CMDR Laila profile > Logbook

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(Federal Corvette)
Member since:
18 Dec 2015
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A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Ouscs Aowsy OS-U d2-0 - Norma Arm

I have been browsing and exploring for many days, I have seen and discovered many objects, many stars with breathtaking colors have kidnapped my thoughts, many worlds made up entirely of water cataloged as Water-World, some even terraformable, have been added to the star archive of the ship, who knows maybe a very distant day when the lands will finally emerge and life will begin to flow I will perhaps be remembered as a discoverer. But now a new, rare and unexpected event is being added. Finally, after so many light years, and a little disappointment, a livable planet exactly like Earth and never discovered by a living soul stands out in front of me. With a trembling voice, I register the event so that the astronomical data will witness what I have discovered. Registration start: "Stellar date 170.533.05- 00.39.51 Sector Ouscs Aowsy Quadrant OS-U d2-0 Planetary Object A6-Earth-Like" is done, the registration took place, I discovered a new world, not surprisingly my ship was called Magellan. I feel extremely happy and light despite the artificial gravity working perfectly, I was so excited that I had not noticed the panorama, now calmly for a moment of galactic contemplation. It is pink, it will be the refraction of light but from here the galactic cloud is absolutely pink, beautiful.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Blu Ain MX-J b10- Norma Arm

A few days ago I started to notice that the Galaxy has taken on a different color, a view of the cut and in the center a delicate shade of green has presented itself to me, but it is not the only change I see. A wall, the first impression that arises is precisely this, imposing and clear, this strip of stars, which stands out on the horizon, generated by an increased density, seems to want to threaten you. You will not pass, it seems to tell you, go back to where you came from, this part of the cosmos is not for you. A thinking universe is a little scary, it could destroy me with a single thought. But what if it was a test? What if he tries to impress me to see how long you want to go on? There is no other way to know than to pronounce the fateful order to the "Jump" navigation system. As usual, the inevitable response "FTL charge, Warp Drive engaging ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1, fear and doubts vanish suddenly, a sigh of relief. We go ahead

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Pueloe QO-Q e5-0 - Norma Arm

My forehead slightly leaning against the window, my gaze literally enraptured by the beauty of the cosmos, what I see is almost surreal, I can hardly conceive or understand what I am observing. I feel extremely small in the face of all this, like a grain of sand that accidentally is found in that place at that moment, nothing more. I don't remember when I started this contemplation nor how much time has passed, I am completely kidnapped, absorbed and transported in the light of the solar system in which I am, time fades, space seems to be all in one place and the eyes cannot divert but they continue to feed on this infinite beauty. No living creature had yet looked into this place, I am proudly the first and spiritually belongs to me, somehow a part of me will always be here. They look like twins, forever tied in an endless dance, a breathtaking blue, sometimes they become an intense blue that caresses you. A binary system, of course, but at this moment the poetic and ancestral side transforms them into Yin and Yang, good and evil, strength and weakness. All celestial bodies linked to them as faithful subjects follow them obediently. Something is gently tugging on my suit and I slowly come out of this torpor, like a beautiful dream at its end return to reality. The little quadruped at my feet looks at me worried, was I, really, momentarily, somewhere else? I pick up her in my arms and go down along the corridor, while the ship turns on a path of fireflies fluttering up to the cabin. Yes, she is now more relaxed, she feels that I am back. A hiss, a small hum and the ship falls asleep and we with her.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Pueloe CG-V d3-72 - Norma Expans

Ceckpoint reached and is also one of the last sites explored in this sector worthy of note and which I will therefore mention in the logbook. Bellissino quaternary system dominated by a blue / gray star totally without claims from other explorers. Fatigue and loneliness are getting the better of the mind, errors, oversights, little concentration due to the mind that perhaps is traveling more than the ship itself, have inevitably made me make wrong maneuvers that are usually easy and trivial. The result is not yet dramatic but there is no joking, we are very far from the stations and we are also far from the goal that I set myself. I can repair the modules, I can recharge the ship with energy but I cannot repair the hull, there is no possibility. I will increase the power of the sensors to see if there is a sentient life on some planet, consequently there must also be a station to land for repairs. The hull still holds up great but has been damaged by 10%. That the Universe has mercy on me if, unfortunately, I have to meet the Targoids, the hull and I too would be passed off, it would be the end of everything ..... that the Universe has mercy on me. It is now very late, the automatic shutdown sequences of the unnecessary modules have started, this reminds me that virtually night is coming. I must necessarily feed my two little beasts before they decide to take it alone, and here the food is me, however I can still trace the new route to the third checkpoint and then tomorrow, if the Universe wants, it will still be a new day .

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Prieluia IT-P b52-0 - Norma Expans

Interesting system not yet explored with many gaseous planets, it is the first of this sector for which it is worthwhile, it will be necessary to get very close to be able to launch the mapping probes, prudence Laila prudence, the gaseous are dormant beasts, they seem docile but their gravity is devastating, I also noticed an Ammonia-type planet that should be interesting. It will not escape my sensors and probes. So at work, a snap of my fingers and immediately my digital dashboard assistant (she doesn't miss anything) understands what I want and it's music right away, of course she chooses the right one, a very sweet song but also motivating for the job I have to do, otherwise you would not be able to "survive", and here is Stereophonics' "Make Friends With The Morning" hovering and rumbling slightly in the corridors. I turn around, the Pitbulliani are playing with each other, one bleeds a little from the thigh, what dear ones they are, what sweets.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
NGC 6357

After a disappointing nebula and a few days of travel here I am at another nebula, NGC 6357, home of my personal chekpoint, CL Pismis, I immediately realize that they are a category of stars of a beautiful blue / blue color, huge, bright and attractive. They are very few and immersed as if they were seeds in a prairie devastated by other yellow and red stars called, who knows why, ngc-ect.ect. I will also give a subsidiary here but it seems there is not much more to discover, certainly not in the center of the nebula. Before planning a second flight plan I have to do some repairs to the modules that have been slightly damaged, nothing serious but one must be careful. For the hull, however, nothing can be done, it is still 99% and I think I can bring the ship back to the inhabited area.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Blu Euq Wp-f D11 20

After several hours of exploration I realize that there is not much to see or explore, all the internal and neighboring stars of the Cat's Paw Nebula have already been discovered by someone previously. I have to content myself with mapping some of them. I could not find Black Holes or Pulsars as in other Nebulae, patience. Tomorrow I will resume the original route towards the Center of the Galaxy, I am very tired and I realize that the bioartificial endocrine system, integrated into the structure of the Magellan itself, has detected my absolute need for rest and is activated. Slowly it reduced the brightness and lowered the temperature. Kindly he traced me a sort of path towards the cabin lighting some multicolored fireflies which are stationed a few centimeters from the floor and which are moved by my passing. The ship itself is preparing for rest. Along the corridor I am joined by my two Pitbullian Mastiffs, they too have noticed that everything is about to go into stasis for several hours and they have joined me. I lightly put my hand on their head and a caress slides along their back, a growl, almost a grunt confirms their approval. They meekly follow me into the cabin. Tomorrow is another day.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Blu Euq Wp-f D11 20

I am on the bridge, I approach the panoramic window and I see the nebula, it is beautiful, like so many other things in the universe. It almost seems to be able to touch her and yet she is several hundred light years away from me. No delay, I leave a signaling buoy on the original route in the sector of Byeia and I am preparing to calculate a new flight plan. I set up a route to the nebula, then once on the vertical I will go down to the center of the cloud. Who knows what it hides. A small detour, insignificant when compared to the journey to the center of the Galaxy.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Blu Euq Wp-f D11 20

I seem to have always been sailing, instead I just have to take a look at the galactic map and the despair somehow assails me. Basically it seems to have just left. Blu Euq Wp-f D11 20 is a beautiful blue star with a yellow sister of the same size tied to her forever. Different twins would say on Earth. A very solitary binary system to which only one planet belongs, metallic, uninhabited and without any form of life. So lonely that no one had mapped it before. Below my trajectory, previously traced, I see a nebula, it's called Cat's Paw Nebula and it looks interesting, I think I'll make a small detour to take a look at it. After all, I'm an explorer and an explorer is inevitably curious. I have all the time (and space) to return to my original trajectory.

A small leap towards Sagittarius A
Tamor - Seven Holm

Time has come. It's time to go. To start, just a little jump. Flying into the unknown, where few have dared. The mysteries of the cosmos will be revealed to me, perhaps only in part but a part of me will be from the universe. Sagittarius A is calling me, silently, almost like a lament, I can't avoid it for much longer, I have to go, sail the solar winds, observe unknown nebulae, discover star systems and planets that no one has ever seen until I arrive at my destination. A wise old man once said to me "A true explorer knows when he leaves but not when he will return." I have worked hard in recent months to buy and prepare my new ship to which I have symbolically given the name of "Magellan", a great terrestrial explorer. May his Spirit be with me.

The station in which to supply me with food and anything else is the Seven Holm in the Tamor system, under the rule of Li Yong-Rui the first stop is more than 8000 light years near the NGC 6357 nebula at the edge of our sector, the star is called CL Pismis 2. We hope it is not too explored and scanned. I would like to engrave my name in some stellar catalog. To begin the exploration it takes only a small leap, just a little leap

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