyvatiges Green Party Federation Democracy Gyvatiges
Union of Hajangai Green Party Federation Democracy Hajangai
Union of Harada Green Party Federation Democracy Harada
Union of Havared Free Independent Democracy Havared
Union of He Qiong Revolutionary Party Independent Democracy He Qiong
Union of Heheng De Future Federation Democracy Heheng De
Union of HERZ 13422 Labour Federation Democracy HERZ 13422
Union of Hidar Free Federation Democracy Hidar
Union of HIP 101726 Resistance Independent Democracy HIP 101726
Union of HIP 109918 Labour Independent Democracy
Union of HIP 110337 Independents Independent Democracy HIP 110337
Union of HIP 111486 Values Party Independent Democracy HIP 111486
Union of HIP 114880 Free Independent Democracy HIP 114880
Union of HIP 11693 Values Party Independent Democracy HIP 11693
Union of HIP 116939 Democrats Independent Democracy HIP 116939