CMDR SIX-SHOOTER profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Type-9 Heavy)
Member since:
1 May 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
1,422,272,463 Cr
Well on our merry way (Enigma Expedition)

I am well out of the bubble with about 6,761.84 ly from the start of the expedition -/- WP7.

Really cool, I never thought I'd make that many friends and see so many people along the way. A truly amazing experience.

On my way!

So yeah, I am still on my way to SOL, took a little detour to a station somewhere, forgot it's name already, doesn't matter. Needed a break from being alone in space.

Generation Ship Tour?

When back in SOL, I might do a tour between all the generation ships, I hear it's quite a sight and at the same time would give any hardened explorer the chills. It appears some gruesome stuff happened, and the logs are free for all to hear... I'll believe it when I see it, it can't be that bad right?

Halfway back to SOL again!

I am halfway back to SOL again. had a huge fuckup and almost done a head-on with a star. I managed to steer Aztec away in time before getting to much damage. everything was down to 90% health, but my new AFMU's did very well!

Long way to the old home!

Having a 32.000LY plan ahead of me.

1 Kashyapa -Vihara Gate 2 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 -sacaqawea space port 3 SOL

Been to some places

Been to Colonia, SagA* and the Great Annihilator. Now off to Kashyapa -Vihara Gate. just 400-ish jumps to go :)

Thargoids be coming

I hop I am safe in Colonia. I figure I will be either very safe, but also very very unlucky and unsafe if warmongering Thargoids come to visit Colonia. not much stuff to buy here in terms of weapons and safeguards.

Found a crashed ship with occupied escape-pod and readable Ship-ID.

After a good night sleep, safe in my Anaconda, I decided to take the SRV for a ride on this rocky planet. Like I said; A whole new world.

I found a crashed ship with a occupied escape-pod and a few canisters of weapons and narcotics. The ship ID is still readable: 1LAR1AX, will share with Canonn Research when I get back, maybe it has any value, who knows.

Col 359 Sector KZ-A b29-0.
A 1 A
Found a tiny floaty moon with high mountains

I needed a break on my trip to colonia. I have found the cutest moon ever! you can almost cuddle it! Big craters, big mountains. a whole new world.

Col 359 Sector KZ-A b29-0.

A 1 A

Found a satellite!

I was just wondering about in my SRV, tens of miles away from my Anaconda (Aztec, my main ship).

System: LHS 3479
Planet: B 4

(41.8km away from PAVLOU DEPOT)