CMDR Brawny Racer profile > Logbook

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condalicious 2.0 [br-a93]
Member since:
15 Dec 2017
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The Pointless Circumnavigation Project - LOG #6. Frozen pit hole.

Once again… I know I’ve been kind of disconnected of the GALNET, my apologies for that… but, let me at least explain what happened, and I’ll try to keep a consistent chronological timeline as I tell you this story… There I was somewhere close to the Tenebris region… when someone tried to reach me via the comms panel.

Whoa… who could that be? Especially in the middle of nowhere… lets hopes is not some random grieffer again…

I quickly noticed that someone was in the same system than me, what a coincidence!

Please, join me at my beacon, I’m also a fellow explorer going my way back to where I came from. I did read, again, over comms.

A few seconds later, there was the beacon, I jumped out, then, there was another small ship like mine, a diamond back explorer, and at its cockpit, well I don’t really know… I only knew it was a he… at least sounded like a male…

-And who are you?_

-I prefer to stay unknown, but I mean no harm… I also knew I would found you somewhere around this place, but sure I wasn't expecting to find you in the same system all of a sudden. Coincidences do happen after all…

And what do you want from me? How do you knew I was here?

Well, I did see you passing by the New Beginning Asteroid, and did found it interesting how someone with such a ship wanted to go in such an adventure…

Yeah but… I’m also thinking of getting back as you were telling.

If you want to keep in your journey, I could get you some help but… do you realize how dangerous voids can be? Taking in consideration the machine you did choose for the task. You need to learn the limits of your ship, asking too much of it could mean being stuck in a escape pod for god knows how long!

You sure got some experience… you sound like so at least!

I went through some tough times kiddo… I’m heading back. Have you ever heard about the **Fuel Rats**?

I did… but, what are your plans? why the Fuel Rats? Aren’t they only supposed to deliver fuel in cases of extreme need?”

You got plenty to learn about them… stick around this place for 24 hours at least, help will come for sure, good luck in your journey, Brawny Racer, and take care.

But who are… 

And I only saw the ship disappearing within a flash.

I was just about in the limit to reach the first actual void, the density of scoopable stars would get very low from this point. I decided to stay here, and follow the advice of that mysterious commander. I took my time to visit some astronomical bodies in the systems nearby and drive over some moons, and also went and took some more pictures of my findings.

Yet another earth-like world

As you can see in here… I really was on the edge of this arm of our Milky Way.

The Universal Cartographics system did spot my friend CMDR Smir close to the bubble, I can’t stop thinking how far away he actually is. He’s a crazy pilot but an awesome person, he’s known for being one of the shortest commander career and fastest persons to get a Federal Corvette. A FREAKING CORVETTE!!

Well, where was I? Oh indeed… And there I was again sitting on a pretty nice looking landscape… Not sure where this was but I can assure you this was a pretty big moon.

Nice landscape on this binary system

Again… suddenly I receive another notification on the comms panel.

  • Don’t tell me what I think it is… Tall thinking… again… I was kinda feeling frustrated then.

Fuel Rat member here, I got information that someone asked to help a lost commander by the name of Brawny Racer, I supposed it is you, the details of the ship do correspond to the description in our documentation

I quickly responded via text “Yes it is me… but I’m not lost, I’ll try to explain that as you arrive, I’m sending my location

“Roger, commander ToyNT here, cannot wait meet you.”

My fellow fuel rat was finally able to contact me via the comms panel system, even thought he was still over 1000Ly away from me. He did ask me to wait near the two main stars of the binary system I was in, I did jump-out away from the stars, so I could assure the Fuel Rat could reach me safely.

Later on, I received a wing request, there was he, CMDR ToyNT in the system. Instantly after, I saw the wing signal on my screen. Saw a flash a bit far away and my computer goes “receiving fuel limpets”. It was funny seeing this small things coming pretty fast and attach to the cargo scoop door under the ship.

ToyNT's custom Anaconda

-How come such a small ship is so far away from the bubble? I know Dolphins are from Saud Kruger, that also makes the Beluga Liner and the Orca, but was not expecting to see a Dolphin this far away!

-I sure am astounded myself, but I was thinking of getting back and find another route to join my friend on the next arm of the galaxy.
-But you’ve come so far away, why coming back now? Oh, I get it, afraid not to make it out of the void right?
-Yes, you are totally right.

-But I don’t get why the central told me you were lost, your navigation computer works right? I also got information that some unknown commander found you here.”

-Yeah about that, someone with DBX crossed paths with me... but he seemed misterious, didn't wanted to reveal his identity...

- That's weird! Come to think of it, we do indeed not know who requested help, it is only marked here as "Unknown Pilot"... Anyways, do you have jumponium?

- Jump what? 
- Jumponium.
- Is that some sort of material to enhance your FSD jump of some sort?

- Kinda, it's more like a group of materials you can use to inject your FSD, with that you can get increased jump range, like you we're supercharging your drive.

- I see, and yeah I've got some materials available for quite a few jumps.

- You can use those to reach a scoopable star that is beyond your jump range. My work here is done. Be carefull out there commander, I'll keep on my galatic map so I can see how you're doing, and If anything goes wrong, I'll come back as soon possible.

- Thank you, I really appreciate your help.

Later on, in a system not far away from where we left, there was a place with quite a few gas giants as you can see here. Once again, the temperature went below freezing over a moon, I did disable most of the modules to perform some final repairs.

Ringed Blue Gas giant

Ringed Blue Gas giant and frozen dolphin

I left on my SRV in a very slippery icy canyon, and before I knew, I was stuck in very deep hole in the ice.

I told to myself:

  • So this is it... this is the very last glimpse of a star I would ever have... and maybe the last time I will ever see anything ever after...

I did call back the ship... but with no sign of it to appear on the radar.

How was I able to write this journal so far after this happened you wonder?

Oh you cannot wait to read about my epic rescue mission. Well... not very much to know really.

CMDR ToyNT did come back to check on me and noticed that I was stuck on an unfortunate place to be stuck, not even the nose of the conda could fit on that hole, so, he asked for help and for a smaller ship too. Then someone did respond to the call. A crazy commander with Sidewinder did came all the way from Rosette Nebula to get me unstuck. And there we are back in human bubble, in hopes to see my friend Tesla and wishing him a safe trip for what's left of the route he needs to make around the galaxy.

Hope you enjoyed this novel styled series. In the future I plan going out there with the dolphin again in an epc trip to retrieve my friend Tesla, but I don't plan doing a novel again, more like documented updates so other commanders can follow the trip if they want. Thanks for reading!

The Pointless Circumnavigation Project - LOG #5: The Ringed Sisters, another bow tie and volcanism!

It's been a long time since I wrote an entry for this logbook. Don't worry my fellow commanders, I'm doing good. It's only, the more I get further away from the Sol system, the more I'm thinking if it is worth taking the risk of doing such a journey in such ship like the one I choose for this extremely demanding task, the Dolphin.

As soon as I asked myself this question, I got, once again, greatly rewarded with this sight. I called them The Ringed Sisters. This system consisted of quite a few ringed planets, but this two ringed water-worlds that are orbiting each other... It is simply something else. You will see what I mean:

Later I was asked by my friend Tesla, which was waiting for me in one of the way-points, to join him to take a few pictures. To make my way there faster, let's get supercharged once again!

Another earth-like found quite some jumps after the neutron star.

Later on, there we were together again, and for my amazement, the way-point was an actual black-hole.

Well Brawny, for now on I'm taking my way ahead in front, I can't tell you nothing now because I'm not sure of what was on the galactic map. But if what I found is really what it is, you'll join me once again in no time at all.

I wonder what he has planned this time.

Okay sure, just send me a mail once you found what you wanted to find.

I only saw he making a thumbs up with a triumphant smile behind the glass of his Asp, and off he went once again. A few jumps later, I found this:

Oh look, this ammonia world has a rocky moon! I really got to land there so I can rest for a few days. The sight from there must be nice too.

And nice it was indeed. Landed my ship, took out the SRV for some material mining, got it back and went to sleep.

After over a week of resting on this nice little moon next to an amonia world, I finally decided to jump away from there and make more progress in my journey.

The last one picture, the gas planet, it kinda looks oval if you look closely.

There are quite a few of bow ties in the galaxy, I get it, but this one is cool, it even has a rocky planet close by so I could land. I believe this is a POI among lots of commanders, but I can't remember what name it has. Obviously, I landed in one of the bodies that you can see in the next picture, and then, took some more.

Another few jumps later, I decided to land in another moon orbiting a gas giant. I wanted to make some tests on the ship, by turning off almost all modules... I nearly froze to death. Thankfully, the suits we got have a good life support on them, and they keep our bodies warm for that matter.

Yep, the temperature gauge went to only 10 percent! Never saw something like it... well, only when deploying the heat sinks. Then, well... you can't see much here because It's all dark again.

Found another planet nearby and landed there. Rested once more, for another week. You cannot believe what was expecting after the next jumps.

After that other week of resting on a planet, I did a lot of jumps, then, I identified a planet which potentially has volcanism. I tried several times before to found some interesting stuff... but never had luck... Until that one special moment...

Well... let's keep this thing flying with the drones outside, in hopes to found the smallest thi... Hold on a second... what are those clouds in the dis... NO FREAKING WAY!!! I FOUND IT, I FREAKING FOUND IT! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! HOLLY S***T!!! THERE'S AN ENTIRE FIELD FULL OF THEM!!!!

And again, I boosted the heck out of the poor thing, landed a bit brutally on the ground (no damages, no worries), took out the srv as fast as I could and then... Well, I don't know what to say here, the joy was huge.

This gave me a boost of confidence, and, if I arrived here already, why stopping now?

By the moment I wrote this, current distance from Sol was 22 251Ly. I believe that's the distance from my home to Sagittarius A*! This commander Brawny Racer, signing off.

I love saying those words!

The Pointless Circumnavigation Project - LOG #4: New Beginning and finding a few Earth-like worlds.

We did it. Tesla was happy with his new plates. I was happy for him. Quick stock check and once again, off we went.

Chicxulub new plates

Docked at Hell Port

Tesla got away from the system quite a bit faster then me, once again, thanks to his ship's bigger jump range. But there I was, going at a pretty fast pace, because every one of Tesla's jumps I needed to make two. Soon enough I was greatly rewarded with this.

Earth like world from PHROEA PHIO WO-G C27-2

Nice view from the cockpit

Then, a newbie mistake took me by surprise when I arrived a bit too fast to a gas giant ring. I lost half of my hull there. Anyways, after being scared to death, at least the view was cool...

After being stopped for a bit in those rings, I began to thought tall:

- I remember I saw another nebula other than Seagull and Thor's Helmet... Since these two had stations and were quite a distance from The Bubble, that nebula must have a station too. Okay let me see... Galaxy map... So there it is, Rosette Nebula.

And just like that, I began my detour to Rosette Nebula, which was about 900 light years from where I was at that moment.

A little while later, we could clearly see the shape of the nebula, and also, a cluster of stars within it.

Rosette Nebula

Good news, I found the station. Here it is: New Beginning

New Beginning asteroid base

I was very well welcomed in the station. Not many ships get to go there as I've been told. I also told to the locals what I was doing there, and that I was in the process of making the complete tour of the galaxy with a friend. They also said I was crazy going with the ship I've got. But since I was there, I got advised to pass by a system known as Terra Madre. So I didn't took much time there. I did repair everything on the ship, took a drink, got back to the pad and took off. On my way, I did visit a couple systems with very nice views.

I did make use of a few neutron stars to get to my first destination faster.

Neutron Star

I eventually made it to Terra Madre. It is actually called HYPIAE AIP KX-I C23-1. I was tired. I wanted a nice place to land. I had preference for a rocky planet or moon. I did found one and when I landed I saw something special... I had to take my SRV out so I can include my ship on that picture.

View from a moon in Terra Madre

I could see Barnard's Loop! I could also see the nebulas within. And even more, there was Seagull and Rosette Nebula too! It was a magical moment. Wow, I came all the way here, in a Dolphin! I barely made it more than once, but here I am!

I took my SRV back to the ship, took a tea and went to sleep. The next day I woke up... well, I don't think I can call it "next day", since there was pitch black outside, I never saw a place being in this level of darkness!

Few moments later, there was Terra Madre's Earth.

Terra Madre Earth

Terra Madre ED

Trying to enter

Time to head to the next way point of The Pointless Circumnavigation route! Looks like later I found a Water world.

Water World with a frozen pole

For my amazement, I did found yet another earth like world! Unbelievable! They could make a few outposts or even stations here If they want to! Looks like this one just left an Ice Age.

A few hours passed, I went a bit radical in this rocky moon. I did jump from a 1411 meter tall canyon! Don't worry, gravity was very low there, at only point 05G.

A day later, me and Tesla finally made it to the way point, a rare binary system with two Class-B blue-white stars. But since there was not much to see there besides that pretty big and pretty bright star, I went to a close by system and landed on a icy moon. I took a drink that Tesla had offered me few weeks back and then, I took the SRV out.

"What the heck!? Is that... a floating block of ice? I didn't knew that Centauri Mega Gin was that strong! I better head back to the dolphin and take a rest..."

Hovering block of ice

I think Tesla knew I couldn't take much alcohol. Shortly after, there was an ASP in sight. Tesla finally came from scanning a pretty rich system. We ended up making a little thing for Christmas on that moon.

SRV Racing

Alright. Current distance from Sol is 8664.48Ly. Today is December 25th 3303. This is Commander Brawny Racer, signing off.

The Pointless Circumnavigation Project - LOG #3 : Getting shot because of limpets...

A few days ago, while still at Sagan Research Center, close by Thor's Helmet Nebula, my friend did tell me that he had a wish before going out there in adventure. He wanted to put plates in his Asp Explorer, but for that, he needed a station that would support outfitting. I thought that would be tough finding a station that would support outfitting, specially far away from the bubble. But I decided to give it a shot.

Yesterday, I decided to take a quick flight to Seagull Nebula, it was only 289 light years away from where we were.

Seagull Nebula as seen a few jumps away from Thor's Helmet Nebula

About sixteen jumps later, and turning around in the place, there I was in Seagull Sector DL-Y D3, aiming to a station called Hell Port.

I was only about 5Ls away from that asteroid base, near a planet in heavy volcanic activity, when I felt like I had crashed on a surface of a planet with 2G! I was being interdicted by some random pirate with a Keelback. For some reason, the ship's computer submitted, even though I was totally evading. The craziest thing was when he said that he wanted my limpets. "That guy must be lunatic!" I thought, when I turned straight to his nose and boosted the heck out of my poor little dolphin. Somehow I was able to disable his shields and took about five percent off his hull. I didn't crashed on him, my goal was really to fly by really close, so he would take time to turn around and start shooting.

I managed to get away safely... well almost. My hull was at 36 percent. Then, there I was, landing at Hell Port.

Docked at Hell Port

"Oh look, WHAT A SURPRISE! This system is a freaking anarchy, I know why they called this station that way, no wonder!"

I was really pissed, I hope the woman on the control tower didn't heard me yelling like crazy through the radio. Almost instantly I forgot about all this when, after repairing and refelling, I saw that the outfitting button was enabled. Once again, I started screaming, but now, in joy.

  • Uhm... Is everything alright Commander Brawny Racer? - Said the lady on the control tower, she seemed a bit preoccupied.
  • UUUHHHH... Yes ma'an, sorry about that, I forgot my audio comms were turned on.

Then I thought "Whoa, that was awkward." I was really embarrassed, but I could not wait to tell Tesla about this. I boosted away from this station, and thirteen jumps later, there I was back at Sagan Research Center. When I arrived I didn't lost time and went to see Tesla. I had information that he was in one of the local snack bars.

  • Hello and good day Commander Tesla Cloud! I said, doing the military salute. He was wearing a really good looking jacket and aviator black shades.
  • Come on Brawny, you know you don't need to be that formal... We both laughed. Then I told him the good news with a smirk on my face.
- You know what?
- No I don't, you haven't told me yet.
- I found you another asteroid base...
- Oh, I see. So?
- And it has outfitting available.
- Okay... Wait WHAT!?
- You heard it.
- NO WAY! These are extremely good news!!
- I knew you be pleased to know that.

And he was really happy.

After checking our food and medicines stocks, of we go (for me once again), to the infamous Hell Port. Yep, this one I'll not forget that soon. It only took seven jumps to the Chicxulub to get there, six more to the White Dolphin (by the way, my ship's name literally means that, but in Latin).

It is a good thing to have a bigger jump range, especially when you want to go that far away from the bubble. The further away I go with the Dolphin, the more excited I am about this trip... But also a bit concerned.

Let me remind you that my jump range only varies from 27.3 to 29 Ly. My friend's ASP has to have at least 35Ly. Neutron Supercharged jump should made me able to make a 112Ly jump, and maybe 138Ly for Tesla. He has more probabilities of making out in the regions with less stars. But... If ever I ran out of fuel, I hope some good well-meaning fuel rat save me.

Once again, we see civilization. The next time we take off, we have no idea for how long we are going to be without seeing anyone at all.

I can't stop saying how good this ship looks. Maybe one of my favorite designs along the Cobra and the Dolphin.

Asp Explorer: the Chicxulub

Current distance from Sol is 3752Ly. Today is December the 20th, 3303. This is Commander Brawny Racer, signing off.

Complete steam album here.

The Pointless Circumnavigation Project - LOG #2: Getting back to Tesla Cloud

After going over a thousand light years back over California Nebula, I finally would reach my friend, CMDR Tesla Cloud. Good thing I realized I made a mistake soon enough, or else, I would be too far away to reach him within a few hours... I even had prepared the route when I was still in Sadr Logistic Depot, as stated in the previous log.

But before all that, here I go again, but backwards, using the fastest way possible to get there: The Supercharged Neutron Jump. A few jumps later, I did got really scared supercharging my FSD in a really active neutron star. The ejection cones were not massive, but they were spinning really fast. As I said, I did get really scared, especially when the Dolphin started spinning a little bit out of control.

I was about thirty jumps away from my friend, but I could since then receive messages through the comms panel. I made a quick decision, going to Witch Head Nebula, so I could take some nice photos of the place, and also, repair a few dents my ship had in its hull. There must be a station nearby.

The views near a nebula never do get old. I can't stop noticing something in this next photo... It really does look like a witch with an hat on top! Or maybe my eyes are already playing tricks on me.

Made it to Witch Head Science Center safely. The views there are also kind of cool. On my way to reach my friend... I just couldn't resist, have a look:

I can see that CMDR Tesla Cloud is in the center of Barnard's Loop. I will have to pass near Orion Nebula and right in the middle of Running Man Nebula. Not a problem, this region is pretty dense when it comes to stars. My computer finally did plot a route directly to Tesla's location, but then... the problems did start...

Oh apparently Kakkarot discovered this system.

I do know this was an hero from a well known animations series from the Sol system, made in Earth to be more exact, in the very late XX century and very early XXI. I happen to have a picture of it in good condition and in actual paper stored in my current home station in G 123-16.

Anyways. In the meantime, I was so happy to see my friend's ship signal!

There he was, apparently sitting on a Ice World. I did land slowly next to his ship. He didn't felt anything... I think he was taking a little nap waiting for me. I took out the drones and the SRV to take more pictures outside.

Then I bumped one of his ship's feet. He did heard. A few seconds later, I could see him inside the cockpit of his very well prized Asp Explorer: The Chicxulub.

He was very content to see me. He did look very astounded when he sighted my ship, he couldn't believe how small it was. He asked again If I was sure I wanted to go with him in this massive journey, especially considering my choice of going with my little white dolphin. He did stated also that:

- I don't think anyone even did the complete tour of the galaxy in a freaking DOLPHIN!
- No worries Tesla. Didn't that one commander went straight line from the bubble to the galactic core and back in a Cobra MKIII? If he did it, I do not see where's the problem...
- The problem is to cross regions like the The Abyss,(he said, with a very serious look on his face) and even though you never went there, you must know how the density of scoopable stars in that region is unbelievably low. Again, are you sure about this, Racer?
- Yes I am.
- Okay then. Give me a minute so I can get ready.

And off we went.

Sure enough and once again, I did talk about problems earlier. What happened was that the computer kept failing at plotting routes anywhere near Horse Head Nebula, well, almost all around Barnard's Loop. One reason I went all over the place and did a big detour through Witch Head Nebula was also because of that. All the systems are Permit Locked because of reasons no on still knows. Even the Permit name "Unknown Permit" gives no wonder of why is.. well, unknown.

It sure was frustrating getting out of there, we we're a bit concerned about running out of fuel during that stage of the trip. But from the risk comes reward and we finally could plot a new route to our final destination of the day: Sagan Research Center in Thor's Helmet Nebula.

Interestingly, I came across a couple of crash sites, literally in the middle of nowhere. I grabbed a few canisters so I could make a few credits for the repairs.

Also, it is my very first time I'm seeing the loop from its other side. Later on, Seagull Nebula and Thor's Helmet nebula are in sight.

After a very fatiguing day of going around the place frustrated with the crazy amount of permit locked sectors and afraid to run out of fuel, we made it safe and sound to Sagan Research Center.

The current distance from Sol is 3663.36 light years. This commander Brawny Racer, signing off.

If you want to check my online Elite Dangerous album, then click here:

The Pointless Circumnavigation Project - LOG #1: The troubled begging.

I almost forgot I could log all my trips in here... Anyways, hello. Here I am at Sadr Logistics Depot after a voyage of about 1450 Ly from Alioth. Now I'm ready to head to Medusa's Rock which is located in the Crescent Nebula. My computer says it is about 132 jumps from here. Just checking if everything's fine with the Dolphin. You might wonder... and yes I'm flying without shields, so I could pack a AFMU and a repair limpet controller. A bit risky I know, especially for landing in planets that have more than 1G at the surface. Looks like everything is good, let's go!

A few jumps later, I see something interesting. A pretty darn big Ice world with 13.98 earth masses! I'll try to get a couple pictures on the surface and will try to be very careful while landing. It feels so good reading this message in the info panel: "Landing Successful.", especially when you got no shields at all. This planet really does look big, the landscapes look flat and immense.

After checking the galaxy map, I noticed something wrong.

Let me explain. My main goal was to join my fellow CMDR Tesla Cloud somewhere in the Milky Way, as you can see, I'm going back near the bubble because my friend is doing his journey the other way around... What a freaking newbie fail I did. laughs

I'm ending this log here, then I'll say how the fast trip was... I hope I make it safe and sound.