CMDR Hexapanther profile > Logbook

Commander name:
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(Beluga Liner)
Member since:
3 Jan 2021
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Systems discovered first:
2,545,220,316 Cr
Xibalba reached

I've reached Xibalba in my trusty Asp Explorer - the Void Stalker I - and will begin the return voyage to the Bubble shortly.

BEAGLE 15 - Entering the Abyss

The Abyss, 58,687 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 6,633 LY away

Sub-Target: Beagle Point

Days Out: 64

The Chaosium Excursor is entering the Abyss. We have just made last minute repairs and maintenance at the DSSA ELENAOR that is stationed out here some 58 thousand light years from Sol. The systems leading up to the Abyss was becoming increasingly discovered meaning that this is a path well traveled. We expect the remaining 6.6k light years to be swift and rather eventless. It is possible that we will remain in the Abyss after visiting Beagle Point to explore it a little bit.

With our current jump range we are now 167 jumps away from our mission target. We've seen the space go blacker and blacker for every jump. This is the Abyss.

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BEAGLE 14 - Taking the Beluga into Deep Canyons

Formorian Frontiers, 56,018 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 11,733 LY away

Sub-Target: DSSA ELEANOR (Abyss)

Days Out: 58

The last days have been focused on travelling through Newton's Vault and into the Formorian Frontiers. The closer we get to Beagle Point the less time is spent on actual exploring. At this stage of the trip every jump starts to count and only high yield targets are being fully investigated.

We spent a day exploring the one nebula out in the vault, Thueche AA-A but did not encounter anything out of the ordinary besides a few biological signals. With that we have blitzed using neutron stars into the neighboring region, the Formorian Frontiers. We have a lock on an undiscovered Black Hole approximately -1200 below the galactic pane.

Reaching the Formorian Region we slowed down the progress as the new codex entries started to flash up. It is really inspiring to fill out the codex for us.

We have found a green atmospheric planet with several biological signals. The gravity is almost non-existent but the planet itself has mountains and canyons in abundance. Against better judgement we decided to go canyon running with the Beluga. It is not a super agile ship but if you take it slow it works.

We are now heading out towards an undiscovered Black Hole on the way to start of Route 33. The Excursor Chaosium is currently experiencing FSD Malfunctions as the Frame Shift Drive has dropped below 80%. Repairs are planned for next fuel scoop stop. With the Beluga's enormous fuel tanks it might be in a dozen or more jumps.

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BEAGLE 13 - Traversing the Conduit

Newtown's Vault, 47,792 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 24,480 LY away

Sub-Target: THUECHE AA-A H16 Nebula

Days Out: 51

Today marked our passage from the region The Conduit and into Newton's Vault. The region has been quiet and with the exception of a few black holes, 2-3 earth-like-worlds and a dozen water worlds nothing notable has been discovered.

Navigation into nearby Newtown's Vault has proven difficult with many failures to plot a successful route. Not at all sure of why this proves to be difficult. The navigator would stop and start several times during calculations only to fail a final time at the end. Instead we have been doing manual plotting smaller distances (2-3,000 LY) and that seems to be working.

Our mission sub-target in Newton's Vault is the nebula around Thueche WK-B c2-8 which should be around 200 jumps away from our current position at the Conduit - Newton's Vault border.

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BEAGLE 12 - Black Hole Surfing

Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux, 38,581 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 35,367 LY away

Sub-Target: AIPHAISTY AA-A H3 Nebula

Days Out: 45

The Excursor Chaosium has now settled into its deep space routine which consists of plotting course for a seemingly undiscovered black hole approximately between 2000-4000 light years away in the general direction of the end goal - Beagle Point. This has so far led to a course that roughly keeps between -1,500 and -1,000 below the galactic pane.

Most of the time there are very few stars or nebulaes out here, leaving it very dark. The black holes are difficult to perceive and does not lend itself to beautiful photos or vistas.

Excursor Chaosium's latest stretch has been towards the DSSA PRIDE OF TEL FYR and with that we have ascended up to a more star dense altitude. In the last systems we are seeing more and more stars. It is worth noting that this carrier stocks Haulers and Adders.

Now that repairs and more importantly a repaint has been undertaken, the Excursor Chaosium will linger in the proximity of the fleet carrier to explore the AIPHAISTY nebula. From thereon we have the option of going into THE CONDUIT or directly to NEWTON's VAULT. enter image description here


Perseus Arm, 34,684 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 43,311 LY away

Sub-Target: DSSA HSRC Meow Force One

Days Out: 40

The Excursor Chaosium has now entered the Perseus Arm in hunt of a potential undiscovered Black Hole. Again the black hole has been detected way below the galactic pane, around 1500 LY below.

In the last couple of scanned systems we've encountered a high number of water worlds and one ELW. We are currently taking it very slow to traverse the region and instead taking the time to map discovered planets.

BEAGLE 10 - Oxygen Atmospheres in space

Orion-Cygnus Arm, 29,313 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 47,441 LY away

Sub-Target: DSSA HSRC Meow Force One

Days Out: 32 - Hull 95%

The Excursor Chaosium is still sailing between the stars in the Orion-Cygnus Arm with the goal to discover a Wolf-Rayet Star. No luck so far. We have discovered a few black holes though. The progress through the system has been slow with space madness slowly setting in.

To combat the loneliness in space, we are setting down the Beluga in planets with atmosphere to enjoy the change of scenery. The oxygen rich atmospheres are especially beautiful.

Paint is starting to chip away, it is time to find a new port for repairs and paint.

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BEAGLE 09 - Neutron Boosts & Paint Jobs

Orion-Cygnus Arm, 22,112 LY from Sol

Mission Target; Beagle Point, 52,243 LY away

Sub-target: IGAU Cygni-Vanguardy, Orion-Cygnus Arm

Days out: 23

Number of close star Emergency shutdowns: 3, Hull 94%

With most of Temple Codex filled out, including ELW and Black Holes our focus is on moving on to Orion-Cygnus Arm region quickly. Thus we will be using neutron stars to boost the power of the frame shift jumps. Our first port of call will be the Fleet Carrier IGAU Cygni-Vanguardy for repairs and a new coat of paint. Many explorers view supercruise eroded paint as something to be proud of. Not us. We fly a Saud Kruger manufactured Beluga Luxury Liner - we have a reputation to think about.

We are slowly ascending towards the galactic plane but after docking we will be making our way back to negative 1000 light years as that seem to be a sweet spot for finding black holes. You can never discover too many of these.

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BEAGLE 08 - Non-human signals

Temple. 18,787 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point 53,747

Sub-target: IGAU Cygni-Vanguardy, Orion-Cygnus Arm

Days out: 20

Deep in the Temple region a thousand light years below the galactic plane on a routine scan of planets we discovered a non-human signal. The system itself was interesting with two ringed water planets and that is what draw our attention in the first place.

The signal was located on the dark side of a high metal planet and the large Beluga can be surprisingly agile in setting down, although at this location it was a large stretch of rugged terrain. The SRV brought us close with the final stretch having to be traversed on foot. The non-human signal originated from a thargoid satellite complete with a dozen intact sensor fragments.

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Exciting exploration trip. The net result of mapping the system is estimated at 11 million credits. We will survey the system for more signals and then continue towards our next Black Hole which should be around 8 jumps away .

Beagle 07 - More Black Holes

Temple, 15,580 LY from Sol

Mission Target: Beagle Point, 55,627 LY

Sub-target: IGAU Cygni-Vanguardy, Orion-Cygnus Arm

Days out: 16

The Temple Region seem to have an abundance of Black Holes. We have discovered our second one, and have plotted a course for a third potentially undiscovered black hole further out in the galactic north of the region. Again the lack of light makes it hard to discern the full majesty of the black hole.

The working method for discovering black holes is currently to navigate between -1500 to -800 below the galactic plane along non-binary stars. While our distance from Sol keeps increasing fast, we are not making direct headway towards Beagle Point.

Our new sub-target will be the DSSA's IGAU Cygni-Vanguardy in the Orion-Cygnus Arm. Based on current progress we estimate another week before reaching the sanctuary.

Black Hole Temple Region