Perfil de Damion_47 > Diario

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Diamondback Explorer
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Shields are a must.....

We're all guilty of it.... I know we are... Buy a new ship and outfit it to jump as far as possibly.... 26ly.... That's what i got my ship up to currently, and then I set off... 627 jumps on my way to the temple sector... about 100 jumps in I was getting sleepy............

Now I don't like to sleep while I'm drifting in space, so naturally I look for a landable planet to set down and set up camp for the night. Everything was fine and dandy, I knew I needed to land before I fell asleep in the chair and something terrible happened. i made my next jump, scooped the star to top off my tanks and took a look at the system map. I was in luck one landable planet in the system, I plotted a course and lined up, punching the throttle forward as my python pushed me back in the seat. After a few minutes we entered orbit, engaged glide and cruised down to the surface. When I came out of glide I was still 3km above the surface so I nosed down and throttled up to 50%, as I reached 1km I pulled the nose up, dropped the landing gear and panicked...... I was about to smack the ground HARD! Luckily I had remapped my landing controls just for a situation like this. Ground coming closer every second I fired the vertical thrusters at full power and pitched the nose at a 45 degree angle slamming the forward thrusters to max......

All i could do was pray.... Millions of credits in system data was on the ship... I have 500 some odd jumps left just to get where I want to go..... The ground rushing up, the ship screaming in protest as she fought the gravity that I failed to check before initiating landing sequence....

The 10 seconds it took me to fall out of the sky on that day seemed like 10 years, I knew I had no shields, I knew i was screwed.....

IMPACT............................ HULL INTEGRITY COMPROMISED........

I had bounced....... I have no idea how I managed to stay alive but I had... As soon as I had cleared the impact I shut everything down, floating a few meters above the surface I deployed a camera drone to check over the ship for damage o the landing gear. I found none present and eased the ship down for a less impactful landing...

4%........ Four Percent....... I could have been plastered on this planet and no one would have ever known or cared...... 4% saved me.... Back to the bubble... I need to repair, and get a shield generator......

o7 comanders! Damion, out.

Finally a Smart Decision

After skirting the outside of the permit locked area for two days I gave up, yes I gave up and traveled back to the bubble....

But I wasn't done exploring sure I spend most of my week days repairing old earth vehicles, but out here, out here this is peace....

So not quite enough credits for that anaconda yet but I think a few more days wandering the black will get me there! Maybe I'll make the jump to Hutton orbital and claim that free one everyone talks about ;)

Proof of Madness

Well..... As expected I didn't have enough fuel to make it even the ten light-years I needed to make the jump...

So I made the tactical decision to turn around before I got stuck in deep space with no fuel...

Well back on the right track, maybe...

I think I'll try to go up and over the exclusion zone and see where that gets me!

Unknown Permit Required

I made the plan to jump to the witch head nebula today and started plotting my course, every route I plotted failed so I went searching for the issue, and I found it in the name of the col 70 sector. I skirted this sector for hours till I found a spot 27ly apart, that's just 10 light-years over my 17ly jump range and I have plenty of fuel.... Hmmm I'm going to probably regret this....

The Black

What is this madness....

The journey into deep space was going to be quick this time, a day turn around tops. The Black had its own plan for me this time...

I think I'm going crazy, I started nodding off àt the controls tonight. I need a bigger ship, a ship with some crew would be nice. Maybe I could get some sleep if I had some crew...

Fell asleep after a scoop and flew deep into space, lucky I installed that extra fuel tank last time I was docked. I could have killed myself if I didn't get that transmission from my wife to wake me up in time...

I think it's time to set down on this planet and catch some rack time...

"Just in case" powers up shield generators