API System v1

Last Revision: 2019年3月20日 下午5:48:20

All messages returned by the API are in JSON. Most queries work with GET but they should also be compatible with POST requests.

Get information about celestial bodies in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/bodies

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    id      : 85920,
    name    : "HD 43193",
    bodies  : [
            id                              : 219074,
            name                            : "HD 43193 A",
            type                            : "Star",
            subType                         : "B (Blue-White) Star",
            distanceToArrival               : 0,
            isMainStar                      : true,
            isScoopable                     : true,
            age                             : 760,
            luminosity                      : "V",
            absoluteMagnitude               : 0.443283,
            solarMasses                     : 14.5625,
            solarRadius                     : 5.3612057397555715,
            surfaceTemperature              : 30995,
            orbitalPeriod                   : 277.5355324074074,
            semiMajorAxis                   : 0.4615586345240675,
            orbitalEccentricity             : 0.275417,
            orbitalInclination              : 73.390816,
            argOfPeriapsis                  : 23.460678,
            rotationalPeriod                : 2.2797341579861112,
            rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked   : false,
            axialTilt                       : 2.9
            id                              : 311417,
            name                            : "HD 43193 CD 7 a",
            type                            : "Planet",
            subType                         : "Class IV gas giant",
            distanceToArrival               : 17518,
            isLandable                      : false,
            gravity                         : 11.175634423255477,
            earthMasses                     : 1574.405762,
            radius                          : 75701.896,
            surfaceTemperature              : 1021,
            volcanismType                   : "No volcanism",
            atmosphereType                  : "No atmosphere",
            terraformingState               : "Not terraformable",
            orbitalPeriod                   : 55.31602430555556,
            semiMajorAxis                   : 0.11103302421536405,
            orbitalEccentricity             : null,
            orbitalInclination              : 28.739708,
            argOfPeriapsis                  : 248.851364,
            rotationalPeriod                : 57.64743634259259,
            rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked   : true,
            axialTilt                       : 5.7,
            rings: [
                    name            : "HD 43193 CD 7 a A Ring",
                    type            : "Rocky",
                    mass            : 355470000000,
                    innerRadius     : 124910,
                    outerRadius     : 169800
                    name            : "HD 43193 CD 7 a B Ring",
                    type            : "Rocky",
                    mass            : 4354700000000,
                    innerRadius     : 169900,
                    outerRadius     : 423250

Parameter Description

Main type of the celestial body. Can be Star or Planet

Get estimated scan values of a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/estimated-value

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    "id"                    : 27,
    "id64"                  : 10477373803,
    "name"                  : "Sol",
    "url"                   : "https://www.edsm.net/en/system/bodies/id/27/name/Sol",
    "estimatedValue"        : 416050,
    "estimatedValueMapped"  : 1368249,
    "valuableBodies"        : [
            "bodyId"            : 7497,
            "bodyName"          : "Earth",
            "distance"          : 504,
            "valueMax"          : 607028
            "bodyId"            : 1828,
            "bodyName"          : "Mars",
            "distance"          : 794,
            "valueMax"          : 527954

Get information about stations in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    id          : 4532,
    name        : "Achali",
    stations    : [
            id                  : 7821,
            name                : "Garratt Ring",
            type                : "Coriolis Starport",
            distanceToArrival   : 977,
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            economy             : "Industrial",
            haveMarket          : true,
            haveShipyard        : true,
            controllingFaction  : {
                id                  : 5185,
                name                : "Coalition of Achali"
            id                  : 42508,
            name                : "Vinge Silo",
            type                : "Planetary settlement",
            distanceToArrival   : 978,
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            economy             : "Military",
            haveMarket          : true,
            haveShipyard        : false,
            controllingFaction  : {
                id                  : 13276,
                name                : "Tuvan Coalition"

Parameter Description

Main type of the station.

Get information about market in a station

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations/market

Parameter Default Description
marketId* NULL

The game marketId, if used no other parameters are needed.

systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

stationName NULL

The station inside the system.

Get information about shipyard in a station

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations/shipyard

Parameter Default Description
marketId* NULL

The game marketId, if used no other parameters are needed.

systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

stationName NULL

The station inside the system.

Get information about outfitting in a station

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations/outfitting

Parameter Default Description
marketId* NULL

The game marketId, if used no other parameters are needed.

systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

stationName NULL

The station inside the system.

Get information about factions in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/factions

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

showHistory 0

Set to 1 to get the factions history under the requested system.


    id                  : 4532,
    name                : "Achali",
    controllingFaction  : {
        id                      : 5185,
        name                    : "Coalition of Achali",
        allegiance              : "Federation",
        government              : "Confederacy"
    factions            : [
            id                  : 5185,
            name                : "Coalition of Achali",
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            influence           : 0.638,
            state               : "None",
            isPlayer            : false
            id                  : 13276,
            name                : "Tuvan Coalition",
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            influence           : 0.261738,
            influenceHistory    : {
                1495332315          : 0.182,
                1495832171          : 0.183,
                1499256454          : 0.185,
                1499888702          : 0.222,
                1500589623          : 0.261738
            state               : "None",
            stateHistory        : {
                1499256454          : "Boom",
                1500589623          : "None"
            recoveringStates    : [],
            pendingStates       : [
                    state           : "Outbreak",
                    trend           : 1
            isPlayer: false

Parameter Description

true/false, depending if the current factions is a player controlled faction.

Get information about traffic in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/traffic

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    "id"                    : 27,
    "id64"                  : 10477373803,
    "name"                  : "Sol",
    "traffic"               : {
        "total"                 : 7367,
        "week"                  : 356,
        "day"                   : 78
    "breakdown"             : {
        "Adder"                 : 1,
        "Anaconda"              : 7,
        "Asp Explorer"          : 13,
        "Beluga Liner"          : 2,
        "Cobra MkIII"           : 2,
        "Diamondback Explorer"  : 8,
        "Dolphin"               : 3,
        "Federal Assault Ship"  : 1,
        "Federal Corvette"      : 5,
        "Federal Gunship"       : 1,
        "Fer-de-Lance"          : 1,
        "Hauler"                : 1,
        "Imperial Clipper"      : 1,
        "Imperial Courier"      : 2,
        "Imperial Cutter"       : 4,
        "Orca"                  : 2,
        "Python"                : 17,
        "Type-9 Heavy"          : 1,
        "Viper MkIII"           : 1,
        "Viper MkIV"            : 1,
        "Vulture"               : 1

Get information about deaths in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/deaths

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    "id"                    : 27,
    "id64"                  : 10477373803,
    "name"                  : "Sol",
    "deaths"                : {
        "total"                 : 67,
        "week"                  : 5,
        "day"                   : 2