CMDR LAZY-HANI profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Perseverance [Per-5k]
(Krait Mk II)
Member since:
5 Dec 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
178,524,065 Cr
Goodbye |Log#3|

Hull Integrity: ~ 81%

Distance remaining: 11,166 ly

Life Support: Online


Log #3: Day #2:

Entry #1

I woke up today, feeling the silence of the universe, its so massive, so big, and I'm lucky enough to explore it.

I ran system diagnostics, specifically on my route plotter, but to no avail, the remaining jumps were 692, so I accepted my fate and started travelling.

Entry #2

I saw some amazing looking stars! one of those stars had a ring around it, and it had some really nice commodities on its rings! too bad I can't get some and return them home.

Some of the stars were so closely orbiting each other, it was really scary.

Entry #3 (Roleplay, real route, not real reason)

I'm starting to run a little low on food and water, I've decided to divert my route to FGK class stars in an attempt to find food, Lets hope I find some soon

Entry #4 (Roleplay)

I found a planet classified as a high metal content world, but it had some nice terrains and I believe those are trees, so it has life, I'll land there and see if I can find something useful,

I found this planet to bare life, I managed to hunt some animals with my rifle, and start a camp fire, the view is amazing.

I'll sleep here for the night and continue the journey tomorrow.

Day #3

Entry #1 (Roleplay)

I woke up on the sound of banging, and vibrations, I opened my eyes in confusion, it was an earthquake.

I got in the ship as fast as I could, the engine needed time to start, the earth beneath me cracked open and engulfed me, I thought this was the end, it was really the end.

The engine started and I managed to escape in the nick of time, It was truly an experience.

Entry #2

I keep scanning every system I go through, I mostly find rocky bodies and icy bodies, sometimes gas giants.

I also notice that the stars in this area of the galaxy is less dense, I'm having less options for jumps.

Entry #3

I just made a huge mistake... I had to reroute to refuel as my original route didn't have a main sequence star, I must've done something wrong because I jumped to a non scoopable star, could've been a human error or a machine error, either way I don't have enough fuel to jump to the nearest scoopable star.

The system has around 7 icy bodies and no asteroid clusters or rings.

I think I'm in trouble.

Entry #4

So I remembered that I had some Carbon and Vanadium, if only I can find some Germanium, I can inject my FSD and jump to a scoopable star, I'll scan around

Entry #5

I found a planet with Germanium on the surface, I'm unsure if I can use my ship to mine off of it, I don't have an SRV unfortunately.

Entry #6

It seems impossible to get anything from the surface with the ship, I'm starting to lose hope.

I'll look again in the Galaxy map.

Entry #7

I found a nearby non scoopable star, maybe it has rings... its 4.4 ly away

I can barely make it, it will be my last hope!

Entry #8

The system has no planets, no asteroids and no rings... its a lonely star.

This star will spend its life alone, by itself, and it will die alone, just like me.

Day #4

Entry #1

Losing hope bit by bit, not enough fuel to jump, barely enough for life support...

floating in space, keeping this lonely star company.

Eventually we will both die of suffocation,

The air is slowly getting heavier and heavier, I can feel myself not thinking right anymore.

I will sit on my chair, looking at this lonely star, telling him, you will meet the same end, alone, scared and dying.

To whomever that receive this signal: do not go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light.

Life Support: Online

Message last known system: Flyooe Eoq UG-E a80-0

Message ended

Transmitting media...

Log #2: A big world

Hull Integrity: 98% Distance remaining: 12,630 ly Life Support: Online

Day #1 Entry #1 The world really is big... My journey home has started and it was thrilling! to know that I don't have a safety net, to be in the unknown, to feel so small in this vast universe.

My Keelback is doing a fine job keeping me alive, I've outfitted her for mining so she has the essentials like a fuelscoop and a good life support, the tank is not that impressive, I have to refuel from stars every 3-5 jumps, but I get to look at this great and amazing world.

Entry #2 I've had to do a few detours to refuel, my route is not adjusted to scoopable stars, just to make the trip a bit shorter.

I see an abundance in Red dwarves in these parts, most of the systems I go through are of rocky bodies or icy bodies, I didn't see any ELW yet. I also found a gas giant with some really rare goodies on his rings, too bad I can't get some, it had Low Temp Diamonds, Alexanderites, Tritium, And few other things.

Entry #3 I saw an interesting system just now, it had 4 stars in it, I remember once I saw 2 stars super close to each other but it might've been my imagination.

Entry #4 I was jumping to the next system, didn't pay attention to the class type, I froze in horror to what I've seen! the sight of it zooming towards me was bone chilling, I felt my heart pounding, one of the world's extremes have zoomed towards me and I froze in horror, It was a neutron star, a fast rotating neutron star, it's jets were wobbly and slightly pointed towards me.

Entry #5 I've jumped to the next system and decided to float there to get some sleep, I think I've done around 40-50 jumps, so thats good, I've scanned the systems that I passed through, and I did some planet maps. My plotter seems to be malfunctioning, instead of deducting at least 50 jumps from my 688 jump journey, it says I've got 692 jumps left, which is really odd, I shall investigate when I wake up. To whomever that receive this broadcast, do not go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light.

Transmitting Media

Planet with rare goodies Refueling Every 3-5 jumps The scariest thing to zoom towards The same scary neutron star An old picture I found in my album, I can't remember the system

Commander LAZY-HANI signing off...