CMDR Till MC D profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Killer Queen [Queen]
Member since:
31 Mar 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
41,544,498,800 Cr
Visit Explorer's Bar & Grill [Q8J-0HW] (Xibalba) Hypau Aec IO-Z d13-0

the end of a tour has come, finally the FC Queen reached the end of the arm, at Explorer`s Bar&Grill. While the Anaconda "Radio Gaga" always rushed ahead to scout the area. Explorer's Bar & Grill I finally got a decent beer, coffee was bought for the return trip. I'd like to stock up on more, but for reasons of space and weight, it doesn't make sense logistically. Except perhaps for tritium fuel.

But anyway, now comes the next step: finding the shortest way to the next galaxy arm with a carrier.

Thank you for your support CMDR Heavy Johnson. Without you, the galaxy would still be a much more dangerous place.

I'll be staying a few more days to relax.

Visit Lost Sanity [KHX-NKW] (Kepler's Crest) Phrae Dryiae AM-J d10-0

WP6: 3.1.2021: Lost Sanity [KHX-NKW] (Kepler's Crest) Phrae Dryiae AM-J d10-0

After the delay, the FC Queen tried to make up the time. What finally succeeded thanks to the full tank. Thats a real nice Carrier;

enter image description here enter image description here

Thank You for Suport others DSSA Lost Sanity

Visit DSSA Somdy [LZQ-24Q] (Kepler's Crest) Lyed YJ-I d9-0

During my visit DSSA Reginleif [X5W-63Z], I could filled my Carrier. and all the other storie you can read in the logbook bevor. but I have now 10 day´s delay... But finally reached.

DSSA Somdy

there Lyed YJ-I d9-0 is a structure like this: structur

I bring some wein an other drinks to spend the end of the year there.

hope someone is on board

on the way this nice EWL with moon, so I make a break..... ELW

Update Visit DSSA Reginleif [X5W-63Z] (Kepler's Crest) Dryau Aec JF-A d11

UPDATE: During my visit DSSA Reginleif [X5W-63Z], one of the Crewmember (CMDR Capney) want to chance his outfitting and orderd it to Queen (cause it has Outfitting)

CMDR DreadTom, owner of Reginleif, find contact to me over Fleet Carrier Ownersclub Discord. And ask me to wait 40h bevor Queen moves.

So I wait, Capney could change things. So this is wy I love the dark more than the bubble, here help peoble each other.

Than we had a nice Christmass meeting (without a tree) enter image description here

DreadTom tells me about a dopple TRI in the near of Dryau Aec JF-A d11, and so I could filled my carrier.

Thanks for everything

Hope see you somethere in the Dark again.

Visit DSSA Reginleif [X5W-63Z] (Kepler's Crest) Dryau Aec JF-A d11

The Tour goes to visit Wp4:DSSA Reginleif DSSA Reginleif [X5W-63Z] (Kepler's Crest) Dryau Aec JF-A d11

But I still have one day delay, but I think what doesn`t matter...I could fill TRI, it should enought to reach wp6 and have still 1500t left.

I found also a Galactic Mapping Project entry

Thanx CMDR DreadTom for your support and thx for the drinks, wich I could realy need next week, then we have chrismass by DSSA Somdy (Kepler's Crest) I will bring the wine to the crew and spend Christmas together

enter image description here

enter image description here

Hope see some in the Dark.

Visit DSSA Leo's Vision (KLB-44V) | Hyueths HS-H d11-5

After one day delay, cause I did not realised, that the carrierer is in cool down mode by planing the route, we finaly arrived DSSA Leo´s Vision.

It´s a very nice System with two earthlike worlds. It´s also called (The Twins' Garden) in Hyueths HS-H d11-5.

"Galactic Mapping Project" Eintrag

Situated in a rather sparse region, with few habitable planets around, this system has a wide variety of worlds orbiting its two stars. The most striking are the two binary Earth-likes orbiting each other, but there is also a nearby ammonia world orbiting a planet as its moon. The more distant second star has two water worlds orbiting it, one which has an ammonia atmosphere: both are candidates for terraforming.

Here is the DSSA Leo´s Vision, thank CMDR Dogs of Lore for your support. DSSA


DSSA Leo's Vision (KLB-44V)

enter image description here

Visit DSSA KTL Frontier Sanctuary [J2W-5XF] (Formidine Rift) Syreadiae JX-F c0

I thought I needed more tri, but for a distance of 11952.31ly 2938t on the way we made a small detour to HYPOAE AIM JA-A C3 CD 3 A Ring (Tri2) for refueling. On 26.11 we arrived at Zurara on time and listened to their story.

This DSSA Carrier is near Zurara Megaship. KTL Frontier Sanctuary inra link DSSA Carrier

Thanx for support cmd´s outside in the black

Visit DSSA Part 1

Visit DSSA Tour Part 1

Hello folks, I start a privat tour with my FC Queen to visit 7 DSSA Fleet Carriers. Details see below. Between the stops we are looking for landing pages with double or triple tritium, painite or ltd, so mining crews are welcome.

Also welcome are other carriers, scouts, photographs, scientists, hull and fuelrats.

In addition to the ice rings we are also looking for organic structures and metal rich planets.

If you are interested, please contact me at discord: Till Mc Discord Jump schedule, position, landing page, basecamo, photo and video.

Station type: Fleet Carrier Station services: Commodity market, Outfitting, Universal Cartographics, Rearm, Refuel, Repair.

Owner: Till Mc D. Docking access: All Allow notorious: Yes Service tariff: 15% Carrier: Inara link

Here is our schedule

WP1: 22.11.2020:Queen Arietis Sector MX-U c2-19 (Expedition start)

WP2: 26.11.2020: KTL Frontier Sanctuary [J2W-5XF] (Formidine Rift) Syreadiae JX-F c0

WP3: 6.12.2020: DSSA Leo's Vision [KLB-44V] Hyueths HS-H d11-5 (Kepler's Crest)

Wp4: 17.12.2020:DSSA Reginleif [X5W-63Z] (Kepler's Crest) Dryau Aec JF-A d11

WP5: 20.12.2020: DSSA Somdy [LZQ-24Q] (Kepler's Crest) Lyed YJ-I d9-0

WP6: 3.1.2021: Lost Sanity [KHX-NKW] (Kepler's Crest) Phrae Dryiae AM-J d10-0

WP7: 10.1.2021: DSSA Aristarchos [J6M-G2L] (Xibalba) Eocs Aihm XX-U d2-6

WP8: 17.1.2021: Explorer's Bar & Grill [Q8J-0HW] (Xibalba) Hypau Aec IO-Z d13-0

Back: WP9: 21.2.2021: DSSA Hecate's Grace [J8L-41H] (Cancri Cluster) EX Cancri

CNN Tranquility

Nice View from Steyla´s DSSA, thanks for your support!

dripple ELW

Also a nice View: somethere on the way home enter image description here

DSSA Pegasus

so feels like missed the Bus:

DSSA Pegasus