Noticias galácticas

  • 16 de septiembre de 3301
  • Munshin Announces Plan to Aid Refugees

    Officials at Ocrinox's Orbiter held a press conference earlier today to announce their intention to build a state-of-the-art resettlement facility for refugees of the Pegasi Pirate War.

    "We recognize the plight of their friends in the Pegasi Sector, and extend our welcome to all those who wish to settle here. We encourage all those who have access to transport to come to Ocrinox's Orbiter. You were promised citizenship – citizenship you shall have. You were promised protection – protection you shall have. You left home to seek a new life – a new life you shall have."

    The plan leans heavily on three aspects of the Munshin system: distance from the war, readily available food and jobs, and the necessary infrastructure to support a large population surge.

    Reports also indicate that officials at Ocrinox's Orbiter have sent messages to the Pilots Federation and Princess Aisling Duval asking for urgent delivery of medical supplies.

    Commander Quade

  • 15 de septiembre de 3301
  • Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval Calls Impromptu Press Conference

    After the day’s Senate deliberations finished, Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval stopped to answer questions from the assembled reporters. When asked what she considered the most important issue facing the Empire, she replied:

    “Most of all the Empire needs stability and continuity. I was privileged to spend some time with Emperor Hengist Duval after he recovered from his coma. He shared with me a vision in which the Empire continues to build on its strengths of justice and tradition.

    “It saddens me greatly that anyone, especially someone considering themselves an imperial citizen, could bring an end to such a great man. I consider it my duty to make sure that his vision becomes a reality.”

    When asked if that meant she considered herself the heir to the Emperor’s throne, she stated:

    “The decision of who will become Emperor is in the hands of the Senate. There are many suitable candidates, and I am honoured to be among them. Whether or not I am crowned, I will continue to work toward the future that Hengist Duval shared with me.”

  • GalNet Weekly Security Digest

    In this weekly report, the latest GalNet data is assembled to present ten minor factions experiencing civil unrest or lockdown in their systems (*).

    Here are 10 of the 488 minor factions in lockdown:

    • BD+42 3917 Free

    • Movement for Shoujeman Free

    • Orang Universal Organisation

    • Gui Xian Patron's Principles

    • LFT 78 Patron's Principles

    • Vish Patron's Principles

    • LHS 3749 Group

    • Nagi Empire Pact

    • Armodiang Patrons of Law

    • People's Epsilon Scorpii Resistance

    Lockdowns increase the security rating for a system but also have a negative effect on the system’s wealth. Increased bounty hunting activity can shorten the lockdown period.

    Here are 10 of the 715 minor factions experiencing civil unrest:

    • BD-00 4461 Jet Transport Systems

    • Katurru Independents

    • Values Party of Orishpucho

    • Brothers of Caihe

    • Gilgamesh Ltd

    • Hollos Empire Party

    • HIP 112829 Co-op

    • Brothers of Teshub

    • LTT 14478 Energy Ltd

    • Charunder State Limited

    Civil unrest is caused by illegal activity within the system as well completing contracts from more nefarious sources. The wealth rating and standard of living will suffer when a system contains civil unrest. Combat missions and activities can be utilised to end civil unrest.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Vice President’s Investigation Data Found

    A spokesman for Vice President Nigel Smeaton’s family revealed today that a concealed data chit had been recently discovered among his personal belongings. The information stored on the device was encrypted but with the assistance of technicians at the Federal Times they were able to extract some of the information.

    The spokesman stated that the data would not be made public at this time, but some of the information might enable the authorities to locate the wreckage of the Highliner Antares. The data has been handed over to the Sirius Corporation as well as investigating officers.

    The family’s spokesman declined to answer any questions.

  • 14 de septiembre de 3301
  • Imperial Slave Regulations Proposed

    Following the recent audit of the Imperial Slave Association, the Imperial Senate Audit Committee has recommended the introduction of further regulations governing the treatment and transportation of Imperial slaves.

    The proposed regulations centre on improved vetting of commanders permitted to transport Imperial slaves, and include the suggestion that pilots must hold the rank of ‘Master’ in the Imperial Navy as a minimum requirement. It is also suggested that resources be set aside for the recovery of Imperial slaves transported and sold outside the Imperium.

    Svetlana Zhukov, chairwoman of the ISA, voiced her support for the regulations:

    “It is our duty to ensure that Imperial citizens serving terms as slaves remain within the borders of the Empire until they are returned to full citizenship. Our hope is that these new regulations will ensure the rights of Imperial Slaves are not trampled on by those unscrupulous enough to sell people for quick credits."

    Political commentators have expressed doubt that the proposed regulations will be approved, but many remain hopeful.

    Commander Corrigendum

    Capitol Herald | Interstellar Press

  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit (*).

    Here are 10 of the 3,275 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • LHS 2771 Party

    • Kremainn Free

    • LHS 140 Jet Universal Company

    • Waq Services

    • Posse of Polevnic

    • League of Phra Lule Flag

    • Workers of 20 Ophiuchi Values Party

    • Luphis Patron's Principles

    • Values Party of Orishpucho

    • Green Party of LHS 3577

    When in boom, the wealth of a system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    *Data is correct at time of publishing

  • 13 de septiembre de 3301
  • Research into Strange Objects Begins

    A Federal research programme has been established to study the strange objects discovered in a number of systems, including Tanmark and HIP 102128, it was announced today. The project is being led by Professor Ishmael Palin, formerly of the Homeland Scientific Council.

    The first of the objects was discovered some months ago, with further objects being found in the weeks that followed. Those who have seen the artefacts first-hand report that they are reminiscent of biological forms, consisting of a spherical bulb-like element connected to a number of cylindrical capsules. Some have even suggested they might be life forms in their own right.

    Aside from their unusual structure, the objects – referred to by some as 'unknown artefacts' and dubbed 'anomalous extraterrestrial objects' (or 'AEOs') by Professor Palin and his team – are believed to have the capacity to damage nearby machinery, although exactly how this occurs is not fully understood. This has made transport of the objects problematic, as they can inflict significant damage on a ship’s cargo hold, and on adjacent ship’s systems.

    Naturally, speculation concerning the objects has been rife, and there appears to be significant evidence that they are of non-human origin. Professor Palin refused to be drawn on the subject, however, saying:

    “A discovery of this kind represents an event of major scientific interest, and I am delighted to have been asked to lead this research project. It would be imprudent of me to speculate on the objects’ origin or purpose. Suffice it to say that my team and I will be subjecting the artefacts to rigorous examination over the coming weeks, and I very much look forward to sharing our discoveries with the scientific community.”

  • 11 de septiembre de 3301
  • Emperor’s Dawn Issues Request for Supplies

    As news spreads that Senator Denton Patreus has launched a military operation against Emperor’s Dawn, journalists at The Imperial Citizen report that the insurgent group has issued a public appeal for commodities. Significantly, the goods the group has requested – progenitor cells and narcotics – are illegal in many jurisdictions.

    Emperor’s Dawn has not explained its need for these commodities, but given its militant stance it can be safely assumed that the goods will used in its ongoing campaign against the Empire. The organisation is understood to have set up delivery points at starports in the Ipilyaqa and Ch’i Lin systems.

    The Empire has not issued a response to the appeal, but it is likely that it will implore the public to ignore the request. But with so many independent traders in the galaxy, many of whom have no particular loyalty to the Empire, it seems inevitable that at least some will answer the call of Emperor’s Dawn.

  • Emperor’s Dawn Bases Discovered

    According to the office of Senator Denton Patreus, Imperial intelligence has discovered several bases belonging to Emperor’s Dawn. Senator Patreus, who is leading the campaign against Emperor’s Dawn, has issued a statement confirming that he is initiating a combat operation designed to destroy the insurrectionists. The senator made the following announcement to the press:

    “We are not dealing merely with treasonous sentiments here – we are dealing with a violent organisation that has shown itself willing and able to commit truly heinous acts. They have already taken the life of our beloved Emperor - where might their misguided rage fall next? We must act swiftly and decisively if we are to eliminate this threat to the Empire.”

    Imperial forces have been mobilised for the operation, but independent pilots are also being called on to lend their aid. Senator Patreus is offering generous rewards to those who contribute to the campaign.

  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data (*).

    Here are 10 of the 13,309 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • Dakshmandi Focus

    • Maausk Emperor's Grace

    • V775 Herculi Boys

    • Ho Hsien Values Party

    • Ho Hsien Legal Group

    • Mariyacoch for Equality

    • Holiacan Dynamic Company

    • Autocracy of Furuhjelm III-674

    • Furuhjelm III-674 Republic Party

    • Pfembali Raiders

    Civil wars involve conflict between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets such as starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    Here are 10 of the 2,562 minor factions at war:

    • Anum Empire Assembly

    • Revolutionary Party of Pepper

    • Yurundhi Co-op

    • Kitae Nationals

    • Tavgi Blue Life Inc

    • LTT 9795 Boys

    • Mongatha Domain

    • Dukes of Maray

    • Hand Gang of HIP 32435

    • Gaohikel for Equality

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, wealth, security and standard of living are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war ends in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Kumo Crew to Target Lavigny-Duval

    Systems under the sway of Arissa Lavigny-Duval have begun expressing discontent at the current political situation in the Empire, and the Kumo Crew is taking the opportunity to cause trouble of their own.

    Leaked military intelligence indicates that hundreds of Kumo Crew fleets will soon descend on Imperial territory in an effort to cultivate further civil unrest. The plan is apparently to force Duval into admitting the foolishness of the Pegasi War by bringing it as close to home as possible.

    Operation Uranus saw the Kumo Crew pirates target worlds under the influence of Senator Denton Patreus, but this is the first time they have been bold enough to strike farther afield. Only time will tell what impact this will have on the Imperial power players.

    Commander Mikalus

  • The People’s Princess Speaks

    At a public charity event in which several dozen slaves were granted their freedom, Princess Aisling Duval took the opportunity to speak about the succession.

    “It seems peculiar that as the closest living relative of our beloved Emperor, I am not involved in the process of selecting his successor. It is even stranger that there is a process at all - after all, I am the natural heir.”

    Her attempt to gloss over the legality of her claim has sparked angry rebuttals from legal experts and the camps of the other likely candidates. When we spoke to people on the street, however, we encountered almost universal support for the Princess. One Capitol resident told us:

    “I’m all for tradition, but we have to move with the times. Princess Aisling Duval understands what we need to do, and has the youthful vigour to make that happen.”

  • A Week in Powerplay

    Aisling Duval has once again topped the powerplay rankings, as extraordinarily low opposition to the people’s princess, combined with sufficient fortification, has allowed her to excel above all others this week.

    Zachary Hudson has demonstrated an ability to stand firm against overwhelming opposition. Undermining in over thirty systems was cancelled and extended the protection of the Federation fleet to several more, and Hudson’s rise to second place is well warranted this week.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval’s rising administrative costs, accompanied by shrewd undermining, has led to turmoil in seven systems this week. An increased emphasis on meaningful fortification is clearly needed to maintain the senator’s sway over her vast territory.

    Edmund Mahon has again guided the Alliance into prosperity. Careful fortification has secured Alliance borders, although the Alliance saw more opposition than the Empire. Prime Minister Mahon is now poised to offer citizenship to several key systems in the coming week.

    Felicia Winters, much like Hudson, weathered above-average undermining, but in spite of this she proved her resilience by providing humanitarian aid to one star cluster while maintaining a comfortable command capital reserve.

    Denton Patreus, ever the smooth operator, balanced his budgets nearly perfectly this week. Evading a deficit, his fleets now occupy control spheres in two additional locations.

    Li Yong-Rui has led Sirius Gov back into the black. Shrewd leadership, cutbacks, and the diligent labours of Sirius representatives have yielded a large command capital reserve. With an optimistic outlook, SiriusGov is poised to extend its influence once more in its corner of space.

    Zemina Torval has made a recovery from recent weeks of turmoil and the reduction of her portfolio. The senator now looks to end a long period of contraction in her enterprises through the acquisition of key systems.

    Archon Delaine’s lean forces have again amassed enough command capital to stir up insurrections in several systems. Although the Kumo Crew was rebuffed in its attempts to overthrow Federation and Imperial systems, a surge in criminal activity was reported in several more systems.

    Pranav Antal’s quiet commune succeeded in sharing the vision of Utopia with the inhabitants of Miki and the surrounding systems, and his people now hope to bring these systems into the fold. With no systems undermined this week, Pranav’s people are clearly the embodiment of Utopia.

    Commander Corrigendum

  • 10 de septiembre de 3301
  • The Truth about Emperor’s Dawn

    As the campaign against Emperor’s Dawn escalates, captured materials have revealed more about the group and its aims to destabilise imperial society.

    Reporters from a number of respected imperial newsfeeds, including the Imperial Herald, were invited to inspect some of the seized information. At first the reporters were surprised by how innocuous the material appeared. Taken at face value, it seemed to espouse beliefs and traditions supported by many throughout the Empire, despite the rather extreme tone. The propaganda became more sinister, however, when it elaborated on how these beliefs would ideally be enforced. Some of the items included speeches denouncing the Emperor and his ‘complicity in the erosion of tradition’. Elsewhere, demands were made to remove the Emperor so that someone more fitting could take his place. So far, nothing has been revealed about who the group considers a proper candidate for Emperor.

  • New Combat Fighter from Gutamaya Shipyards

    One of the defining characteristics of the Eagle Mk II is its peerless manoeuvrability, so when it was announced that the successor to the popular fighter would be less manoeuvrable than the ship it was replacing, eyebrows were raised. It seems, however, that there was little cause for concern, as while the new Eagle doesn’t quite rival its predecessor in terms of agility, it outclasses it in virtually all other respects.

    Not only is the new Eagle faster than its predecessor, with a top speed of 300 and a boost speed of 400, it is also has a superior combat profile, boasting advanced armour and shields, and with the small hardpoint of the Mk II replaced with a medium hardpoint. These new features are supported by an improved power plant, although these enhancements do of course mean extra weight, resulting in a base jump range of 10 LY.

    The other major change introduced with the new Eagle is that it has been manufactured by Gutamaya Shipyards rather than Core Dynamics, who produced the Eagle Mk II. The result, as one might expect, is a sleeker, more elegant vessel, albeit one that has retained the menacing profile of the earlier model. Additionally, the vessel has been produced specifically for the Imperial Navy, meaning that pilots will need to hold a rank of Outsider or above in the Imperial Navy to fly it.

    The Imperial Eagle is expected to retail at 110,825 CR.

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections (*).

    Here are 10 of the 2,033 minor factions holding elections:

    • Cordenet Citizens' Forum

    • Falendal Imperial Society

    • Revolutionary Party of Crevit

    • HIP 118321 Fortune Incorporated

    • Damona Comms Systems

    • Heidumani Electronics Organisation

    • Falendal Patron's Principles

    • LTT 14174 Limited

    • LTT 14174 Energy Systems

    • Workers of Harima Revolutionary Party

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • 9 de septiembre de 3301
  • Imperial Veteran Sceptical about Patreus’s Campaign

    Imperial senator Denton Patreus has taken a strong stance on Emperor’s Dawn, condemning the organisation and vowing to eradicate it from the galaxy, but responses to his statements have so far been mixed. Some have speculated that he is simply trying to curry public favour, while others have suggested he is attempting to draw attention away from his connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the emperor’s assassin.

    Now, the senator’s assertions have been questioned by a source from within the Empire itself - General Anthony Corvus of the Imperial Navy. In a statement given to the Imperial Herald, the general said:

    “We are clearly dealing with a well-organised and highly motivated cell organisation, and despite Denton Patreus’s optimism, in my opinion it is too early to make any predictions about its suppression. I have dealt with similar organisations in the past, and they can be surprisingly hard to extinguish. No sooner have you dealt with one cell, another appears somewhere else.”

    Senator Patreus was approached for a response to the general’s words, but declined to comment.

  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report typically covers some of the minor factions experiencing significant health issues, such as famine and outbreaks. At the time of writing, however, outbreaks have not been reported among any minor factions.

  • GalNet Weekly Powers Update Incoming

    In the early hours of tomorrow morning (7.00am GMT), the GalNet monitoring of powers’ activities will go offline for a short period while the latest data is assembled.

    Any pilots who operate for one of the powers must deliver any cargo or vouchers before this time to ensure their activities are registered.

  • 7 de septiembre de 3301
  • Chancellor Blaine Opens Senate Debate

    With the sombre echo of Emperor Hengist Duval still resonating throughout Capitol, the Senate reopened today to deliberate how the question of succession will be resolved. Chancellor Anders Blaine opened the discussion:

    “Without a clear line of succession, we have a solemn duty to decide who will rule the Empire in these fractious times. It is clear that our beloved Emperor wished for Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval to become heir and so, when the time came, become Emperor. That time has now come, but the law does not allow us to honour his wishes. Instead, we must follow the rules set out for us by centuries of law and tradition.

    “The Senate has one month to determine who will be the 16th ruler to sit on the Imperial throne. The candidate must be of royal blood or of royal marriage, and must have a clear majority backing of the Senate in the final count. The final tally will be taken on October the 5th.

    “Personally, I would urge the senators present to consider the Emperor’s intentions carefully. I knew him well, and I know that everything he did was for the good of the Empire.”

    The city has almost recovered from the massive influx of mourners, and the streets are once again clear of the press of humanity. Now the question on everyone’s lips is: who will be the next to occupy the Great Throne?