
  • 2016年3月3日
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    Orulas Rescue Operation


    For year, the sparsely populated Orulas system has been dominated by the Orulas Blue Hand Gang, a ruthless criminal organization. This cold-blooded band has been making life intolerable for the system's inhabitants, but the local government appears reluctant to take a stand. Rumours abound that the authorities receive regular kickbacks from the criminals.

    But one resident has had enough. Rose Trebek, a former soldier and veteran of countless military campaigns, has established a defence initiative to clean up Orulas - the Joint Security Taskforce.

    \"I'm sick of these scumbags running my system,\" said Trebek, \"and I'm sick of the government looking the other way. It's time to take care of these punks. But we can't do it alone.\"

    \"Our intelligence indicates that the Blue Hand is ferrying its spoils in big convoys to various fences. They trade mostly in escape pod, which they sell to shady pseudo-scientific outfits conducting illegal human experiments. We need pilots to swoop in, bust open the convoys, and recover as many pods as they can. They should then take the pods to Wilkes Orbital.\"

    The campaign begins on the 25th of February 3302 and will run for one week. pilots who support the operation will be generously reimbursed.

    Global Progress: 3,904 Tonnes Collected

    Rewards Structure: Top 10 Commanders Receive 3,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 5% Receive 2,000,000 Cr + Global awards Top 15% Receive 1,600,000 Cr + Global awards Top 30% Receive 1,200,000 Cr + Global awards Top 60% Receive 800,000 Cr + Global awards Top 90% Receive 400,000 Cr + Global awards Top 99% Receive 200,000 Cr + Global awards

  • 2016年2月29日
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    The day that should not be


    Having been labeled as a crackpot by most civilized space, tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist Ricardo Bentonio has teamed up with Kruger 60 Free to fund a one day appeal for pilots to deliver cartographic data that will help him prove his theories that according to ancient records he claims to have unearthed show that the 29th Feburary 3302, which appears on all galactic calendars, should not exist.

    Bentonio went into more details at a press conference claiming that the entire human race would be wiped out if something is not done and had this to say when questioned about his theory.

    \"We're not just talking about see ship systems failing and computer system across the galaxy shutting down. We're talking about all life as we know it stopping instantaneously, the very fabric of space time collapsing in on itself and the universe as we know it coming to an end in the blink of an eye.\"

    Pilots that want to contribute to the appeal are instructed to go to Jones Estate in Groombridge 34 system and drop off any cartographic data they have on the 29th February.

    Top 10 COMMANDERS: 36M Top 5%: 24M Top 15%: 14.4M Top 30%: 9.6M Top 60%: 4.8M Top 90%: 2.4M Top 99%: 600K

    Overall Reports Submitted: 300,890

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    Free The Slaves


    At the behest of the Princess, the Prismatic Imperium is now asking pilots to transport slaves of all types to the new colony. There the slaves will be freed, re-educated and protected by forces loyal to Her Royal Highness. Significant rewards have been promised to pilots who contribute to the initiative.

    Large landing pads are available at D'Arrest Station

    Global Progress: 7,301,844 Tonnes Collected, almost done!

    Top 10 CMDRs: 45,562,500 CR Top 15%: 30,375,000 CR Top 30%: 22,871,250 CR Top 60%: 15,187,500 CR Top 90%: 7,593,750 CR Top 100%: 1,000,000 CR

  • 2016年2月25日
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    The Search For Survivors


    Federal President Zachary Hudson has confirmed that the remains of Starship One were among the wreckage recently delivered to Leoniceno Orbital. Given the nature of the ship break-up the front may have survived longer than the rest so a search for survivors in escape pods & further wreckage is being initiated.

    Search area: Lyncis Sector

    Systems: ON-T B3-1, ON-T B3-2, ON-T B3-3, ON-T B3-4 & ST-R B4-3 1

    Top 5 CMDRs: 15,210,000CR Top 10%: 11,407,500CR Top 20%: 9,126,000CR Top 40%: 6,844,500CR Top 60%: 4,563,000CR Top 80%: 2,281,500CR Top 100%: 760,500CR

  • 2016年2月18日
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    Clear trade routes around Okinura


    Federation efforts to establish a High Tech economy in Okinura are being hindered by pirate activity.

    To support the Traders involved in the initiative to improve the economy in the Okinura System, the Earth Defence Fleet (EDF) has issued an open kill order on any ships attacking trading vessels delivering goods to Fisher Terminal in the Okinura System. The EDF are offering significant financial incentives to reward pilots that help in the appeal.

    Top 5%: 11M Top 15%: 8M Top 40%: 6M Top 70%: 3M Top 100%: 750K

    2 low res sites and 1 high res around Okinura 8.