CMDR Deth Vegetable profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Imperial Cutter)
Member since:
19 Apr 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
1,790,712,966 Cr
I am Deth.

My name is Commander Deth Vegetable. I am from Sol. At least that is where I lived before getting into some...we'll call them "Federal entanglements".

Suffice it to say, under the cover of night (and silent running) I had to leave my daughter and family behind. Now I roam the stars exploring, trying to find the proof (or the man) that can clear my name.
Bounty hunting across the galaxy, I chase down the former best-friend-turned-criminal that stitched me up. Checking every shit-kicking, dust-ball, laser-singed space-cantina from here to Colonia. Exploring along the way of course.

So, who am I you ask? Well, since I don't know you...exactly who I am and where I'm originally from shall remain in my brain...OK, Commander?

What I can tell you is that my first name is in fact my real Christian name. My father (that I never knew) must have had a morbidly-humorous side to him. My surname, however, is obviously made up to keep me anonymous (and grinning).

It would actually be more revealing to tell you this: I keep a 'bobblehead' of Earth in my ship's cockpit. My family. It helps to remind me of what needs to be put right. And that God better help the man who did me wrong.

I have not become death.

I am Deth.