CMDR Puncturist profile > Logbook

Commander name:
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Member since:
11 Jun 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
1,022,036,056 Cr
Had a great time!

Yes, I did.

I had a great time during the Artemis Biological Expedition :-)

It was nice to meet other commanders and get my boots on the ground on many planets. Ranked up on my exobiologist rank a bit :-)

I am missing a drone-like craft that I can use on planetary surfaces to search for biologicals and geologicals, though. I've decided to head for Colonia, ditch one of my AMFU's and fit a fighter bay to see if the fighter is an effective tool to do some low level flying and searching.

See you out there!

Boots on the ground and the Artemis Biological Survey expedition

Well, as planned, I did a lot of core mining, so I made Elite Trader too.

After that I've done a short run to the EAFOTS sector in my exploration Anaconda and have now returned to SOTHIS.

I'm doing some passenger runs between ROBIGO and SOTHIS to get rare materials and money. Money I'll spend on my own Fleet Carrier later this year.

But first... In a short while I'll be getting the new suits and weapons that make it possible to get boots on the ground!

Shortly after that, I'll join the Artemis Biological Survey expedition. It will be the first long range expedition I'll join and I'm exited about that!

See you all out there! o7

Trying my hand at mining

Well, I've made my way back to the bubble around Sol. All in all the voyage back was not so interesting.

I've sold my exploration data of a little over 1 billion credits and made sure to sell it to minor factions controlling permit locked systems. That got me some nice system permits :-)

Next I'm going to try my hand at mining. I'll buy a Python or second Anaconda and try and fit it out for laser and core mining. We'll see how that goes ;-)

Made it to Void's Brink!

Yeay! I finally made it to Chanoa QK-C d14-0 or Void's Brink!

Not the most remarkable system, but a rite of passage of sorts to get here. It took me the better part of 9 months to get here. Could have done that a lot faster, but I did take a few months off until I heard that fleet carriers were available.

Well, lets see how far north I can go from here :-)

5k ly to go...

Well on my way into the Tenebrae region of space and still on my way to Chanoa QK-C d14-0 or Void's Brink. Most of the systems I find on the way are unremarkable, but if humans and Thargoids ever make peace, I've found a system with both an earth-like planet and an ammonia world. Had not seen one of those yet!

Dropped anchor for a while

I've been hanging out in a quiet system for a few months until the news reached me that somewhere in the near future you can buy your own fleet carrier!

Good news and it has given me renewed motivation to keep on exploring, so I can earn enough money.

Back on the road to Void's Brink it is!

Outfitted for the next big trip. Or rather: voyage ;-)

So, Ive been busy getting the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster and having some fun combating wanted individuals in my Krait. No longer a combat novice now. Competent sounds so much better ;-)

I've also been engineering my exploration Anaconda, the Explorapunk, and I'm happy with an unloaded jump range of 70 ly! I've stocked it for a second long exploration trip, because I never made it to Chanoa QK-C d14-0 or Void's Brink on my first exploration tour. That tour did bring me over 1.5 Billion credits in exploration data sold, so I didn't have to save on the outfitting this time :-)

I'm now just in to the Sanguineos Rim sector and heading for the far edge of the Perseus Arm. From there, I'll head east along the outer rim of the arm until I reach Void's Brink.

So, wish me luck. I probably won't be docking my ship within the next 3-5 months or so. See you all!

Jameson Memorial and a looooong trip

So, I've made it to Jameson Memorial and took the opportunity to buy a shiny new Krait Mk II. Outfitted it for battle and used it :-) Bored of battle, I realized that I never went to Hutton Orbital. What? No mug yet? Time to get it!

The newish super cruise assist module was made for the trip to Hutton Orbital. o7 to all commanders who made the trip without it! Having it, meant I could just read a bit for an hour and a half, as it was a very uneventful trip. But, I have the mug now! :-)

Next thing to do is get me Guardian FSD blue prints, so heading back to Jameson and getting into my trusty old ASP Explorer to get underway to the Guardian systems.

Colonia and onwards

From Explorer's Anchorage I've made my way to Colonia. It's a good place to be with lots of opportunities for miners, traders and bounty hunters.

From Colonia I'm now on my way to the Founders World, for which I've been awarded a permit after becoming an Elite Explorer. When there, I'll have them move my Asp Explorer to it. Jameson Memorial should make for a good home station.

I love the new super cruise assist module! It takes a lot of boring work out of flying to those 10k+ ls planets that I want to map :-)

Made it to Explorer's Anchorage!

Finally! After not having seen a single human since June 3rd of this year, I've safely made it to Explorer's Anchorage.

It is good to be here and even better to have handed in 1,6 Billion credits worth of exploration data :-) No shipyard here though, so I'll have to wait for a bit to get a new and shiny ship.

I have fully repaired and refitted my trusty Anaconda. The power plant is back up to 100%; that's a good feeling. I've ditched the fighter hangar; never knew why I took that with me. Replaced it with a super cruise assist module. It will be nice to have that on my way to planets I want to map :-) Also got me some bigger AMFU's, as they don't influence jump range and it will safe me from reloading/restocking those too often.

Well, I'll enjoy a stay here among humanity. It will be good to get out of the confines of the ship or Scarab!