Objetivos de la Comunidad

  • 6 de agosto de 2015
  • Finished

    Debilitating disease devastating G 139-50

    End: 6/8/2015

    A terrifying disease is currently working its way through G 139-50. So far the illness has defied attempts to contain it, despite the best efforts of medical staff aboard Filipchenko City.

    Many people have already been placed in quarantine, with many more thought to have already been infected. Doctors are concerned that the pathogen responsible may have already begun to spread to other systems. To assist medical staff aboard Filipchenko City, the G 139-50 Elektronics Partners are offering a series of incentives to any pilots that provide medicines to Filipchenko City market until such time as the crisis has been averted.

  • Finished

    Debilitating disease devastating BD-11 4280

    End: 6/8/2015

    A terrifying disease is currently working its way through BD-11 4280. So far the illness has defied attempts to contain it, despite the best efforts of medical staff aboard Mitchell City.

    Many people have already been placed in quarantine, with many more thought to have already been infected. Doctors are concerned that the pathogen responsible may have already begun to spread to other systems. To assist medical staff aboard Mitchell City, the Aliance of BD-11 4280 are offering a series of incentives to any pilots that provide medicines to Mitchell City market until such time as the crisis has been averted.

  • Finished

    Debilitating disease devastating Amahu

    End: 6/8/2015

    A terrifying disease is currently working its way through Amahu. So far the illness has defied attempts to contain it, despite the best efforts of medical staff aboard Alexandria Gateway.

    Many people have already been placed in quarantine, with many more thought to have already been infected. Doctors are concerned that the pathogen responsible may have already begun to spread to other systems. To assist medical staff aboard Alexandria Gateway, the Amahu Labor are offering a series of incentives to any pilots that provide medicines to Alexandria Gateway market until such time as the crisis has been averted.

  • 5 de agosto de 2015
  • Finished

    Eliminating the Cerberus Plague

    End: 5/8/2015

    To date, the Cerberus Plague has devastated several systems and claimed thousands of lives. The only hope of eliminating the disease, and curtailing further spread, is to develop as many doses of the cure as possible. To further this aim, the Union Of Bast Liberals is offering a series of incentives to pilots who take Ceremonial Heike Tea from the Brunel City Station in Heike, to the Hart Station market until such time as the Cerberus crisis has been halted.

  • 30 de julio de 2015
  • Finished

    Debilitating disease devastating Bastes

    End: 30/7/2015

    A terrifying disease is currently working its way through Bastes. So far the illness has defied all attempts to contain it, despite the best efforts of the medical staff aboard Shepherd Hub.

    Many people have already been placed in quarantine, with many more thought to have already been infected. Doctors are concerned that that pathogen responsible may have already begun to spread to other systems. to assist medical staff aboard Shepherd Hub, the Jet Comms PLC are offering a series of incentives to any pilots that provide medicines to Shepherd Hub market until such time as the crisis has been averted.