API System v1

Last Revision: 20.3.2019 17.48.20

All messages returned by the API are in JSON. Most queries work with GET but they should also be compatible with POST requests.

Get information about celestial bodies in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/bodies

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    id      : 85920,
    name    : "HD 43193",
    bodies  : [
            id                              : 219074,
            name                            : "HD 43193 A",
            type                            : "Star",
            subType                         : "B (Blue-White) Star",
            distanceToArrival               : 0,
            isMainStar                      : true,
            isScoopable                     : true,
            age                             : 760,
            luminosity                      : "V",
            absoluteMagnitude               : 0.443283,
            solarMasses                     : 14.5625,
            solarRadius                     : 5.3612057397555715,
            surfaceTemperature              : 30995,
            orbitalPeriod                   : 277.5355324074074,
            semiMajorAxis                   : 0.4615586345240675,
            orbitalEccentricity             : 0.275417,
            orbitalInclination              : 73.390816,
            argOfPeriapsis                  : 23.460678,
            rotationalPeriod                : 2.2797341579861112,
            rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked   : false,
            axialTilt                       : 2.9
            id                              : 311417,
            name                            : "HD 43193 CD 7 a",
            type                            : "Planet",
            subType                         : "Class IV gas giant",
            distanceToArrival               : 17518,
            isLandable                      : false,
            gravity                         : 11.175634423255477,
            earthMasses                     : 1574.405762,
            radius                          : 75701.896,
            surfaceTemperature              : 1021,
            volcanismType                   : "No volcanism",
            atmosphereType                  : "No atmosphere",
            terraformingState               : "Not terraformable",
            orbitalPeriod                   : 55.31602430555556,
            semiMajorAxis                   : 0.11103302421536405,
            orbitalEccentricity             : null,
            orbitalInclination              : 28.739708,
            argOfPeriapsis                  : 248.851364,
            rotationalPeriod                : 57.64743634259259,
            rotationalPeriodTidallyLocked   : true,
            axialTilt                       : 5.7,
            rings: [
                    name            : "HD 43193 CD 7 a A Ring",
                    type            : "Rocky",
                    mass            : 355470000000,
                    innerRadius     : 124910,
                    outerRadius     : 169800
                    name            : "HD 43193 CD 7 a B Ring",
                    type            : "Rocky",
                    mass            : 4354700000000,
                    innerRadius     : 169900,
                    outerRadius     : 423250

Parameter Description

Main type of the celestial body. Can be Star or Planet

Get estimated scan values of a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/estimated-value

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    "id"                    : 27,
    "id64"                  : 10477373803,
    "name"                  : "Sol",
    "url"                   : "https://www.edsm.net/en/system/bodies/id/27/name/Sol",
    "estimatedValue"        : 416050,
    "estimatedValueMapped"  : 1368249,
    "valuableBodies"        : [
            "bodyId"            : 7497,
            "bodyName"          : "Earth",
            "distance"          : 504,
            "valueMax"          : 607028
            "bodyId"            : 1828,
            "bodyName"          : "Mars",
            "distance"          : 794,
            "valueMax"          : 527954

Get information about stations in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    id          : 4532,
    name        : "Achali",
    stations    : [
            id                  : 7821,
            name                : "Garratt Ring",
            type                : "Coriolis Starport",
            distanceToArrival   : 977,
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            economy             : "Industrial",
            haveMarket          : true,
            haveShipyard        : true,
            controllingFaction  : {
                id                  : 5185,
                name                : "Coalition of Achali"
            id                  : 42508,
            name                : "Vinge Silo",
            type                : "Planetary settlement",
            distanceToArrival   : 978,
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            economy             : "Military",
            haveMarket          : true,
            haveShipyard        : false,
            controllingFaction  : {
                id                  : 13276,
                name                : "Tuvan Coalition"

Parameter Description

Main type of the station.

Get information about market in a station

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations/market

Parameter Default Description
marketId* NULL

The game marketId, if used no other parameters are needed.

systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

stationName NULL

The station inside the system.

Get information about shipyard in a station

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations/shipyard

Parameter Default Description
marketId* NULL

The game marketId, if used no other parameters are needed.

systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

stationName NULL

The station inside the system.

Get information about outfitting in a station

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/stations/outfitting

Parameter Default Description
marketId* NULL

The game marketId, if used no other parameters are needed.

systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

stationName NULL

The station inside the system.

Get information about factions in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/factions

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.

showHistory 0

Set to 1 to get the factions history under the requested system.


    id                  : 4532,
    name                : "Achali",
    controllingFaction  : {
        id                      : 5185,
        name                    : "Coalition of Achali",
        allegiance              : "Federation",
        government              : "Confederacy"
    factions            : [
            id                  : 5185,
            name                : "Coalition of Achali",
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            influence           : 0.638,
            state               : "None",
            isPlayer            : false
            id                  : 13276,
            name                : "Tuvan Coalition",
            allegiance          : "Federation",
            government          : "Confederacy",
            influence           : 0.261738,
            influenceHistory    : {
                1495332315          : 0.182,
                1495832171          : 0.183,
                1499256454          : 0.185,
                1499888702          : 0.222,
                1500589623          : 0.261738
            state               : "None",
            stateHistory        : {
                1499256454          : "Boom",
                1500589623          : "None"
            recoveringStates    : [],
            pendingStates       : [
                    state           : "Outbreak",
                    trend           : 1
            isPlayer: false

Parameter Description

true/false, depending if the current factions is a player controlled faction.

Get information about traffic in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/traffic

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    "id"                    : 27,
    "id64"                  : 10477373803,
    "name"                  : "Sol",
    "traffic"               : {
        "total"                 : 7367,
        "week"                  : 356,
        "day"                   : 78
    "breakdown"             : {
        "Adder"                 : 1,
        "Anaconda"              : 7,
        "Asp Explorer"          : 13,
        "Beluga Liner"          : 2,
        "Cobra MkIII"           : 2,
        "Diamondback Explorer"  : 8,
        "Dolphin"               : 3,
        "Federal Assault Ship"  : 1,
        "Federal Corvette"      : 5,
        "Federal Gunship"       : 1,
        "Fer-de-Lance"          : 1,
        "Hauler"                : 1,
        "Imperial Clipper"      : 1,
        "Imperial Courier"      : 2,
        "Imperial Cutter"       : 4,
        "Orca"                  : 2,
        "Python"                : 17,
        "Type-9 Heavy"          : 1,
        "Viper MkIII"           : 1,
        "Viper MkIV"            : 1,
        "Vulture"               : 1

Get information about deaths in a system

HTTP Request: GET https://www.edsm.net/api-system-v1/deaths

Parameter Default Description
systemName* NULL

The system name

systemId NULL

The system ID if you seek for a duplicate system and want to force a specific ID.


    "id"                    : 27,
    "id64"                  : 10477373803,
    "name"                  : "Sol",
    "deaths"                : {
        "total"                 : 67,
        "week"                  : 5,
        "day"                   : 2