Objetivos de la Comunidad

  • 10 de marzo de 2016
  • Finished

    Protect the traders in LHS 3447

    End: 10/3/2016

    Note - HRES around LHS 3447 B2

    The Campaign to construct a new starport in the LHS 3447 system has been eagerly received by the galactic community, but recent reports indicate that the traders delivering metals for use in the construction project are being targeted by marauders. To protect these pilots, the Pilots Federation, in association with LHS 3447 Dynamic and Co, has placed a kill order on all wanted ships operating in the system. A spokesperson for the Pilots Federation issued a brief statement:

    \"We will not tolerate any harassment of those who have chosen to support this campaign. We are therefore offering generous bounties on all wanted vessels found disturbing the peace in LHS 3447.\"

    The campaign begins on the 3rd of March 3302 and will run for one week. Pilots who want to help are invited to hand in bounties at Worlidge Terminal in LHS 3447. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately. Pilots who want to help are invited to hand in bounties to Worlidge Terminal in LHS 3447.

    Rewards Structure: Top 10 Commanders Receive 13,500,000 Cr + Global awards Top 10% Receive 9,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 25% Receive 7,200,000 Cr + Global awards Top 50% Receive 5,400,000 Cr + Global awards Top 75% Receive 3,600,000 Cr + Global awards Top 99% Receive 500,000 Cr + Global awards

  • Finished

    Lave Radio Interstellar Transmitter Appeal

    End: 10/3/2016

    The Lave Radio Network is launching a campaign for pilots to support them in their efforts to build a new antenna relay in the neighbouring system of Diso. While performing scheduled maintenance tests, the current interstellar transmitter was found to be broken. A spokesperson for Lave Radio released the following statement:

    \"It seems that most of the components have been scavenged by raiders... or taken home by staff... or something. Nevertheless, we now have an opportunity to construct a new transmitter and foster relations with the nearby\" sigh \"...Diso system.\"

    The Lave Radio Network transmitter system is based on an antiquated but powerful network of focusing crystals, only found in the Cherbones system: Cherbones Blood Crystals. These are extremely rare and exotic mineral, extracted in a highly dangerous mining operation.

    Lave Radio are requesting all Commanders bring as many Cherbones Blood Crystals as possible from Chalker Landing in Cherbones to Lave Station in the Lave system, in order for the new interstellar relay to be built.

    The campaign begins on the 3rd of March 3302 and will run for one week. The campaign will finish IMMEDIATELY, if the final tier is achieved earlier than planned. Pilots who support the operation will be generously reimbursed.

    NOTE: Cherbones (Chalker Landing) is an Outpost and is 577,000 LS from Star NOTE: Only 20T of Blood Crystals are available per cargo run NOTE: Lave is 117.96 LY from Cherbones

    Rewards Structure: Top 10 Commanders Receive 6,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 10% Receives 3,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 25% Receives 1,500,000 Cr + Global awards Top 50% Receives 900,000 Cr + Global awards Top 75% Receives 600,000 Cr + Global awards Top 99% Receives 400,000 Cr + Global awards

  • 3 de marzo de 2016
  • Finished

    Clean up Orulas

    End: 3/3/2016

    Community Goal: Clean up Orulas

    25 FEB 3302

    For years, the sparsely populated Orulas system has been dominated by the Orulas Blue Hand Gang, a ruthless criminal organisation. This cold-blooded band has been making life intolerable for the system's inhabitants, but the local government appears reluctant to take a stand. Some have speculated that this is because the authorities receive regular kickbacks from the criminals.

    But one resident has had enough. Rose Trebek, a former soldier and veteran of countless military campaigns, has established a defence initiative to clean up Orulas – the Joint Security Taskforce.

    \"I'm sick of these scumbags running my system,\" said Trebek, \"and I'm sick of the government looking the other way. It's time to take care of these punks. But we can't do it alone.\"

    \"Our intelligence indicates that the Blue Hand is ferrying its spoils in big convoys to various fences. They trade mostly in escape pods, which they sell to shady pseudo-scientific outfits conducting illegal human experiments. We need pilots to swoop in, bust open the convoys, and recover as many pods as they can. We also need volunteers to sweep the system, taking out any Blue Hand ships they encounter. That should make things easier for the Commanders targeting the convoys.\"

    Trebek has the resources to offer generous incentives to those who support the campaign. But she has stressed that the operation will not be straightforward:

    \"If you're not an experienced combat pilot, frankly you can't help us. These Blue Hand dirtbags are the real deal. I don't want your death on my conscience.\"

    The campaign begins on the 25th of February 3302 and will run for one week.

    Note: beware if you're interested in bounty hunting: despite its description, this CG is a combat one (in combat zones) not a bounty hunting one.

    Global Progress: 5,023,238,756 Credits Earned

    Top 5 - 15,000,000 5% - 10,000,000 10% - 5,000,000 25% - 2,500,000 50% - 1,000,000 75% - 500,000 100% - 100,000

  • Finished

    Orulas Rescue Operation

    End: 3/3/2016

    For year, the sparsely populated Orulas system has been dominated by the Orulas Blue Hand Gang, a ruthless criminal organization. This cold-blooded band has been making life intolerable for the system's inhabitants, but the local government appears reluctant to take a stand. Rumours abound that the authorities receive regular kickbacks from the criminals.

    But one resident has had enough. Rose Trebek, a former soldier and veteran of countless military campaigns, has established a defence initiative to clean up Orulas - the Joint Security Taskforce.

    \"I'm sick of these scumbags running my system,\" said Trebek, \"and I'm sick of the government looking the other way. It's time to take care of these punks. But we can't do it alone.\"

    \"Our intelligence indicates that the Blue Hand is ferrying its spoils in big convoys to various fences. They trade mostly in escape pod, which they sell to shady pseudo-scientific outfits conducting illegal human experiments. We need pilots to swoop in, bust open the convoys, and recover as many pods as they can. They should then take the pods to Wilkes Orbital.\"

    The campaign begins on the 25th of February 3302 and will run for one week. pilots who support the operation will be generously reimbursed.

    Global Progress: 3,904 Tonnes Collected

    Rewards Structure: Top 10 Commanders Receive 3,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 5% Receive 2,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 15% Receive 1,600,000 Cr + Global awards Top 30% Receive 1,200,000 Cr + Global awards Top 60% Receive 800,000 Cr + Global awards Top 90% Receive 400,000 Cr + Global awards Top 99% Receive 200,000 Cr + Global awards

  • 29 de febrero de 2016
  • Finished

    The day that should not be

    End: 29/2/2016

    Having been labeled as a crackpot by most civilized space, tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio has teamed up with Kruger 60 Free to fund a one day appeal for pilots to deliver cartographic data that will help him prove his theories that according to ancient records he claims to have unearthed show that the 29th Feburary 3302, which appears on all galactic calendars, should not exist.

    Bentonio went into more details at a press conference claiming that the entire human race would be wiped out if something is not done and had this to say when questioned about his theory.

    \"We're not just talking about see ship systems failing and computer system across the galaxy shutting down. We're talking about all life as we know it stopping instantaneously, the very fabric of space time collapsing in on itself and the universe as we know it coming to an end in the blink of an eye.\"

    Pilots that want to contribute to the appeal are instructed to go to Jones Estate in Groombridge 34 system and drop off any cartographic data they have on the 29th February.

    Top 10 COMMANDERS: 36M Top 5%: 24M Top 15%: 14.4M Top 30%: 9.6M Top 60%: 4.8M Top 90%: 2.4M Top 99%: 600K

    Overall Reports Submitted: 300,890