CMDR SciPhi profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
2 Jan 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
3,361,806,010 Cr
Long Range Comms for the Win!

I had committed myself to the void, vowed not to return to the bubble any time soon, I was done with everything and there was a certain solace in the silence of the stars.. And then I was contacted on long range comms by people from the squadron that I had tried to gain trust from for the Grand Elder. People I thought would hate me due to what he did..

They keep me company on my long dark voyage, no longer truly alone in the void..

No longer the strange whispers in the night..

Maybe out here in the void I have found a home back in the bubble..

The dangers of trusting politicians..

I have stayed in the bubble too long.. I joined a squadron and started to settle down back in my home system of 41 Lambda Hydrae, being back amongst the people of Winters Wolves felt good. The Grand Elder had suddenly just reappeared after 2 years of being MIA, and started making waves again. I was sucked into trying to rebuild diplomatic ties with various factions in 'Wolf Space' and I worked diligently and tirelessly. I have stayed too long in the bubble.. There were underlying politics that I didn't know about, backroom deals that undermined my efforts to create a lasting peace and build a spirit of co-operation. War was declared due to this duplicity and manipulation. Why did I come back to the bubble..? I had made friends on both sides of the conflict, who do I trust? Never trust a politician.. I started to see the red flags.. Never trust a politician.. I had a deal on the table.. Never trust a politician.. I was being manipulated. I got out of there. I jumped in my Diamondback Explorer and I committed myself to the void.. trust the voices, trust the dark, follow your heart.. I am away from the bubble now.. I am attempting to get to the Hephaestus system in the Outer Arm region, as I feel drawn to that area of the void. I plan to come back soon.. I ideally need to get back before the month is done as there are mysteries afoot that I believe will soon become apparent, but for now I seek solace in the darkness between the stars.

What to do next...

Well in the last i don't know how long, I've been pottering around the bubble mostly helping out the various factions and powers that have needed help, it seems like a thankless task, especially with the amount of pirates that are up to no good trying to stop aid missions and the like.. I tried my hand at xeno hunting in the coalsack nebula, and I got a few kills.. but they finished me off before i could make it back to the safety of a station and i ended up drifting around in an escape pod until i was picked up by the sirius cleanup crew. So back to searching out the nooks and interesting areas of the galaxy.. trying to stay close to the bubble.. did a tour of the nearby nebulae and even stopped off at a thargoid ground base and tussled with the scavengers at the site which was strangely exhilarating.. also visited the giant guardian beacon out in the depths of deep space.. again interesting, but not what I was really looking for.. I have aligned myself with The Dark Wheel, and will hopefully eventually either become worthy enough to be told the location of Raxxla or in my extensive searching maybe find it myself... there is some months before we get to stretch our legs planetside, and when we do, my search for raxxla will start again in earnest.. but for now, i will carry on pottering around and helping the helpless and defending the weak, who knows who will see my actions and help me along the way...

be safe in the dark commanders,

Cmdr SciPhi

The Black is calling, but i feel i need to stay in the bubble...

The call of exploration, the whispers in the dark are calling me.. but I feel I need to stay close to the bubble as things are afoot, not only are the war drums of the Empire and the Federation pounding, but the Alliance are up to something as well.. If I go too far out into the black, i will miss being able to help out and stop whatever is to come.. I will potter around the bubble for a little while and see where the tide takes me..

Colonia - The end of the trail...

I finally made it.. I'm at Jaques station.

Its taken 19 days and a stupidly large amount of jumps (and a small mishap with my daughter), but I am here.

Think I will potter around the new colonies, for a little while and then maybe go back to the bubble via Sagittarius A*.

This little trip has earnt me my first Elite in exploration and have first discoveries on well over 500 systems.

I can go to bed happy knowing that I have a warm bed in space dock tonight and not out in the void.


Colonia, Via the Californian Nebula..

So I decided to attempt to get to Colonia again, but i decided to have a bit of a sight seeing mission first and had a stop off at the californian Nebula, it was surprisingly dull and hundreds of light years in the wrong direction!

So from the nebula I decided to go straight for Colonia. The course is on a much lower galactic plane, so much more chance of finding uncharted systems, so far there has been more than I could have ever hoped for..

I write this journal as I'm approximately 1022 jumps from Colonia, so its going to take me a good few days at the very least, but by the time I get there, I will have hundreds of millions of credits worth of data hopefully.

Anyway, its 3am here, time to get in my bunk and get some shuteye before more exploring tomorrow..

o7 CMDRs

Failed trip to Colonia... Not all bad news!

So I decided I was gonna try and get to Colonia.. so I set off, forgetting to load up on any sort of repair module and zoomed of into the great dark... I thought I was making pretty good progress (bearing in mind that I have a 20ly range lol) and got about a quarter the way there... I had made a few mistakes with my routing and was hitting too many brown dwarf stars and my ship had started to take a small amount of damage mostly from my mistakes (usually when passing out from fatigue (real world medical issue), so was getting a bit tetchy.. decided the best option was to return to the bubble, restock, rethink my approach and engineer up a proper explorers ship instead of my Krait MK2 which just isn't equipped for that kind of journey.. was an interesting first try, I got a fair few firsts to discover and I learn more about my ship and the game as a whole.

Here's to the next try!

CMDR SciPhi signing off
