Noticias galácticas

  • 10 de agosto de 3301
  • Portrait of a Bounty Hunter

    Social historians sometimes have a tendency to focus on the rich and powerful, forgetting that the people who dwell on society’s margins can also have an impact on the shape of the galaxy. In this new series, we take a look at some of recent history’s less well-known figures, and shine a light on their unique achievements. Our first episode explores the life of the bounty hunter Ziva Eschel.

    Ziva Eschel began her career in the Federal State Police, spending ten years as a Viper pilot in the Beta Hydri system. She left the force shortly after she and her partner were imprisoned by the Judas Syndicate on the infamous Black Mausoleum. Eschel escaped with her life but her partner was executed, and, due to the unique status of the Mausoleum, the Beta Hydri authorities were unable to bring his killers to justice.

    After quitting the Federal State Police, Eschel acquired a lease on an old Sidewinder and began a career as a bounty hunter operating out of Beta Hydri. Her approach relied more on careful planning and preparation than flashy flying, but she nevertheless progressed to larger and more dangerous scores, upgrading her ships and finally settling on the Dragon Queen, a highly customised Fer-de-lance.

    Eschel is not a public person and has eschewed several invitations to syndicate her operations to ‘Federation’s Most Wanted’, but in police and bounty hunting circles she is known to be both cautious and dangerous, and also meticulous in adhering to the law – a rare trait in her profession.

    Eschel and the Dragon Queen were last seen heading for Jackson's Lighthouse, possibly in pursuit of the notorious Red Hourglass.

  • Where's Walden Now?

    Today marks 36 years since the last ‘Walden Day’, the annual celebration of the great leader across all four continents of Lave, where prefects, primes and factors would try to outdo each other with how much love they could show the planet’s ruler.

    Lave in 3301 does its best to forget the past. Years of relative prosperity and capitalist competition between the LFO, the Defence Party and the Workers of Lave reflect the different social classes of the planet’s regions. Each formed out of different parts of the old regime and its adversaries. But the question remains, what actually happened to Doctor Hans Walden?

    The holovid footage of his execution has been replayed countless times on hundreds of programmes. Some preach conspiracy, others see tampering, but most agree that Walden’s clone research, journals, and the numerous patents sold to Imperial contractors bearing his name point to his having experimented with the duplication of his own genetics.

    Since 3265, the government has released no evidence of hidden scientific laboratories on Lave or any of the plotted asteroids in the system. Rumours of a secret colony on Lave II have never been confirmed, either, but the rumours keep resurfacing. Yes, Walden was executed during a live vidscreen broadcast...but was that the only Walden? Could there be others, lurking out there on a nearby planet, waiting to return? If there are any clones left, forgetting the past won’t help us deal with the future.

  • GalNet Weekly Economic Report

    In this weekly digest, the latest GalNet data is compiled to show the economic state of a short list of minor factions and the star systems they inhabit*.

    Here are 10 of the 3,788 minor factions currently enjoying an economic boom:

    • Shenich Legal Solutions

    • Nijuna Company

    • Heheng Freedom Party

    • Labour of HR 244

    • LHS 221 Vision Systems

    • Koskit Company

    • Gongalungul Comms Organisation

    • 5 G. Capricorni for Equality

    • Ditian Imperial Society

    • Official V640 Cassiopeia Front

    When in boom, the wealth of the system is increased for the duration and all trade missions have double the effect on influence. Boom can also positively increase a minor faction’s influence. Boom can be entered by consistent trade profits and completed trade contracts. Booms tend to last until they naturally expire or until some other indicator takes precedence, such as famine.

    Here are 10 of the 54 minor factions experiencing an economic bust:

    • Values Party of BD+26 2184

    • New HIP 18187 Flag

    • Law Party of YZ Ceti

    • Tialocan Jet Raiders

    • Justice Party of AZ Cancri

    • Sosoling Purple Netcoms Network

    • HIP 19758 Empire Consulate

    • NLTT 12619 Confederacy

    • Forculus Ltd

    • Values Party of Jitani

    The wealth of a system diminishes while in bust and the minor faction’s influence is also lessened. The effect of trade contracts and actions do not contribute to boom while a bust is active. A bust generally has to run its course before ending.

    *Data is correct at time of publishing

  • Patreus Reacts Angrily to Crowd’s Taunts

    Some elements of the lower-level Imperial political scene have challenged Senator Denton Patreus to explain his connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the assassin responsible for the murder of the Emperor during the wedding ceremony with Florence Lavigny. Since the revelation of the assassin’s identity the senator has steadfastly refused to comment, but responded angrily to accusations from a vocal minority in the crowd outside the senate.

    “The notion that I might somehow be linked with the murder of our most loved Emperor is offensive. It does bring dishonour and shame upon me that a man in my employ could perform such a heinous act, but it was certainly done without my knowledge. The thought that I allowed such a man near his august presence torments me.”

    He also added that the full resources of his office were being made available to the officers in the investigation and that he would aid them in any way he could.

    More responsible commentators agree that the accusations are ridiculous. Speculation remains however as to why the man killed the Emperor and whether he was acting alone or for another party.

  • Pirates Defeated in Bast

    Official sources at Hart Station have confirmed that efforts to eliminate pirate vessels targeting medical supply ships in the region have been resoundingly successful. The Union of Bast Liberals, which placed bounties on the pirates, has stated that a total of 1,869 independent pilots helped to thin the bandits’ numbers, thereby allowing the much-need Cerberus antidote to reach systems affected by the disease. Consequently, the Cerberus Plague has been eliminated from the following systems:

    • Cantjarisni

    • Rajukru

    • HIP 10175

    • Amahu

    • Leerham

    • BD-11 4280

    • Louguala

    • Altair

    • 39 Tauri

    • Kamorin

    • Delta Phoenicis

    • Kappa Ophiuchi

    • Murung

    • LTT 14850

    • Gali

    • Cauani

    • LTT 6705

    • Watha

    • Asgaa

    • Svent

    A spokesperson from the Union of Bast Liberals said: “There are times when the words ‘thank you’ just don’t seem adequate. These pilots have saved literally thousands of lives, so, on behalf of all those they have helped, we want to offer our sincerest gratitude.”

  • 9 de agosto de 3301
  • Leaked Footage of Emperor’s Assassination

    In a move sending shockwaves of revulsion throughout the Empire, an independent newsfeed, Russell Networks, based in the Tulill system, has broadcast what is claimed to be a holographic recording of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval.

    Imperial networks are refusing to show the footage and all levels of imperial society are outraged at this insult to the Emperor’s memory. The recording’s authenticity hasn’t been confirmed, but it does clearly show someone who looks like Brendan Paul Darius attacking the Emperor. As the Emperor passes by Senator Patreus’ entourage Darius is seen to lunge from the group. He then stabs the Emperor several times with a blade and inflicting severe facial injuries until being taken down by the nearest guards. In it, others in Patreus’s entourage, including Senator Patreus himself, appear to move to try to stop the attacker, and do appear to be genuinely surprised and shocked.

    Chancellor Anders Blaine condemned the broadcast in a statement and refused to comment on its veracity.

  • The Reign of Emperor Hengist Duval

    In respect of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval the planned article for this week has been moved to next week so that historian Sima Kalhana relates some of the key moments from his life.

    Emperor Hengist Duval was the 15th in the Imperial Duval bloodline to lead the Empire and he saw a great deal of change in his comparatively short reign. He was born in 3163, only a few days before the death of his grandfather Hender Saik Duval. Some claim that the spirit of Hender had already passed to Hengist such were the similarities in looks and manner noted in Hengist’s later years.

    When his father, Hesketh Duval, died in 3233, Hengist assumed his place on the throne. The live broadcast of the coronation created an impression of a serene transition. However lurking beneath this appearance lay significant tensions. Most significant of which was the growing power of the Senate which had developed during the extended period of his father’s illness. A parallel with the situation with Hengist’s coma can be seen in recent months.

    At the start of his reign the cold war between the Empire and the Federation was starting to thaw, a process which continued for decades, although friction has recently resumed with the rise of certain powers like President Hudson and Senator Patreus.

    Hengist’s reign witnessed a major technological advancement with the introduction of the new frame shift drive. This sped up travel between stars systems and even inside systems by an incredible margin. It created a more quickly shifting political, military and commercial landscape as reacting or causing changing became much easier.

    Hengist fell ill early in 3300, and he managed to continue light duties throughout the first half of the year. His sickness worsened as the year progressed and during this time he remained in seclusion with only rare visits to the Senate. At the turn of 3301 he slipped into a coma. Many expected him to not awaken from the coma and it was a great surprise when he recovered several months later.

    Near the close of 3300, Hengist decreed that his only legitimate child, Harold (who is Aisling Duval’s unmarried father), was not of sound mind and so unfit for rule, and in any case had no legitimate children himself. Following this announcement Arissa Lavigny-Duval declared that she was the illegitimate child of Hengist. The Emperor supported this claim by announcing his forthcoming marriage with Arissa’s mother, Florence Lavigny, and was expected to formally adopt Arissa and cement her claim to the throne.

    With his murder and the marriage not completed the succession to the imperial throne is again not clear cut and many fear the potential instability this could cause to the Empire if not decided quickly after the Emperor’s funeral.

  • 8 de agosto de 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Expansion List

    Each week, GalNat presents a list of 10 of the 1,642 minor factions currently expanding into new systems*.

    • HIP 73293 Guardians of Tradition

    • Yembo Interstellar

    • Tapones Corp.

    • Jimai Noblement

    • New Hun Cruacoc Labour

    • Workers of Wintii Confederacy

    • Fu Haras Patrons of Law

    • Paemani Monarchy

    • Kupoli Fortune Limited

    • United Wang Dana Free

    Expansion occurs when a minor faction reaches a sufficient influence rating and there is a populated system within striking distance. The act of expansion is a costly one, and the wealth and development rating suffers during the period of expansion.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Millions Pay Respects

    Millions of senators, patrons, clients, citizens and slaves from across the Empire are making the journey to the Hall of Martyrs on Capitol in the Achenar system to pay their respects to the late Emperor. The queue to view the Emperor’s body already stretches several miles from the Imperial Palace, with the waiting time now measured in days. Naturally, senators, patrons and clients each have their own entrances.

    Palace officials have announced that the viewings will continue, at all hours, until the final funeral preparations begin on the eve of the funeral. Volunteers from the palace staff will aid the mourners and keep the line moving.

    The Imperial Naval Infantry will also be stationed along the ever-lengthening line – not because of security concerns, but to ensure the welfare of the waiting people. The population of the city swelled beyond normal capacity during the wedding celebrations, and the influx of mourners has pushed the city to bursting point. Along with the military deployment, local residents are providing those in the queue with food and drink.

    Those unable to make the journey to Capitol have created memorials in their own cities, starports and colonies, and are assembling to give their respects.

  • 7 de agosto de 3301
  • A Week in Powerplay

    After an exciting week it’s time for another report on the political manoeuvrings and struggles of the galaxy’s most prominent political players. Hostilities have flared up, so read on to find out who benefitted from the chaos and who has been a victim of it.

    Arissa Lavigny-Duval used this week to recover from the turmoil her administration had fallen into, with her supporters preparing several systems for expansion and undertaking widespread fortification throughout her space. This impressive defensive effort has assured Arissa’s rise to the #1 spot in the GalNet rankings, despite the successful enemy undermining of Cook and He Xingo.

    Aisling Duval has suffered an unexpected drop to #3 in the galactic rankings this week. An increase in hostile activity in Aisling’s space, and the successful enemy action in her system of Syntheng, has pushed her administration into turmoil. This downturn in the face of a relatively minor offensive on her space calls into question Aisling’s ability to maintain control over her rapidly growing sphere of influence.

    Zemina Torval has struggled in recent weeks, and her drop in rankings is certainly understandable. The Senator had her control of nearly half a dozen systems successfully undermined, and her only expansion attempt, in Mannoda, failed. While Torval’s resource reserves and her supporters’ impressive fortification efforts were enough to stave off turmoil, she will be facing a difficult week if the hostilities in her space continue.

    Denton Patreus has used the recent weeks to recover from the sharp drop in support his organisation has seen. With the Kumo Crew distracted and under pressure from Operation Davy Jones, and Federal corsairs focusing on Zemina Torval, the Senator’s forces surged ahead, rapidly expanding Patreus’ sphere of influence and securing a rise in the rankings for their ambitious leader. It remains to be seen if this impressive recovery can be maintained if Denton’s systems once again come under attack from his rivals.

    Zachary Hudson had a successful week. With expansion paused due to recent turmoil, his supporters completed an impressive fortification program throughout much of the President’s sphere of influence. This meant that only one of Hudson’s systems was successfully undermined by the enemy, and it gives the Federation politician an impressive reserve of resources to draw upon.

    Felicia Winters has had her space heavily infiltrated by enemy wings for weeks now, and her supporters always staunchly defended her systems. However, this past week saw a sharp increase in hostilities in the Shadow President’s powerbase, straining her modest forces. With her grip on much of her space undermined by rivals, Winters’ administration falls into turmoil, and it’s only through impressive effort from her supporters that just one of her systems is at risk.

    Edmund Mahon has shown that his organisation has the ability to grow stronger even in the face of extreme difficulties. The Alliance politician’s rise to #2 in the GalNet rankings is well earned this week, with his resilience to heavy hostile action attributed to a successful fortification program and a series of expansions into highly profitable systems in the recent weeks. While both of those factors give Mahon a good reserve of resources to draw on, his enemies successfully undermined eight of his systems in what likely heralds a period of increased hostility, likely to tax the rapidly expanding organisation.

    Li Yong-Rui’s Sirius Gov has retained its high galactic standing despite a sudden increase in attacks on its systems. While the ability of Li Yong-Rui’s supporters to withstand the added pressure is impressive, the successful undermining of two their systems and widespread hostilities throughout many of their border systems likely spell an end to a period of relative peace for the organisation. As tensions with Sirius’ neighbours flare up, the corporate government is sure to come under increased pressure from without.

    Archon Delaine and his Kumo Crew continue to defend against the Imperial offensive – dubbed ‘Operation Davy Jones’ – which is now in its fifth week. While the pirate lord’s grip on his claimed territory has been severely challenged, with one of his expansion attempts stopped in its tracks and his control over more than a dozen systems undermined, there is yet no victory in sight for his attackers. With a relatively small powerbase and key systems fortified against aggression, the Kumo Crew remains unbroken, having avoided falling into turmoil and even securing one new system, Kakmbuta.

    Pranav Antal has experienced an amazing surge in support in the recent weeks. Emboldened, his supporters claimed several new systems for Utopia, including Ewah, where a fierce battle with the local opposition forces took place. While attempts to claim the distant Sothis faltered and expansion into Lidpar was countered by staunch enemy action, it seems clear that Utopia will continue to grow at a quick pace. The one difficulty facing Pranav Antal’s organisation is somewhat lacklustre fortification efforts, which may expose Utopian systems to enemy action, should hostilities flare up.

    Commander Cadoc

  • GalNet Weekly Conflict Report

    This weekly transmission lists some of the systems currently in conflict around the galaxy, based on the latest data*.

    Here are 10 of the 13,044 minor factions involved in a civil war:

    • Callavs Inc

    • Sigma-2 Ursae Majoris Liberals

    • Ovimbundu Silver Universal Serv

    • Mafia of Zelano

    • Independent HR 1245 for Equality

    • HR 1245 Comms PLC

    • Catuncheim Gold Dragons

    • Catuncheim Confederation

    • Ye'kuapemas Dynasty

    • Ye'kuapemas Silver United PLC

    Civil wars occur between minor factions in the same system over ownership of major assets such as starports. During civil wars, only combat missions and activities help bring the conflict to a resolution. Security, development level and standard of living indicators all drop for the duration of the civil war.

    Here are 10 of the 2,393 minor factions at war:

    • Turot Creative Industries

    • Turona Crimson Universal Ind

    • Ao Kach Gold Boys

    • Coelrind Gold Mob

    • Mufrid Democrats

    • Citizen Party of Sekenks

    • Workers of Peng Free

    • Mulung Piri Noblement

    • Nanarilobo Jet Partnership

    • Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance

    Wars occur when a minor faction invades another star system. For the duration of the conflict, standard of living, wealth and security are all severely impacted. Combat missions and activities determine who wins the war. If no winner emerges, the war ends in a ceasefire.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Chancellor Blaine Issues Statement

    With no clear successor to the Emperor, Chancellor Blaine has accepted the task of governing the Empire until the succession has been determined. He reiterated his statement that the matter would be resolved after Emperor’s funeral. He then revealed more about the investigation into the regicide:

    “Officers from the Imperial Guard and Imperial Intelligence Security Service have begun their investigation and are being provided with the resources they need.

    “The assassin has been identified as Brendan Paul Darius. Senator Patreus has confirmed that the man was a member of his entourage, and the Senator is helping with the investigation. Darius killed the Emperor in a savage attack using a concealed blade, and a separate investigation has been launched to determine how he was able to sneak a weapon into the Emperor’s presence.

    “Darius was killed by the Emperor’s Guard during the attack, and we have as yet been unable to determine his motive for the murder.”

    For the remainder of the session, the gathered senators offered support and words of condolence to the Imperial family.

  • Children of Liberty call out Alliance Hypocrisy

    A group calling itself the 'Children of Liberty' has made a public statement concerning the Alliance and what they call its “rampant hypocrisy”. The group claims that a "huge gulf" exists between the Alliance's professed goals and values and the reality present in many of its member systems.

    "For an organization that purports to be devoted to the ideals of liberty and self-determination", the release stated, "the Alliance certainly tolerates a great deal of despotism and tyranny within its own borders. It's about time the Alliance addressed the rampant hypocrisy of allowing dictatorships – as well as other restrictive, undemocratic forms of government – membership into their supposed bastion of freedom and liberty."

    The statement went on to list a number of Alliance-sponsored autocracies in various systems, and called on the Alliance and its supporters to sponsor serious democratic reform in said systems by backing democratically-aligned factions over autocratic ones.

    Commander Virgil Kyle

  • 6 de agosto de 3301
  • Cerberus Plague Continues to Affect Starports

    Although a cure for the Cerberus Plague has been found, the disease has not yet been eradicated, and it continues to wreak havoc in certain systems.

    The following systems have been affected by the plague:

    • Cantjarisni

    • Rajukru

    • HIP 10175

    • Amahu

    • Leerham

    • BD-11 4280

    • Louguala

    In these systems, the following station services are unavailable:

    • Re-arming

    • Market

    • Bulletin board

    • Docking

    • Shipyard

    • Outfitting

    • Black market

    Authorities in these systems have reported that services will remain offline until the Cerberus Plague has been either contained or eliminated.

  • Fight Against Cerberus Plague Gains Ground

    The fight against the Cerberus Plague, which to date has claimed thousands of lives, appears to be gaining ground. Following the efforts of medical teams to deliver the antidote to systems affected by the disease, reports have reached us that the plague has been eradicated from the following systems:

    • Dajoar

    • Bastes

    • Maheou Ti-

    • Eleu-

    • Ochoeng

    • 20 Ophiuchi

    • Una

    • Santjalan

    • BD-02 4304

    • Chongguls

    • Xamentii

    • G 139-50

    Meanwhile, the effort to help those suffering from the disease continues.

  • Further Outbreaks of Cerberus Plague

    While medical teams across the galaxy work to deliver the Cerberus Plague antidote to systems affected by the disease, fresh outbreaks of the pathogen are appearing in other systems. According to recent reports, the following systems are currently affected by the Cerberus Plague:

    • Altair

    • 39 Tauri

    • Kamorin

    • Delta Phoenicis

    • Kappa Ophiuchi

    • Murung

    • LTT 14850

    • Gali

    • Cauani

    • LTT 6705

    • Watha

    • Asgaa

    • Svent

    Any independent pilots who wish to help are encouraged to eliminate the pirates targeting medical supply convoys in the Bast system. The Union of Bast Liberals is currently offering rewards to pilots who destroy these pirates.

  • Gutamaya Shipyards Reinstates Restrictions

    Last month, Gutamaya Shipyards temporarily lifted the rank-related restrictions on the Imperial Clipper and Imperial Courier, thereby allowing any independent pilot with an active rank in the Imperial Navy to purchase and fly one of the vessels. Following news of the Emperor’s assassination, however, Gutamaya Shipyards has decided to withdraw this offer, and to reinstate the default restrictions on all their ships.

  • GalNet Focus on Democracy

    This weekly roundup highlights some of the minor factions pursuing the dream of democratic freedom by holding elections*.

    Here are 10 of the 1,997 minor factions holding elections:

    • Bangwa Independents

    • United HIP 63530 League

    • Labour of Deiva

    • Krinbea Corporation

    • Krinbea Blue Transport Comms

    • Atuate Dynamic Co

    • Wilingura Natural Services

    • Ts'ao Hii Federal and Co

    • Ts'ao Hii PLC

    • Atung Mussa Purple Comms Ind

    Elections occur when two minor factions of a similar political structure resolve a conflict over ownership and influence within a system.

    *Data is correct at time of publishing.

  • Official Period of Mourning Begins

    Chancellor Anders Blaine held a press conference in front of the entrance to the Hall of Martyrs and declared the beginning of the official period of mourning for Emperor Hengist Duval:

    “It is my solemn duty to officially mark the first day of the four-week period of mourning for our beloved Emperor. As is customary, the body of the Emperor will be placed in the vestibule of the Hall of Martyrs for public viewing and the paying of respect.”

    The Chancellor refused to answer questions from the assembled reporters concerning the investigation into the assassination. When asked about the succession, he replied that the matter will be handled in the Senate once the funeral has taken place.

    Following tradition, the Chancellor and invited dignitaries wore the black sash of mourning. These will be worn throughout the mourning period and then burned during the internment ceremony.

    The Hall of Martyrs was constructed over 600 years ago following the victory against the Federation in the first conflict between the two superpowers. It is open to the public only during the mourning period of those who are to be entombed there. The vast and exquisitely crafted hall beneath the Imperial Palace contains 16,032 obsidian pillars, and only the most honoured members of Imperial society are laid to rest there.

  • 5 de agosto de 3301
  • GalNet Weekly Health Hotspots

    This weekly report indicates some of the minor factions enduring significant health issues such as famine and outbreaks*.

    Outbreaks have been reported by the following minor factions:

    • Rajukru

    • HIP 10175

    • Amahu

    • Leerham

    • Cantjarisni

    • BD-11 4280

    • Louguala

    Like famines, outbreaks cause a major disruption to the inhabitants’ standard of living. Resupply of medicines and related trade contracts are needed to end the outbreak. Due to the state of emergency combat missions and activities provide no effect on influence.

    * Data is correct at time of publishing.