CMDR Der kalte Finger profile > Logbook

Commander name:
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Fer-De-Lance Nr. 1 [DZKV29]
Member since:
14 Sep 2017
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It has been quite a while ...

My last logbook entry is quite a while ago.


Very simple: Nothing really interesting happened.

Since I was back from Colonia bubble, I tried to modify several ships via the engineers. And then, in the middle of it all, V3.0 came in and the whole system changed. First thing I did: Starting to collect materials. Whereever I was and whatever I did, as soon as a material appeared, it was collected - even if it was only some piece of iron.

Then, I discovered the material traders. That was really fun for me, because I collected loads of G5-materials over the time. For most modifications, I could get the needed materials at the traders by changing higher level materials. So I could manage to completely modify my Imperial Clipper as well as my brand new Alliance Chieftain.

Trying to rise my combat rank with this Chieftain was fun in the beginning, but soon I bored out. So now, I started to modify all my other ships. Some legacy mods could be changed, some modules had to be modified from grade 1. To finish this will take me some weeks.

I also tried some Powerplay, but only to get the Prisma Shields and the Imperial Hammers. This project is also finished.

I have a strange feeling these days. I'm about to modify all my ships to maximum combat capability, but I start to ask myself: Why? Im feeling like a martial arts fighter who is training and doing sparring all over, but never comes to fight. But as soon as I start into a hot zone where PvP takes place, I'm interdicted by wings of four, who kill me within seconds. Don't see any sense in that. Some weeks ago, I spotted some other players I would maybe like to team up with, but with V3.0, most of them quit the game because they don't like the new C&P-system.

It's sad, but right now, I don't see the future way for me. It's like doing alibi things every day instead of really playing.

New year, new challenges

Already back from Colonia.

Arrived there some days before Xmas and started to work for PaX. Things went fine in Magellan, but as far as I could see I had absolutely no impact in Kojeara or other systems.

In the meanwhile, I took part on a community driven PvP tournament with stock Vultures. Could defeat only one opponent and got kicked out in the second match, but it was fun as hell. So I decided to go back to the old bubble and do some work in my favorite system, Rind. Jumped into a Sidewinder and self-destructed me back to Trevithick Dock.

Made then the mistake to equip my Anaconda with reactive surface armour. Was really expensive, so I have to do some grind to restock my funds. The good thing: right now, the factions at Rind offer some really good missions in the closer vicinity, so I can make some millions per day.

As soon as I have enough, I will go and do some engineering again. But maybe, it will take so much time to get enough money to be happy, that the update with the overhauling of the engineering system will come in.

Back on the track again

Read about major changes in the engineering system. As far as I saw, all special effects on weapons will be deleted - maybe. But whatever: Doesn't make any sense to modify my equipment, until the changes are done (in about 3 months or so). So I decided to go back to Colonia and do some hunting there.

And to cause some real trouble, I'm going there with my Federal Corvette. Well, this will take me some 2000 Jumps, I guess. But that's ok. I think I'll arrive there before X-Mas.

Mini exploration

Decided to stop the grind for Core Dynamics Composites. Have more than 30 pieces. That seems to mean, that I won't find any more. So I'll spend some of the stuff and modify the armour of my four ships.

But first, I have to raise the grade at Selene Jean from 4 to 5. This time, it's the method that I like most: Exploring. I can sell exploration data at Selene Jean's. So I went for a little trip to the Pleiades Sector. Don't have any business there, but I think it's more exciting than any other place in the closer vicinity of the bubble.

Naturally, there is nothing to discover first. Wherever I am, there already was someone other. Doesn't matter. I just want to do some planetary scans. No need to be the first to discover something. Will discover a lot on my next trip to Colonia.

As soon as I have enough data to raise my grade, I'll modify the armours and - as far as it goes - all hull and module reinforcements. After that, new grind awaits because then I have to modify Shield Cell Banks and Utilities. But this shouldn't get too tough, because it only goes up to grade 3, where the materials are more common.

But now: Weekend! Don't know if I can manage to write down something in the logbook, because I plan to get seriously drunk ...

Enough Tungsten, more Core Dynamics Composites

Stopped my search for Tungsten this morning. Started from the surface to space and headed for High Grade Emissions to collect Core Dynamics Composites. Was in LHS 411, which is a Federation system in boom state - so it shouldn't have been a problem to find the materials.

Surprise: It was!

Flew around for approx. 1/2 hour and didn't find one single high grade USS. Changed then to another system in the vicinity, Federation and boom. Didn't find anything there either. Just some degraded emissions or encoded emissions (which gave only shitty data, nothing of any use).

Well, this seems to become such a thing ...

Do you know Tungsten?

Well, I didn't - until yesterday.

That means, I didn't know it in E:D. As I picked up the first part of Tungsten, it said: "New Material discovered". Hm, ok. Know Tungsten since Wing Commander Privateer. Could buy an Tungsten armour for my ship there.

Now, I need about 40 pieces of Tungsten to modify the armour of my ships. Should I really modify all hull and module reinforcements? Don't know yet. Let's see how the search goes. Not very good up to now, but maybe some more luck that evening.

And the rest? Community is discussing about an EDMC-plugin that determines if dangerous commanders are inbound. Seems to be a nice little tool that tells you, if a known g&g is in the vicinity, so you can dust off in time. But no toy for me. Not interested in that. If someone tries to interdict me ... well, then it is as it is and I'll deal with it.

Nevertheless, discussion is funny. Community-known g&g find that tool not so funny and try some verbal sabotage. Think, they should learn to deal with their dark triad.

Still engineering ...

No entries for the last days.

Was sick as hell. Had problems with a tooth and had the flu the same time. Was fun as hell. The only thing I could eat was Aspirine.

Besides, it wasn't so interesting. Still collecting materials for the engineers. Could modify the most important equipment. Last points on my list: Shield Cell Banks, Armour, Hull and Module Reinforcements, Chaff Launchers. Will take a lot of stupid grind, because I need loads of materials to modify those Shield Cell Banks. Fortunately, they only go up to grade 3, so the materials are mostly common.

And then, when everything is finished? PvP?

No, not yet. Wanted to wait, what comes with the Thargoids. They are not interesting at all, so I'll head back to Colonia, I think. Some problems there with the BGS, as far as I heard. Will use the pristine rings in Magellan system to push my combat rank to Elite. Have enough battleships then to have some fun.

And after that?

Well, we'll see.

2 good rolls - but not more for today

The grind for Broo Tarquin was horrible!

Bounty hunting in Tarquins system is more than boring. As good as no valuable opponent. Only little ships, often "harmless" or "novice". Only a few Pythons, but they also were no opponents at all. More victims.

Took me two days now to gather enough bounties to unlock grade 5 access. But that was quite cool!

I needed only 3 rolls with the dice to get 2 excellent hits on overcharged pulse lasers. All values were nearly maxed out. Unfortunately, there were no secondary effects, but that's ok.

Have enough materials now to get back to "The blaster" to modify the last multi-cannon. Modified it accidently for long range, but want another overcharged weapon.

Enough is enough!

Not negative!

I mean, I have enough materials to do some rolls at the engineers. Made the transfer to Broo Tarquin yesterday in the evening, but found that I have only grade 2 access. All I could do was modding 2 Pulse Lasers for long range.

Had to go to bounty hunting after that, to raise my reputation. Currently grade 4, but it's not done with buying grade 1 upgrades. Started to shoot down the bad guys instead, but this is no fun at all. Theres as good as no traffic at the nav beacon and most ships are clean. Absolute highlight was 1 (one!) Anaconda with a bounty. Was funny to kill with my FAS.

Got so boring, that I already wanted to stop it and go back to Colonia with half modded ships. But I kept going. Don't want the work only half done. Weapons, drives, shields and armour have to be modded at least. Will take quite a while. But hey, nobody is chasing me!

I have all the time that I need ...


On the search for Conductive Polymers.

Yesterday, I tried out several ways. Had a look at a Naphtha-Class Tanker, but no success. Flew around and looked at USS, but no success. In the end, I was ready to open fire on trader ships in anarchy systems, but I really wanted to avoid this. So I went to Dav's Hope again and gave it a try.

Surprise: First few rounds with the SRV - more than 20 Conductive Polymers!

Now, I'm circling round in Dav's Hope like on a merry-go-round. If it goes on like this, then I will have enough material to roll the dice for about 30 times in the evening or tomorrow in the morning.

Not so funny: Scanned also the data beacon at the entrance every time I relogged. Got 36 Classified Scan Databanks for it. Remember the time when I was searching that shit like hell ... and now I have a heap of it and can only throw it away.

Sometimes, life sucks (a little bit)!1